Kemper In-ear users?

  • Hi guy's,

    When I go in-ear I find that the level of my leadsound (When it's good in the room) is to loud on my ears... (not a Kemper issue btw, also had It with my pod). When I set my IEM to nice volume for my lead, I almost can't hear the rythm sounds....

    Does anybody recon this and has a solution? Will a mixer with compressor do the trick (I tried this but no great results yet...).


    EBMM Luke Black Sparkle | EBMM Luke Luke Blue | Gibson Les Paul Standard 2008 | Fender Eric Johnson Stratocaster

  • Okay... I will see how I can manage that tonight...
    My profiles are all on another volume to match each other. So I guess I'll have to first level my leadsound with the rest and then add 3db to it with the channel volume?

    EBMM Luke Black Sparkle | EBMM Luke Luke Blue | Gibson Les Paul Standard 2008 | Fender Eric Johnson Stratocaster

  • How did you accomplish that? I have huges volume diffrences, adapting clean sence / gain(?) sence wasn't much of a diffrence....

    EBMM Luke Black Sparkle | EBMM Luke Luke Blue | Gibson Les Paul Standard 2008 | Fender Eric Johnson Stratocaster

  • So I've had this fun tango of getting IEMs and the Kemper to play nice. Some tips I picked up along the way that made the IEM experience awesome!:

    • Unlink the main out from the master volume (this way you can keep it locked somewhere around -15 or -20 which gives the FOH plenty of volume without too much.
    • My personal setup is to set both main outs to mono and send one to FOH and one into the IEM mixer. Volume can be dialed from the IEM mixer. If this is't a good option using the headphone out or monitor out.
    • Use Performance mode, setup slots with your clean, rhythm, lead and other sounds. Switch between them and adjust the "volume" (not master) to taste and save.
    • High gain through IEMs was terrible for me, I got around this by doing some HP and LP EQs after the stack as well as some notching.

    All in all the IEM solution is much better for me with the Kemper than it was before the Kemper. It took about 3 frustrating weeks of tweaking things to exactly what I wanted. The above bullet points are the highlights of what I did to get my setup sounding good to my ears. Of course your mileage may vary and you may want something a bit different, but having gone through that pain myself I wanted to throw out my gotchas in hope of helping save the same hassles I had.

  • So I've had this fun tango of getting IEMs and the Kemper to play nice. Some tips I picked up along the way that made the IEM experience awesome!:

    • Unlink the main out from the master volume (this way you can keep it locked somewhere around -15 or -20 which gives the FOH plenty of volume without too much.
    • My personal setup is to set both main outs to mono and send one to FOH and one into the IEM mixer. Volume can be dialed from the IEM mixer. If this is't a good option using the headphone out or monitor out.
    • Use Performance mode, setup slots with your clean, rhythm, lead and other sounds. Switch between them and adjust the "volume" (not master) to taste and save.
    • High gain through IEMs was terrible for me, I got around this by doing some HP and LP EQs after the stack as well as some notching.

    All in all the IEM solution is much better for me with the Kemper than it was before the Kemper. It took about 3 frustrating weeks of tweaking things to exactly what I wanted. The above bullet points are the highlights of what I did to get my setup sounding good to my ears. Of course your mileage may vary and you may want something a bit different, but having gone through that pain myself I wanted to throw out my gotchas in hope of helping save the same hassles I had.

    I did already onlinked the master volume,
    but, I don't want to set to mono since I love stereo delays ;(
    I recognize what you say about high gain sounds.... is HP en LP highpass/low pass? How did you set them up, and does this influance the FOH sound? You do sent de same signal to FOH as to IEM.

    EBMM Luke Black Sparkle | EBMM Luke Luke Blue | Gibson Les Paul Standard 2008 | Fender Eric Johnson Stratocaster

  • I had also an unpleassant start when switching to in ear. I tried following the hint of a band mate, he said "it sounds different because you really hear how it sounds"...;-)

    It was shortly after the morphing feature was introduced, so I reworked my Rigs to sound good via IEM. Also I moved to morphing as my "lead sound generator".

    I use 15 Rigs in performance mode for all my bands and it took me about 3 hours to set up copies to the new method, none of the rigs has a lead boost more that 3db.
    I had no complains on rehearsals and after the first gig the Mixer Guy said that my sound improved and that he almost had no job to level my guitar signal during the gig - so I heard how it sounds...

    Long story short; I also recommed to work on more than just level. Morphing does the trick to add little more effects, change EQ and to increase volume a little bit and to switch with a press of one button (I should mention that I use the Kemper Remote...). IMHO thats better than trying to catch a signal via compressor or limiter.

  • My example may not work for most, but I'm using IEMs from the headphone jack (nice stereo sound) and running the band monitor signal into the Kemper alternate input. This band monitor feed needs to be everything except your guitar to make sure you don't get any phasing issues. Then blend band monitor and guitar signal in the output menus.

    For leads I am boosting the Kemper main output from my foot controller (liquid foot) via NRPN messages.
    Nice simple 3db boost, doesn't change anything in the headphone signal but adjusts the signal to FOH. Also this doesn't take up another FX slot on the Kemper. I have to make sure that when I send levels to FOH during setup that I'm sending the boosted level so no surprises.

    Works great.

  • Hey DML, I am using Shure SE315 IEM's...
    I started out with a very cheap pair and noticed a huge difference in these, they're superb, although there are probably better ones… Any ideas?

    I'm using Ultimate Ears UE11pro (for now). That's a huge difference from universal fit in-Ears like your Shure SE's.
    After the holidays I'm going to order Westone ES50's.

  • DML, yes, absolutely… I have heard those are amazing but theyre way out of my 'willing to spend' price range…
    I would love to have a pair!

    Are you using a wireless beltpack with your IEM's? If you do so and it is a Sennheiser G3, you can adjust the EQ on the transmitter. So you don't have to mess around on the Kemper's settings.

  • I wasn´t quite sure if i should open a new thread or just post it here …

    I wonder of anyone had tried an „ambient“ InEAR system like this one:…bient-processor
    or this one:

    What the manufacturers say sounds somewhat like this:

    „The proprietary binaural microphone system we embed in our custom silicone earpieces captures the ambient on-stage audio in full surround, just like a pair of ears. That ambient signal is sent to a bodypack mixer, where it is combined with the monitor mix, controlled by the user.
    When using the 3D, guitarists can hear their amps directly.

    Looks quite interesting. The problem as with all custom InEARs: its difficult to test before buying.

    Anyone tried a system like this?


    or this one:

    Anyone tried a system like this?

    Yes, I have the acs live ambient pack. It works fine for me.
    During the show I turn ambiance off, though. In breaks you can leave your inear in ear and just turn the ambiance Miks on...
    I run them with the Behringer pm 16, which has EQ etc. I didn't try it with the kemper, yet...

    stay tuned... :thumbup: