Best Option for Switching live?

  • I've been eyeing the Remote for months now, but I think it has too much going on for what I need, and am looking for something a bit simpler. I mainly just need to be able to switch between a main rhythm tone, a lead tone and possibly a third "overdub" tone. I've been looking at the Boss FS-6 which could scroll up/down in rigs, as well as the Tech 21 Midi Mouse, which seemingly would do the same thing, but via midi. Few things I'm wondering: would either be a better solution over the other (ie: does latching work better/worse than midi with the kemper?) would the Kemper be able to power the midi mouse via phantom power?

    Thanks for your help!

  • I thought so too but then I bought the remote and I will really never miss it again. Try it, you wont regret it. Had the Midi Mouse before with the Bias Amp and its not that comofrtable

    Time is like a prison cell for those whose crime is loneliness

  • If you only need two switches, perhaps you can get a simple dual momentary footswitch with a TRS cable, and plug that into one of the controller jacks. I used the footswitch from my old Behringer V-Amp, works great.

    The Kemper footswitch is spendy, but is an impressive piece of gear. I resisted buying one for a year and used a FCB1010/Uno4Kemper, but the Kemper footswitch is better and worth the money. Super easy to use, very versatile, and gives a ton of info in a display on the floor where you need it.

    I don't think the Kemper provides power over midi.

  • Kemper also do a dual switch ( which I didn't reliase). I have this and the remote....I use the dual switch for rehearsals as its easier to transport and the remote is for me ideal for live.

    I use about 4 sounds but having instant access to the tuner, clear display of what patches you have and the endless possibilities with effects to me makes it ideal.

    I also had the FCB1010 and its good but you need to dual midi cables to get the most out of it plus power.

    If you can afford it, go for the remote, single cable, quick to set up, endless flexibility and you can add expression pedals if you want..

  • I too resisted the Kemper Remote, used a few other MIDI footswitches and finally purchased the Kemper Remote.
    And... I totally agree with the others; just go and buy one. The integration is superb, it's very flexible and setting up patches / performances is a breeze. No messing with MIDI numbers or controllers, no mapping to do, it just works.

  • Thanks for the feedback everyone!

    I use boss F6, simple, built like a tank, no midi headache, just a trs cable and a 9v battery that last forever and, finally, it's quite cheap and you can find it even second hand).

    Great, thanks for your feedback. I think I'll pull the trigger on one of these then. Cheers!