rig exchange upload

  • I was posting some of my rigs to rig exchange and somehow uploaded all of them at one time :( LOTS of direct profiles and a few studio.

    I posted here because i no longer have access to the free rigs sections.

    sorry for posting all at once in rig exchange i was going to post them a few everyday for the next week. hope you all like the profiles!!!

    BE CAREFUL PLEASE!! some profiles came out very loud and some friedman pedal profiles are very bass heavy. let me know if you like any.

    :D .


  • Thank you, Lash.

    You can level the volumes of the Profiles this way, according to the manual:

    If you feel that any of the Rigs sound particularly loud or soft, check to see if there is an active effect causing theproblem. In particular, check the individual volume settings of the active effects, in case they are boosting orattenuating the sound.

    If you can’t pin it on an effect, then it might be the Profile itself differing from unity gain. In this case, adjust theparameter “Volume” available in both Amplifier as well as Cabinet Module until the Rig sounds at the correct level.Be sure to store the Rig afterwards, if you want the volume change to be permanent for that specific Rig.

  • Still, if you don't want folks to be shocked / surprised by wildly-varying levels, it might be an idea to level the volumes to something akin to what's already up there and re-up them.

    I know Kemper would appreciate it; they're very-keen on the RE's being of the highest quality possible even 'though much of what's up there is home-brewed.

  • Gotcha monkey man, but It was an accident uploading all my profiles I was only going to upload the good ones but somehow copied all over. I was unable to remove them as well. Is there a way to remove them?

  • Gotcha monkey man, but It was an accident uploading all my profiles I was only going to upload the good ones but somehow copied all over. I was unable to remove them as well. Is there a way to remove them?

    Yeah, I caught myself out once by uploading a tweak of something Authored by someone else, and couldn't find a way to remove it. I panicked, thinking I was going to get into trouble with Kemper, so I started a thread in order to seek answers.

    It turns out that the option's right there where you uploaded 'em. I can't remember what it was right now, but as is the case for deleting conversations (PM's - you mark them and choose "Leave" as there's no "Delete" tab), It must've been unintuitive or blindingly-obvious for me to have missed it.

    It's either a tab labelled in a manner you wouldn't expect or you simply choose to "manage" your Rigs or something. I think deleting them from your private pool on the site might be all you have to do. As I said, it's not something I'd have expected, whatever it is. Have a fiddle and you'll figure it out. If I'd been told what I've just told you I'd have stumbled across it for sure; just knowing that the option's there.

    OK, I uploaded a dummy Rig to find out for you.

    Choose "My Rigs" from the drop-down menu under your user name top-right of screen.

    Each uploaded Rig has "Name", "Amp", "Cabinet" and "Created" fields, as they appear on the site's Rig-exchange list.

    In addition to these there's a "Public" field under which the Rigs you've chosen to make public are ticked. To the right of this, on the far-right side, the heading, "Edit Actions" is located. Under it are 3 options: Edit Rig, Download Rig and Delete Rig. Choose "Delete Rig".
