I almost drank the kool-aide

  • Any group tends to have tendencies towards "otherizing" people who are perceived to be outsiders.

    Some do this with people who are (also) critical of kemper. I've seen this first hand, way too much, depending on the medium. People tend to tie some sense of self worth to a piece of gear; and it rolls on from there. Kemper users do it, axe users do it, users of tube amp A do it.

    And some do the opposite:: they "otherize" those who don't have any criticism of kemper. I have not experienced this nearly as much on here than the first group, something understandable considering this is a kemper forum. In plenty of occasions, here and elsewhere, I have argued against such "absolutist" views.

    About "golden ears": some of us do have better ears. It's just a fact. This is often an accusation here against people who say they hear differences between kemper and real amp. Most of my family are professional musicians from classical world and they most definitely can hear things (and be bothered by things) that others do not.

    It's not much different in the guitar world. And I've never accused anyone for the opposite of "golden ears" either. I've just had this grand accusation of "golden ears" thrown at me a million times, ears I don't even think I have.

    I do not say much at all about kemper from a critical standpoint anymore, because it's a "done" issue for me in any way. If I will do a test it will not appear here but be published through my own medium. If I get an email or comment I feel is written with an inquiring intention then I will reply in detail; if not, well, usually, the test itself will speak about the gear in question, whatever the result may be.

  • Also I do not think the solution (not saying the OP says it is) is lack of criticism. If one is happy with kemper, criticism shouldn't make them sell it...

    Additionally it's great you did the profiling for yourself and are happy with the results.

  • Also I do not think the solution (not saying the OP says it is) is lack of criticism. If one is happy with kemper, criticism shouldn't make them sell it...

    Additionally it's great you did the profiling for yourself and are happy with the results.

    You are right and its a huge mental fault of mine. Its like when you work a job and your content and happy with it,but a new person starts and everyday talks about how bad it sucks, its a negative influence, and as said before as humans we do gravitate towards negativity than positivity, so eventually you start to feel like the job sucks. The golden ears comment i made shouldnt of been made, I just have seen for years whether its a fractal axefx to a marshall tube amp people use terms of cocked wah, fizzy ect these became buzz words. Its like the mesa boogie dual rectifiers people all day long their fizzy, muddy, on and on but they will listen to a band and love the tone until they find out its a dual recto on the album. As a new user I look to veterans for guidance and advice and yes their opinions matter, but it seems recently the board got very negative and I finally had to think about it long and hard. My thoughts am I going to be 4 years down the road and all the sudden unhappy and hear things or find things that are true thats being said? Should I jump out while I still can? Then I thought how many bad reviews have I read and have countlessly proved them wrong cause maybe I used a different cab, guitar, or spent more time with settings. It just becomes a bad mental set when there is a lot of on going complaining about one topic. My post was suppose to be a positive twist on this.