New hardware Idea. Flat response profiling pack.

  • So I love my kemper. I find it incredibly easy to use. But one thing I keep reading is how rigs take on not only the tone of the amplifier but the pickups as well as the mic used for making the profile. So I am wondering how easy would it be for kemper to create a Profiling pickup and a profiling mic. Both would be designed for a flat frequency response as to no color the sound of the profile. Or at least to have a minimal effect.

    As for the pickup I'm thinking something like a fluence that was designed to have no character at all. But a traditional pickup would mean you would need a dedicated guitar for just doing profiles as pickup swaps are not very easy. So I thought what about some type of stick on pickup like a roland synth pickup that would stick on the guitar. Another idea I had was possibly not a guitar at all. But maybe an electronic device that would provide the input signal with a predetermined profiling plugin removing even the players picking style out of the equation.

    Maybe I am just dreaming. I'm not even sure how much these elements effect the tone. I just noticed that a profile I tried out the other day sounded way too hot and I noticed it was created with EMG's. It sounded awesome. But I thought maybe for the real purists there might be new hardware that could be created that would remove as much equipment from the signal chain as possible.

    The same would go for a mic. Though maybe the mic isn't so important as its position. Any thoughts?

  • The pickup has no influence at the profiling stage. Of course, you set your amp to sound good with whatever guitar and pickups you are playing through it before profiling, but that's where the guitar/pickup influence stops.
    As for microphone influence, Direct Amp profiles will rectify that.

  • The pickup has no influence at the profiling stage.

    Please correct me if I'm wrong, but during the creation of a profile you will most likely refine a profile with your guitar, and I always thought that guitar-pickup-combination must have an impact on the final tone? I could be totally misinformed, though :D

  • Its good to know that it really doesn't matter then. I just read a lot of peoples opinions on the kemper and I have run across a few times now people saying they don't like that the pickup has an impact on the profile. I also saw Keith Merrow talking about how he finds that sometimes he cant get some profiles to sound good because the kemper takes all things into account including the pickups. Either way I learned a couple new things that will help me get better tones. So thanks everyone.

  • Its good to know that it really doesn't matter then. I just read a lot of peoples opinions on the kemper and I have run across a few times now people saying they don't like that the pickup has an impact on the profile. I also saw Keith Merrow talking about how he finds that sometimes he cant get some profiles to sound good because the kemper takes all things into account including the pickups. Either way I learned a couple new things that will help me get better tones. So thanks everyone.

    Just read the profiling manual. It talks about the process in there.

  • Just read the profiling manual. It talks about the process in there.

    I have done just that. And in doing so I was actually surprised to see both of these statements.

    "Since the Profiler sends its own test-tones into the reference amp during Profiling, it should be obvious that the sound of your guitar isn’t part of the result. The Profiler is designed to react to any guitar in an identical way to the reference amp that was profiled"

    "The refining process is actually independent of the type of your guitar. It is about adapting the distortion characteristics, as well as polishing the attack and dynamic response. The resulting Profile will act and respond accurately no matter what guitar or pickup you use."

    This has led me to believe that Keith Merrow as well as many other users of the kemper have not read the manual either. :D