Anyone use a XiTone Michael Britt with a closed back?

  • I have my FRFR choice narrowed down to a Yamaha DXR10 and a XiTone Michael Britt with a closed back. As I mostly use Michael's profiles for everything but metal and punk, so I'm sure I'll like it for everything else. I can't find many reviews for this, though, so I was wondering how it would handle metal and punk, using a closed-back option, and if the cleans/edge of breakup still sound good with the closed back. I only use six string guitars and the lowest I tune is drop D flat, so I'm much concerned with low-end tightness than the ability to go super low. Thanks!

  • I use my convertible open/closed back one closed most of the time and it's as tight or tighter than any 1x12" cab or FRFR I've used.

    I am a Profile Whore... Sometimes a Recovering Profile Whore...
    but mostly a Complete and Utter Profile Whore... I want them all... aCk!!! 8|:love:

  • I use my convertible open/closed back one closed most of the time and it's as tight or tighter than any 1x12" cab or FRFR I've used.

    Thanks for the info, Glide. I'm guessing it was you I messaged on another forum, and I appreciate the info.

    Isn't the XiTone Michael Britt monitor/cab convertible, as standard...or is that an extra option?

    The XiTone Mbritt has a port that can be sealed. I've never had a ported amp or cab, but I'm almost certain that the MBritt cab with the port plugged is what I need. I'm also looking at the Gemini 1, as well, but I'm not sure that I can justify the extra cash when the XiTone looks exactly like what I'm looking for, on paper.

  • I just looked at the XiTone MBritt cab. I wouldn't call that a "port", in the sense of the term used in pro audio speakers/monitors. It is a half open, in which the open mesh vent can be replaced with a solid panel, making it a closed back. I suppose there could exist port(s) in the front, behind the grill cloth...but if they exist, it is not apparent from the pictures, or the features description on the page.

    By the way, for the record, I own the XiTone 1x12 passive wedge, and I couldn't recommend XiTone more highly. Mick is great to work with, and his products are absolute top notch in quality. :thumbup:


  • I just looked at the XiTone MBritt cab. I wouldn't call that a "port", in the sense of the term used in pro audio speakers/monitors. It is a half open, in which the open mesh vent can be replaced with a solid panel, making it a closed back. I suppose there could exist port(s) in the front, behind the grill cloth...but if they exist, it is not apparent from the pictures, or the features description on the page.

    By the way, for the record, I own the XiTone 1x12 passive wedge, and I couldn't recommend XiTone more highly. Mick is great to work with, and his products are absolute top notch in quality. :thumbup:


    From talking to Mick, my guess is that what is shown on the website may be an older model. @lonestargtr said that it had a removable back, but Mick said that the newest version had a "removable port cover" in an email. I've never had a ported cab, but I do have a cab with a removable back panel, so maybe I'm just over-analyzing the semantics. @GLiDE-BPM may be able to answer the question, since he has a newer model of the cab.

    You are right about Mick though. He has been very honest, thorough, and helpful, so far.

  • Here are a couple of pics of my newest cab from Xitone. This has the new Dayton amp and the removable port. I went with green metal grill and handles for this one. Sounds great.

    [Blocked Image:]
    [Blocked Image:]

    Great picks, Michael. So, is your signature cab "ported" (as in bass reflex "ports"), or not? Doesn't matter to me either way, but I guess the question has been raised.


  • I guess now there are two versions of the cab, the original non ported one with the Matrix amp and now the new version. I think Mick was having trouble getting enough of the Matrix amps to fill orders so he sourced the new amp in an effort to get cabs to people without as long a wait (although I hear he's backordered again on amps). He had made a removable port for another customer, so when it came time for me to order a second cab, I got the new version with the Dayton amp and the removable cover. That's the problem with my gear being buried in an equipment trailer all summer, I kinda need two of everything. While I originally commissioned it because of the open back feature, I've been using the new cab closed back on the road the past few weeks. I will probably try it again open back soon. There are different modes for keeping the cab FRFR with or without the port cover. Hope this helps.

    Here are a couple of pics of my newest cab from Xitone. This has the new Dayton amp and the removable port. I went with green metal grill and handles for this one. Sounds great.

    [Blocked Image:]
    [Blocked Image:]

    M Britt Profiles -
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • @lonestargtr, Thanks for sharing the pics! Looks great! I would call that a removable panel, and not a port. When I think of a port, I think of a little circular thing. That looks like it would be just as good as a closed back, to me.

    Mick told me that the amps were backordered until late October. The amp in your pics doesn't appear to have a fan in it, like the one on the website does. I wasn't aware that he used multiple amp vendors. Did you have a preference between the Matrix and Dayton amp?

    I'm almost certain that this would be the best fit for me, but I'm not sure if I can stand waiting until November. I'm half tempted to get a DXR10 and order the XiTone, with the intention of selling the DXR10 when I get the XiTone. I have a feeling that this would just end up with me having something else taking up space, though. Plus, between the Kemper and the profiles, I've spent way more money than I should have on my midlife crisis =)

  • Mine's the same as Mike's... minus the newer Dayton amp and the green colored handle. LoL

    There has never been a small port regardless of what Mick called the removable back. I think I was the second person to purchase a "convertible" because when I inquired about having one custom made he said something like "it just so happens that I did one for a guy right before you contacted me".

    Mick described what he did and sent me a bunch of pics he had taken of the other one before shipping it out.

    My Matrix amp had a cold soldered capacitor so I had to remove the amp module and ship it to Matrix for warranty repairs. It has not skipped a beat at a gig nor at home cranked to insane volumes that I can only turn up to at home. Hehehehe...

    Then there's the little strange thing about mbritt profile hoarding...... LoL!

    I am a Profile Whore... Sometimes a Recovering Profile Whore...
    but mostly a Complete and Utter Profile Whore... I want them all... aCk!!! 8|:love:

  • ... and both my KPA and Helix sound GREAT through the Xitone... my other guitarist is seriously considering going full digital now as well. He's tired of watching me change tone colors like a guitar chameleon every night we play without having to tote heavy stuff nor pump stage volume to dual 4x12 levels in order to get responsive and dynamic tones.

    I'm a recovering/born again tube snob. LoL!!!!!!!!

    I am a Profile Whore... Sometimes a Recovering Profile Whore...
    but mostly a Complete and Utter Profile Whore... I want them all... aCk!!! 8|:love:

  • Does anyone have any information or knowledge of the Dayton Amp modules? I checked their site, but it is unclear if they actually build the Class D amplifier module, itself. I presume that the amp module is an OEM part, which they integrate into their plate amp chassis.

    Just curious.


  • ... and both my KPA and Helix sound GREAT through the Xitone... my other guitarist is seriously considering going full digital now as well. He's tired of watching me change tone colors like a guitar chameleon every night we play without having to tote heavy stuff nor pump stage volume to dual 4x12 levels in order to get responsive and dynamic tones.

    I'm a recovering/born again tube snob. LoL!!!!!!!!

    Agreed. And for those who have a powered KPA (like me), I highly recommend XiTone's passive FRFR monitors.

  • All I know is you can buy Dayton ones that look like MBritt's from Parts Express. They have them in several crossover frequencies there. Not sure if Mick's able to custom tailor the 5 DSP EQ modes/presets or not on the Daytons.

    I am a Profile Whore... Sometimes a Recovering Profile Whore...
    but mostly a Complete and Utter Profile Whore... I want them all... aCk!!! 8|:love:

    Edited once, last by GLiDE-BPM (August 18, 2017 at 2:48 AM).

  • All I know is you can buy Dayton ones that like MBritt's from Parts Express. They have them in several crossover frequencies there. Not sure if Mick's able to custom tailor the 5 DSP EQ modes/presets or not on the Daytons.

    I noticed that, as well. I am all set, on my end, because I am rocking an IcePower / Bang & Olufsen 600W Weapon of Total F'n Destruction, Audio Chaos, and General Urban and Suburban Mayhem...nicely built into my KPA PowerRack by the kind and pacific people of Kemper GmbH. :D

  • I

    Just ordered the XiTone MBritt. Anyone got a time machine I can borrow to jump forward a few months?

    Even though the backorder time sucks, Mick was awesome to deal with. He was prompt, thorough, honest and very informative.

    I know what you mean!! I think Mick is a bit backed up. Tomorrow will be 9 weeks since I ordered a custom Xitone 4×12" cabinet. Hard to wait!!