• I wanted to try a 2 way switch to extend my switch options. I found a 3 way switch I didn't use anymore and decided to try this before buying a new boss stereo switch. This works perfect! Switch A delay on/off, switch B reverb on/off and switch C delay+reverb on/off. Off course you can choose other combinations but the C switch is a bonus. Think of 1 switch to put boost+delay on for solo playing. Anyway, thought this might be interesting......

  • How did you set it from the switch menu? Is the C switch function happening from alone? Third question: what for a make is this magic 3-way switch?

    Thanks :thumbup:

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • In system menu you can choose for pedal 1 stereo settings with all kinds of options to switch. At the moment I'm using the switch setting delay/reverb.
    @ guitarnet: I don't know what you mean by "C switch function happening from alone". Switch A is delay on/of, switch B reverb on/of and switch C delay+reverb with one push on the FS both on/of. So if delay and reverb are set to of in the rig and I push the C button then both delay and reverb switch on. I hope this is what you mean? My FS is propably the same as that from sheguitarplayer: Digitech FS 300. You must connect is with stereo jack (ring/tip/sleeve) for proper working.

  • I have Boss FS 6 and I'm busy trying to do this in system. I only get option for patch change up/down with stereo switch, then all the mono options. Where do you set this?

    parker / prs / kemper / g / mesa

  • I have Boss FS 6 and I'm busy trying to do this in system. I only get option for patch change up/down with stereo switch, then all the mono options. Where do you set this?

    You need to update to 1.0.3 7059 and it adds the extra functionality. I also have an FS-6 and ordered a 2nd one! ;)

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff