Someone do me a favor and test my profile? solved

  • Thank you, Matt!

    ... its a merged profile with my vat fat bottom 4x12, it wouldn't let me add that...

    Mate, I filled out the metadata tags for you. Hope you like 'em, and of course you can remove your upload and pop this version in there. Based on the specific naming convention on the Fryette site:

    Fryette Pitbull 100-CL - 2017-06-22

    I reckon this one might be better to use, Matt, unless the "G" is important; I couldn't find such a model on the site.

    The cabinet and mic / mic position are done too.

    New version with all stomps except the Gate turned off, and with Cabinet now on.

  • D'Oh!

    Just spent half an hour editing the thing, thinking I was doing you a favour as it sounded almost as if there was no cab. Tweaked the cab settings and deep-amp parameters, saved it and then realised that you'd programmed and engaged the stomps. Silly me!

    Might have another go on just the raw amp and cab sound again... OK. Here 'tis if you wanna upload it. Only the gate's engaged. Sounds beefier and less like the cab's disengaged, IMHO. EQ left flat so folks can take it to where they want to go:

    Fryette Pitbull 100-CL - 2017-06-22

    Volume increased as well to be more in line with the rest of the Exchange.

  • Hey Matt,

    Firstly, I'm sorry my name's in the title; that was meant to be my copy - at the very-most, it could have been included in the "Comment" field.

    Secondly, I forgot to mention that for some reason the original Rig's Cab module was turned off. Switching it on didn't make much difference, which is why I tweaked the Cab parameters to remove a little "edge".

    Well, I've not tried to edit my own uploaded Rigs (tricky as there aren't any!), so I can't be sure how to do that other than to remove them, edit as I'll outline below, and re-upload them. You could try that as a last-resort measure in the future.

    OK, what I did was copy your Rig to a folder in my Local Library. Any Rig for which you do this can have its title and metadata altered in any way you like. In your case, you could have copied it from the Exchange to your Local Library, tweaked and exported it to your desktop and then removed the Exchange copy and replaced it with the edited version. A simpler option would be to use RM to tag Rigs before uploading in the first place; it's after all much-simpler to do it this way than to use your KPA, even if you have a USB keyboard attached.

    Hope his helps man. Oh, and I've removed my name from the edited Rig's title and tweaked the "Comment" field to reflect the fact that I've futzed with it. You're of course welcome to upload both your original metadata-corrected as well as the Monkey-tweaked version. I've now replaced the Rig in post #6. It just didn't feel right having my name up there on your work.

    One thing 'though: I can't remember for sure whether or not I engaged the Cab module on your original when editing the metadata. AFAICR, I simply edited the fields in RM and uploaded it to the forum for you 'cause you'd said you couldn't make the changes you wanted to. At that stage I hadn't loaded it into the KPA and therefore wouldn't have known that the Cab module was switched-off. If this is the case, simply do the Local-library thing I described and replace the uploaded Rig on the Exchange, unless you don't want the Cab on, which I doubt as that would defeat the point of having made the Merged Profile.

  • Oookay, I couldn't do this earlier, so I've done it now:

    Your original Rig, retagged, with all stomps except the gate (definitely needed for this Rig, and works very-well) disabled, and with the Cabinet enabled:

    Fryette Pitbull 100-CL - 2017-06-22

    I'll also put this in the original post where I offered the tagged version 'cause it's only going to create confusion, what with all the stomps' being engaged and the Cab module off on your original.

    I think that should sort everything out, Matt. Well done, mate!

  • Monkey_Man you rule, I appreciate it, I didn't know the cab was disabled that must of been why I couldn't update cab info just amp. I'll also pay attention going forward to eliminate unneeded fx chains. I have a 57 coming by Friday so I can do multiple profiles. I am now learning to work the kemper with my daw. I am trying to learn it all in baby steps so I don't get frustrated. Thank you for you guidance in this new venture.

  • Hey, my pleasure, Matt.

    I can't wait to hear how the "normal" '57 sounds, assuming you're willing to do the Pitbull again...

    I mean, I'd like to think that half the reason (or more) I found the Merged Profile way-too-bright was 'cause it wasn't made with the good ol' 57, which tames the HF content nicely with its own unique mojo.

    Final thought:
    If you like the tags as they stand now, start your next Profiling session with that Rig. That way, you'll only need to alter the mic / mic position fields; everything else will be retained in the resulting Rig.

  • Yeah I found several issues that came into play, the sm7b sits like 3-4 inches off the cab, I should removed the grill, so then the room came into play more, also it's not as hot as a 57 and I didn't even set the return or watch the output. I'm going to redo it, I really want several profiles of my cab so I can use other di profiles with it. After this I have my 70s straight Marshall with Rola 65s in it

  • thank you Monkey_Man, well I was hoping someone would of helped out, it would seem if anyone had an interest they would of replied and asked what I need or what not. This community seems like it needs some help. I mean when I had issues and was looking to get rid of my Kemper I had plenty of people trying to help then, but I look around the board and new users posts and questions just sit with no replies, but you can see other threads recently updated. It just seems to be a lack of community assistance, "us" the new users do need veteran advice, granted I know you guys bought into Kemper years ago and maybe the questions seem elementary to a long time user but new users need a little more attention.

    Since you have replied Monkey_Man, the main issue I have had whether it be a DI profile or studio is volume of the profile doesent seem as loud on my profile compared to others. I had the amp cranked so I know its feeding a strong signal and of course not clipping. Any idea? I know you said on my last profile you had to bring the volume up to match others on RE, I dont know what could cause that.

    Edited once, last by mnewse614 (June 27, 2017 at 3:03 PM).

  • I might just be slow :P but I can't find the profile that you said was a new one created last Saturday and you needed advice. I downloaded the one above in Nicky's post and it sounds good if I add my own cabinet. The cabinet included does not seem to have much impact on or off. It sounds the same either way...

  • Agreed, Den; it lacks the strong LPF roll-off one would expect. That's why I adjusted the Cab parameters, Definition and Clarity to tame it a little, but I didn't want to do too much as this would take it too-far away from the OP's intention sound-wise.

    Matt, regardless of your feelings that the forum isn't as forthcoming as you'd like, if you don't pose a question, it's highly-unlikely anyone's going to respond, which is why I said what I said.

    I don't know why the level was low, mate. The Rig Volume knob solved the issue however, and that's what it's for. It was only a few dB from what I remember. If it had been 10 dB then I might've scratched my head, but I suspect your resulting level was nothing out of the normal range experienced when Profiling.

  • Thanks guys, well I didn't want to clog RE with a bunch of junk so I was going to direct email whoever would of been interested. It's weird cause even when I took the grill off my front loaded cab and knew my placement it still sounded distant and lower output.

    Thank you for the feedback and sorry for my frustration, I'm just used to other groups. I since found my perfect profile from petes Cameron moded Marshall pack and traded the vht head for 98 mike Shannon custom shop soloist. So bye bye tubes