New Kemper Owner- Not too impressed, useable

  • They paid my Kemper so I could learn about it ,come here to share profiles, promote a Spanish comunity, rehearsing, gigging and recording during 5 years and half so I can have some arguments to destroy it! :P

    Ok. It's enough to my. I'll win a grammy to have the experience needed to discuss about guitar tone here and I'll come back!

    Enjoy your gear kids!

    You don't need a grammy or experience, but it might be useful having a kemper itself that you sold but still come here to dump on it. Is it hard to imagine that this can be seen like this. So you think Kemper is NOT good enough, so you must you really continue to post to convince others that you were right? If you're confident in your decision, who cares how the Kemper fan boys love their kemper, why should that bother you or any one else for that matter.

  • You don't need a grammy or experience, but it might be useful having a kemper itself that you sold but still come here to dump on it. Is it hard to imagine that this can be seen like this. So you think Kemper is NOT good enough, so you must you really continue to post to convince others that you were right? If you're confident in your decision, who cares how the Kemper fan boys love their kemper, why should that bother you or any one else for that matter.

    As you can read in my previous post, that is not my intention.

    I don't want to convert to you. All I'd like is to see some of those issues fixed, use my Kemper for everything and sell some of my amps.
    I can perfectly understand that the Kemper is awesome for 99% or their owners and during 5 years and half i have convinced many guitarist to buy one. Visit, find the Kemper thread, with 350 pages. I started that thread on January 2012 and has activity almost every day. You will find me there helping users and sharing my profiles and experience on every page.
    So please don't use that dirty strategy and try to kick me out of here.

    I'll stop here because all you want is that someone bans me and we are completely off topic now.

  • It has been two weeks (July 17th) since we last heard from the OP.

    Guys, thanks for all your replies- some valid points from either side. Ultimately, for me the most important thing is how it sounds. And that pat hasn't convinced me. I'm going to profile my own amp to really be able to A/B between them. But i'm afraid i'm gonna hear the same thing that bugging me on all the other profiles, but who knows it could be an a ha moment

    I am hopeful he posts back with his findings, whenever that is possible.

  • great...wish you had a profile for it...!

    weeell i profiled the pedal itself already but i lacks the poweramp sound ... but hmmm maybe i add some more profiles made with this pedal+ poweramps and amps ... but overall it is not expensive with my poweramp profile and the real pedal the sound would be exactly the same…gIbzbnsdea?dl=0

  • Perhaps Kemper would have a better change succeeding in profiling if it had more "probing" points than the current two. For example a probing point after the pedals, after pre amp, after power amp and after the miked speaker cab.
    Or how about if the current version of KPA could first profile after pedals, then after pre amp etc. and then Kemper would "know" which part of distortion is being produced at which point in the whole signal chain, a little bit like KPA separates the cab section by subtracting the Direct Profile from the Studio Profile?

    Edited once, last by citizengain (July 31, 2017 at 10:49 PM).

  • Wow, man, this one obviously did hit home!

    I did not expect such an answer lacking politeness and moreover lacking reason. If you think you can break down the first syllogism, well, be happy trying it.
    And, cool down a bit. I didn't mean no harm.

    If we are going to do philosophy, I can break down why this "logic" doesn't add up, including straw man and uncharitable interpretations.

    But that's not very interesting for me here. It will involve 1) a lot of text 2) detail the thread and 3) I don't have the energy/care to post such a "substantial" reply.


  • Wow, man, this one obviously did hit home!

    I did not expect such an answer lacking politeness and moreover lacking reason. If you think you can break down the first syllogism, well, be happy trying it.
    And, cool down a bit. I didn't mean no harm.


    Topic is too much to go into; and you use words differently than me.

    If I was impolite, for that I apologize.

    Perhaps I've gotten too used to attacks left and right, and unfairly interpreted your post/intentions behind it.

    I think your observation is interesting. But it's nonetheless not something I can go into here. I'm a moral philosopher by education and I know if I begin writing and analyzing one concept and another, explaining what I meant more, thread will be closed or I will be banned (or both).

    I shouldn't have used the word "perfect", because my understanding of a coherent concept of "perfect" is very different from most.

    When it comes to issues some are having with KPA; these are very real issues nonetheless, even if affecting a relatively small number of users.

    Thanks :) and my apologies again :)

    Edited 7 times, last by Dimi84 (August 1, 2017 at 1:57 AM).

  • @pacocito Best you can do it seems to me is simply not engage when it doesn't seem worth it.

    If I open a thread about issue A or B it will immediately be hijacked by very much the same "apologetic" rhetoric.

    So it's pointless. I don't really mind whether there are further developments or not either. I've done my part (with tests). I don't care more than that.

    Neither will I be "Mr Nice guy" anymore on this forum.

    I'm one the "last 3 assholes who talk shit about kemper" here anyway, since the "other two" got banned together.

    In regards to the actual issue at hand and not all the other stuff that matters very little, if anything, I am open to helping the OP as much as I can in terms of profiling his amps as best as I see possible. You can PM me for that if you like even. There's a lot to it when it comes to getting best results possible. If I can be of value to you, we can even Skype about it. Profiled about 20-25 amps up to now as experience, btw.

    Outta thread, so don't get notifications; PM me if you like ;)


    Edited 3 times, last by Dimi84 (August 1, 2017 at 12:28 AM).

  • Because they wanna hate on kemper. Why are you being so hateful against Kpa, man? You must be paid by fractal, marshall, mesa boogie and line 6.

    That actually would make some sense because he would be getting money, but as is, he just sold his Kemper and he's still here preaching the virtue of real tube amps, for what reason? Improving a product he considers to be a practice amp so he can buy it in the future? LOL Or is he truly looking for emotional affirmation that he made the right decision selling the Kemper, but he's not quite sure yet because he somehow he can't just let go yet because the next update (they usually happen in September) might make the Kemper ever more irresistible again. ;)

    He couldn't find a better more constructive way of writing the manufacturer than to post in the public forum of the same manufactures getting cheered by some (excluding Bommel because he's an awesome guy and I like many of his profiles) who think that they're the only ones who have such amazing ears that cause them to prefer tube amps because they can hear nuances that contribute so much to the feel and to their artistic integrity that can't be marginalized by anything less than obsolete perfection. :wacko::thumbup:

  • That actually would make some sense because he would be getting money, but as is, he just sold his Kemper and he's still here preaching the virtue of real tube amps, for what reason? Improving a product he considers to be a practice amp so he can buy it in the future? LOL Or is he truly looking for emotional affirmation that he made the right decision selling the Kemper, but he's not quite sure yet because he somehow he can't just let go yet because the next update (they usually happen in September) might make the Kemper ever more irresistible again. ;)

    He couldn't find a better more constructive way of writing the manufacturer than to post in the public forum of the same manufactures getting cheered by some (excluding Bommel because he's an awesome guy and I like many of his profiles) who think that they're the only ones who have such amazing ears that cause them to prefer tube amps because they can hear nuances that contribute so much to the feel and to their artistic integrity that can't be marginalized by anything less than obsolete perfection. :wacko::thumbup:

    1) You've told me I have "golden ears", before. Then CK confirmed what I was hearing.

    2) Kemper themselves encourage open criticism of their products here. It's not even positive for a company when a forum looks like an advertisement.

    3) Pacocito has contributed way more than most here, including myself, including full-time "kpa defenders".

    4) Just selling kemper doesn't somehow totally invalidate his opinion or must mean he shouldn't post such comments here; he would probably buy another kemper if there was some progress on the issues he describes.

    5) It's not about "reaching perfection". That said, the concept of "perfection" would have to be broken down further to have nuanced discussions about particular concepts and arrive to some clarity on that end -- and I know first hand mods don't want that, as it derails threads, which should not be what we are here for, including myself, so I try to do it less (and this post already derails, but I just felt there's a point to reply as this is directed towards someone I respect).

    6) You openly accused sinmix for selling essentially fake profiles.. with no real evidence whatsoever. When he finally stood up for himself he got banned. There are reasons why some of us don't wanna put up with stuff like that anymore.

    Edited once, last by Dimi84 (August 1, 2017 at 1:41 AM).

  • 1-There are many here with platinum ears . so you have Golden ears, what does that mean?

    2- I'm not saying who should post or who shouldn't post, I'm just pointing out the obvious that it's rather odd to accept the premise that someone sells his Kemper because it doesn't work for them but they remain active posting their negative experience and having fun at the expense of those who find the kemper to work perfectly for them,

    I look at it from my personal prospective that I still have the POD HD and Eleven Rack, and I don't go posting in their forums telling them how much better my Kemper is because somehow I would argue that I am being constructive rather than condensing. The few times I posted there, I would talk about how you can still get usable tones using these other devices but that's just me.

    3-Sinmix posted so many comparison clips without even making the profile of the Kemper Known.

    Most if not all commercial sellers post the name of the Profile in any comparison that they post and quite a few of them make it available for download. I asked him to give the name of the profiles he used in the comparisons and he wouldn't even divulge the name of the profile, so I suspected that he wanted to sell his impulse responses by claiming that they can be made to sound like a Kemper profile that no has heard of or even played.

    He himself claimed in one of his posts that he can fool everyone and no one would even know that he was just switching impulse responses for Cabs and selling as new amp profiles. He himself planted that seed of doubt not me as he talked up his Impulse responses.

    Since you haven't been here until recently, I had defended SINMIX Vehemently early on as he was getting banned because he had issues with other members, I even PMd him and advised him to try his best not to get banned and PMd other members in this community to help keep him.

    Edited once, last by Dean_R (August 1, 2017 at 2:39 AM).

  • 2) Kemper themselves encourage open criticism of their products here. It's not even positive for a company when a forum looks like an advertisement.

    Does that mean that they discourage positive feedback that allows them to know where they're doing well?

    The fact that some disagree with you, doesn't mean that you're not encouraged to voice your point of view. Regardless of what your point of view, like the openness of Kemper the company, you should also be open to positive feedback and disagreement with your conclusions. That's what discussions are all about, but you turn it personal by posting mocking statements such as this one " You must be paid by fractal, marshall, mesa boogie and line 6" when you reference those who appreciate the Kemper .

    Even those guys that you mock are also entitled to their opinions because if you've been around long enough you would know that other companies that I will not print their names unfairly and unprofessionally posted made up lies about Kemper to unfairly compete. take it with a sense of humor and don't be so uptight if your opinion is criticized.

  • I don't doubt sinmix could fool people if he wanted to. I've actually done that as a joke with friends. That says nothing about him selling fake profiles and that is a very serious accusation to make, whether you want him banned or not.

  • That's what discussions are all about, but you turn it personal by posting mocking statements such as this one " You must be paid by fractal, marshall, mesa boogie and line 6" when you reference those who appreciate the Kemper

    I've watched you talk down on one person after another. Again. And again. And again. And again. And again. At some point people will start reacting to you and your indirect bullying tactics.

    To be frank, I really want no "respect" from you either, which you've voiced before towards me. If someone can talk consistently to people like you do, again and again, and again, time and time again, that's all I need to know.

    And anybody who has been following other threads with an objective eye will know what I'm talking about and how it can get to this point.

    I've blocked you already but keep seeing your stuff. Chao.

  • I've watched you talk down on one person after another. Again. And again. And again. And again. And again. At some point people will start reacting to you and your indirect bullying tactics.
    To be frank, I really want no "respect" from you either, which you've voiced before towards me. If someone can talk consistently to people like you do, again and again, and again, time and time again, that's all I need to know.

    And anybody who has been following other threads with an objective eye will know what I'm talking about and how it can get to this point.

    I've blocked you already but keep seeing your stuff. Chao.

    Good. Maybe in a moment of clarity, you might realize that discussions should be two way and not only your way just because you think you have Golden ears. :)

    By the way, good use of the bullying card. :D When you can't respond to logic, it's good to have a card.

  • just because you think you have Golden ears.

    You told me I have golden ears in an effort to minimize what I was hearing... as with others.. let alone people you implied have "mental issues".

    Then CK agreed with me and even used the same word as me to describe the sound.

    Discussions are a two way street. I don't argue against that.


  • By the way, good use of the bullying card. When you can't respond to logic, it's good to have a card.

    But that's what you are mate. You can bully people on forums. I doubt it's like that in real life.

    Kemper can ban me if they think I am getting too personal btw. That's fine.

  • I don't doubt sinmix could fool people if he wanted to. I've actually done that as a joke with friends. That says nothing about him selling fake profiles and that is a very serious accusation to make, whether you want him banned or not.

    You made the accusation, I never said that, I said he was promoting his Impulse responses posting comparison clips where he might have not really used a Kemper profile. Putting words in my mouth at the expense of SINMIX shows some new layer or one more of your true colors that I wish I didn't see <X .