Master Volume Issue

  • Hi all!

    I have encountered a slight issue a couple of times and wondered if i was doing something wrong or if anyone has experienced the same.

    Sometimes, when I have turned my master down to zero, i have been unable to bring it back up. The knob turns but it doesn't register, is what I am trying to describe.

    Then again, I may have overlooked something that is glaringly obvious.

    Cheers all!

  • Thanks for your reply Kempermaniac.

    The only change I have made from factory setting is that I have unlinked the master from the main outs.

    Does that sound like what you have described?

    It depends on what output you are using on the Kemper. If you are using the main outs for your output and have unlinked it from master volume, than it won't adjust main out volume anymore.

    Can you be more specific how you are outputting from the Kemper?