Mission EP1-KP expression pedal vs Ernie Ball Jr.

  • Hi, does anyone here have experience using the Mission EP1-KP expression pedal and Ernie Ball Jr. (with modded cable) with the Kemper?

    I am currently using a Ernie Ball Jr. with modded cable as my expression pedal for volume and wah and would like to know if the Mission pedal is worth spending some extra cash on. I prefer using only one expression pedal for simplicity sake and can see the extra switch on the Mission pedal becoming handy.

    I know about the obvious differences in the mechanism and that the Mission pedal have a switch added but would appreciate your experiences with these units.

  • Thanks

    I had the Mission pedal and quickly sold it. The reason was to me anyway I didn't like the extremely narrow sweep range of the pedal for volume swells. It was fine for wah effects though.

    Thanks, that is good advice, I enjoy the longer sweep as well. Currently I don't use alot of wah so am not at a big loss. Maybe I should try find a mission pedal locally to feel the sweep

  • Never heard of a modded cable, but I know the VP jr breaks the string eventually.
    The mission pedal is green, it works great, I have it. It's an expensive crybaby, but it works great.

    Tommyguitar, you basically just add a resistor between the tip and ring lugs inside the stereo jack going into the remote. This changes the range of the 250k pot in the Jr and brings it into the range accepted by the Kemper. It's a cheap solution for someone who recently changed from a traditional setup to a Kemper and requires no modification to the Jr pedal.

  • Tommyguitar, you basically just add a resistor between the tip and ring lugs inside the stereo jack going into the remote. This changes the range of the 250k pot in the Jr and brings it into the range accepted by the Kemper. It's a cheap solution for someone who recently changed from a traditional setup to a Kemper and requires no modification to the Jr pedal.

    Hello AdrianKe, this sounds helpful for me, too!
    I use tow Ernie Ball Jr 25K...
    would this little modification help me to get a better sweep for way and volume?
    And what kind of resistor is your recommendation?
    Best regards, Mario

  • Hello AdrianKe, this sounds helpful for me, too!I use tow Ernie Ball Jr 25K...
    would this little modification help me to get a better sweep for way and volume?
    And what kind of resistor is your recommendation?
    Best regards, Mario

    The acceptable impedance range of the Kemper is 10kOhm min and 100kOhm max. With the cable mine comes in at 24KOhm so the sweep will be similar.

    To answer your question, the "resistor cable" with the 27kOhm resistor will put your pedal out of range and not be usable. Whether a resistor will improve your sweep or not I don't have enough knowledge on this but the mission KP-1 uses a 10KOhm pot and I don't think you can lower the ohm value enough with resistors. (again, I have very limited knowledge)

    From my experience with the Jr, the sweep is good enough for volume swells but from my understanding of wah pedals it's too short. Seems like a trade-off between the short (wah) and longer (volume) sweeps.

  • I also find the Misson pedal perfect for wah, but I don't like the way it works for volume. The travel is too short and it doesn't sound as musical.

    Could this be a linear taper vs audio taper thing?

    From my understanding I think that is the exact issue, the Mission (like the Cry Baby) probably pick up quickly from heel position to middle and peaks with little difference at the end, this will make the sweep seem short. Volume is the inverse and gives you a slower perceivable hike from heal to mid position. I might be wrong here but thats how I understand it.

  • I am just using a VP Jr. in the normal configuration. Guitar into pedal. Pedal out into Kemper input.

    Thanks, I have mine going into the remote between the stomps and stack sections. Goining into the remote eliminates the noise that the pot can make from time to time when used in the signal path (scratchy pots)