Copying a rig from browse mode into a Performance slot

  • Hey gang,
    I'm a fairly new KPA user, and I'm still learning all the ins and outs of this thing. I'm absolutely loving it!!!

    I find myself quite often in browse mode, just scrolling through rigs, checking them out, tweaking them, until I'm really digging whatever tone I'm going for. Is there a way, from Browse mode, to then store the modified rig to a performance slot, without overwriting the original rig sound? I know that I can save the edited rig as a whole new rig. I'm just wondering if there's some feature or function I haven't yet discovered.

    Thanks for the tips!

  • use the manager. Better open two windows and copy the rigs onto the performance slots inthe other window. You can copy then the performance and paste it in the Profiler performances or just keep it in the computer.

    Never too old for rock'n'roll

  • Is there a way, from Browse mode, to then store the modified rig to a performance slot, without overwriting the original rig sound?

    Just go to Performance mode, select an empty slot and use BROWSE to browse through the rigs in the "Browse Pool". The Rig is now loaded into the slot of the performance, which you want to store then.