Rig Volume vs Amp Vol

  • Is there a difference between using the rig volume, as opposed to the volume in the amp stack, when setting up performances? Do they both do the same thing? I know using the Rig volume there is no change in dynamics, etc. Does the volume in the amp settings work the same way? Just leveling some rigs and trying to find the best way.

    Music is my religion.

  • Thinking about it logically, whatever follows the amp in the signal chain may be affected by changes in its volume, except the EQ, off the top of my head.

    This could include all manner of stomps, especially ones that add gain / overdrive / distortion of some kind, gates and even the cab's response and behaviour.

    Just thinking out 'loud really, but that's all I've got, mate. Obviously using the Rig Volume knob would be the only way to be certain tone will be unaffected.

  • I use the rig volume, for instance, to get the solo tone a bit higher than the rest. in this case, I use it as a boost thing. Instead I use the main output volume to regulate the overall guitar volume.

    generally speaking I use as a reference point the rhythm rig I have (I play rock music - steve vai style). when doind the gig soundcheck I use the main output volume to regolate the guitar to be at the wanted level (of course higher than the rest! ;) ).

    in this way, when going solo I have the same rhythm rig but with 2 more points gain and 2 dB in rig volume.

    just my choice...other may work as well

    "...why being satisfied with an amp, as great as it can be, while you can have them all?" michael mellner

    "Rock in Ecclesia" - new album on iTunes or Google music

  • I use the rig volume, for instance, to get the solo tone a bit higher than the rest. in this case, I use it as a boost thing. Instead I use the main output volume to regulate the overall guitar volume.

    generally speaking I use as a reference point the rhythm rig I have (I play rock music - steve vai style). when doind the gig soundcheck I use the main output volume to regolate the guitar to be at the wanted level (of course higher than the rest! ;) ).

    in this way, when going solo I have the same rhythm rig but with 2 more points gain and 2 dB in rig volume.

    just my choice...other may work as well

    Cool. I'm doing the same. Solos are boosted 2dB with the rig vol and I throw the Green Scream on to hit the front just a touch.

    I made some hybrid profiles using some Top Jimi and MBritt amps paired with an OwnHammer Bogner 4x12 IR.

    I'm totally digging the sound but I just happened to notice that my profiles are quite a bit hotter than the "Crunch" slot. I'm pretty sure from the info in the manual that rig is a good base level for setting your own profile levels.

    I think I may go in there and lower my profile levels to match the "crunch" rig. My levels are pretty hot when I'm recording. I notice my interface level has to be around 10 o'clock before it stops clipping so leveling down may be a good thing.

    Music is my religion.