Blueamps Beast or Spark, Stereo in one cab or seperate cab?

  • Guys I need your advise.
    Try to find the best cab for Kemper to recreate the feel and sound of hi-gain tube amp + cab when playing live with a band.
    and still not losing FRFR advantage of Kemper possibilities.

    I hear very good comment about Blueamps powered cab, Especially the Spark ans Spark stereo.
    I don't hear much about the Beast model of Blueamps, do someone can telling more about that model?
    Beast vs Sparks?
    I also hear the Blueamps working on an powered stereo model of the Beast, does someone know about it?
    Better to be separated cab for Stereo or Blueamps all in one perform very well?

    Mission Gemini 2 (powered stereo model), how it compare vs Blueamps?

  • Hi Michel,
    i use a BlueAmps Camper 112, mono, great little active box!
    I used a Dynacord Monitor (AXM12) for 3 years, but with the BlueAmps Box it´s just like a tube amp... round, fat, and loud... since 4 months, I´m really happy!
    So try it... it´s great value!
    Just wanted the box, cause I often use acoustic guitars with the Kemper aswell...

    Best regards,