Black version?

  • I'm not agree i think both are really great and originals !!

    I love this design a lot more than traditional rack.

  • Only for info: the design is exactly the same and the color scheme is the same as the Virus synth.

    I bought synths when i was young, spend tons of money with it and after having build a lot of zzzzzzzzzzoingggg boingggggggg i decided that it was a waste of money. I don't want to hear anymore someone talk to me about synths. lol
    (don't offer me a synth it will go to the garbage)

    By the way i don't think that it creates a synergy with the Virus.
    Most of guitarists don't care/like synths.

    So for me it's an error. I don't want to get a synth at all.

    Edited once, last by mba (March 22, 2012 at 3:07 PM).

  • Mine crashes quite often and unpredictably with my MFC101 midi controller, I had to switch rigs manually at rehearsal and 45 seconds seem like 45 minutes when you're supposed to be playing a solo in the middle of a song . I realise that this doesn't affect all users but Kemper confirmed that other MFC users are experiencing the same issues. The fact fact that a midi controller can crash a device in the first place makes the mind boggle but that's another story :)

    I havent tried my MFC, actually liking the downside to midimate mode I am in now. The all-access was fine too. But just as big as the MFC. I really dont need to volume pedal, but I should try to MFC. The only killer on the midimate is the pedal set to send a 0. KPA does NOT agree with sending it big ugly zeroes for a PC.

    Guitars-Lifeson Axcess Red, Lifeson Axcess Brown, Iced Tea Axcess stop tail, LRP Sig 57
    Amp-Axefx2, KPA, G5, GSP1101, RCF, QSC, Matrix, EHX-Mag44

  • I'd actually like a black one-because I have two of the white ones now-and struggle keeping them straight. Though nothing a big ugly sticker can't fix! I could see a more stealth mode color for stage. Not that those lights are terrible mellow. My drummer loves the lights.

    Guitars-Lifeson Axcess Red, Lifeson Axcess Brown, Iced Tea Axcess stop tail, LRP Sig 57
    Amp-Axefx2, KPA, G5, GSP1101, RCF, QSC, Matrix, EHX-Mag44

  • I bought synths when i was young, spend tons of money with it and after having build a lot of zzzzzzzzzzoingggg boingggggggg i decided that it was a waste of money. I don't want to hear anymore someone talk to me about synths. lol
    (don't offer me a synth it will go to the garbage)

    By the way i don't think that it creates a synergy with the Virus.
    Most of guitarists don't care/like synths.

    So for me it's an error. I don't want to get a synth at all.

    What about getting a beer? :D

    Was just telling that is kind of a tradition for Kemper and not time wasted in devt.

    Edit: BTW, first modeler? Made by synth people (Line 6 and Roland). First profiler ? Again synth people..... Not a bad track record.... :thumbup:

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Hmmm... looks like their (rumored) plans for a backmountable poweramp changed...

    What do you mean, that's exactly what this looks like....the poweramp is sitting inside the "hole" just as promised.
    The new backplate makes it a "do it yourself" job...seems like a brilliant idea to me.

    I wonder what happens if you remove the two little black plastic covers inside the existing you think there are 'connectors' there?

    Of course, we're speculating, guessing, we know nothing. :D

    Edited once, last by Guitartone (March 22, 2012 at 9:43 PM).

  • What do you mean, that's exactly what this looks like....the poweramp is sitting inside the "hole" just as promised.
    The new backplate makes it a "do it yourself" job...seems like a brilliant idea to me.

    Aaaahhh! Now I got it!
    Sorry, I thought it showed the black version with the back completely closed. :rolleyes:
    I didn't realize that it actually had the poweramp integrated in the back there!
    Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!! And totally neat looking...

    LOL, edited my original post! :D

  • so , will the first units (silver without power amp) be able to accepts the power amp ?
    i still have 2 days to send back my unit in the answer is NO .... :thumbdown:

    Total speculation.

    It looks like the back plate will fit both the black and silver units the same way.

    This might be a prototype and months away from implementation...or maybe we;ll get to buy them sooner, who knows? :)