Best speaker cab for live jammin

  • Hey, newbie here lol!!!


    Firstly, gotta thank the mods and users here for helping make things a bit easier on us newbs, and for maintaining a nice board.

    I've been looking for a Kemper for so long and finally purchased one I could afford... sweet!!! It's a lunchbox with a Camplifier 180. I'm sure I'll have a few questions in the future but this is about speakers. I've read a few threads and understand FRFR passive / powered is the way to go but funds demand a different approach at the moment.

    I own a couple Mesa V-30 4x12 (Straight no baffle & Tradional Stiletto), cabs and a 69 Marshall cab w/ G12H-30's. I'm sure both will sound decent if not awesome, with cab sim turned off. However, I have an opportunity to buy an Avatar 2x12 with "Black Label" EVM12L's. My thought is that these wouldn't "color" the sound as much and will work for jammin?

    Any thoughts would certainly be appreciated before I buy.

    Thanks in advance,


  • I'm also looking but I have unpowered toaster, seems a bit of a minefield though lots go for the DXR 10.

    To be honest, for the moment I'm sticking my Kemper Monitor out into the return FX of an old Vox 120w Valvetronix, and with a little tweaking. It's pretty good !

    It's really what sounds good to you, I saw Pete Thorn rave on about the Atomic CLR cab, but then others hated it, wha to do !

    No Gain - No Pain.... :D

  • It's really what sounds good to you,

    This. Well, and your time & budget. If you have the wherewithall to try everything out there, go for it. It's a slippery slope though and you really need to come up with a good way of identifying an objective baseline. If not, with our hearing being subjective and all sorts of variables playing into our perception of sound at any given time, you could be chasing your tail for a long time.

  • I'm also looking but I have unpowered toaster, seems a bit of a minefield though lots go for the DXR 10.

    To be honest, for the moment I'm sticking my Kemper Monitor out into the return FX of an old Vox 120w Valvetronix, and with a little tweaking. It's pretty good !

    It's really what sounds good to you, I saw Pete Thorn rave on about the Atomic CLR cab, but then others hated it, wha to do !

    Thanks spark, I'm really on the fence here lol. Considering I haven't received my KPA yet I decided to hold off and try my cabs first. There is so much good info here and the DXR 10 looks good for sure. I'm in Canada so with tax/duty/shipping/exchange things get expensive.


  • This. Well, and your time & budget. If you have the wherewithall to try everything out there, go for it. It's a slippery slope though and you really need to come up with a good way of identifying an objective baseline. If not, with our hearing being subjective and all sorts of variables playing into our perception of sound at any given time, you could be chasing your tail for a long time.

    Well said and wise words no doubt. Budget won't allow that, nor my wife lol. "Objective baseline" - absolutely right, that's the plan now. Thank you fhh!


  • Well said and wise words no doubt. Budget won't allow that, nor my wife lol. "Objective baseline" - absolutely right, that's the plan now. Thank you fhh!

    The key is buying gear that looks similar to stuff you already own, but That only gets you past the wife aspect... :evil:

    That being said, once I tried merged profiles I decided to stick with my traditional guitar cabinet. Keep in mind I play in an original band and get to play MY sound each night, rather than doing covers and needing to emulate every guitarist before me. If I was doing covers I would most definitely be using a FRFR.

    My cab has V30s, so I use V30 style cab models in the profiler to keep the sound similar going to the FOH.

  • The key is buying gear that looks similar to stuff you already own, but That only gets you past the wife aspect... :evil:

    That's actually happened once before but it was totally unintentional. Like "where did that attenuator come fromm", rememmmber, "you let me buy it 4 months ago"!!! LMAO

    I'll give my cabs a go and see how they respond. Seems like there's no point in having a Greenie, V30 and Jensen loaded cab to cover all tones when a FRFR can pull them all off. I'm not a cover guy anymore though, all originals and as I've read the Greenies offer the most diversity. I also have a Yorkville 50KW that I'm sure would work in a pinch for monitoring at least? Thanks for your input Sunshine!

  • That's actually happened once before but it was totally unintentional. Like "where did that attenuator come fromm", rememmmber, "you let me buy it 4 months ago"!!! LMAO
    I'll give my cabs a go and see how they respond. Seems like there's no point in having a Greenie, V30 and Jensen loaded cab to cover all tones when a FRFR can pull them all off. I'm not a cover guy anymore though, all originals and as I've read the Greenies offer the most diversity. I also have a Yorkville 50KW that I'm sure would work in a pinch for monitoring at least? Thanks for your input Sunshine!

    Any time! Let me know how the greens workout. That is a speaker I have never tried other than at a music store. V30s have always been my speaker.

  • I have seen 2 x Yamaha CBR12 FRFR monitors at good price, non powered versions of DXR12, is this a good idea, and of so what amp to drive them?

    Should I stick to getting DXR ?

    I have not dabbled yet, but the consensus seems to be around here that the DXR10 is the one to use if you go the Yamaha route. Just ask @Ingolf

    Edit- that being said, I too am interested in a passive FRFR and have been researching the Mission Gemini 1-P. I like a “miceable” coax design, should It ever come to that.

  • Bit of a revival here but I have a few questions?

    I own a Camplifire 180 with my toaster and recently pushed it hard through my greenback cab with cab monitor off and well, :huh:
    It's a 16ohm cab so I assume that may explain the dismal volume levels? It just wasn't moving air, at all.
    Does anyone own this Camplifire or have a trick or two to achieve better volumes, or is it just an 8ohm vs 16ohm issue?

    In the near future I'd like to get the Yammys, either powered or non, but for now I can only use my cab.

    Of all the poweramps I've looked at, the Matrix GT1000FX 2U seems to be the only one with a 16ohm out.
    It appears to have the best flexibility for real cab use.
    Any suggestions would be appreciated.



  • what are the individual speaker ohms? The reason I ask is many cabs can be rewired internally to change the ohms. But it may not help unless you have the proper ohms per speaker. As far as the overall volume it may only help with a few DB.

  • I highly recommend going with a pair of powered FRFR speakers in the first instance. These let you get your stereo PA sounds in any situation.

    If this still doesn't give you enough amp in the room sound just get a single guitar speaker like a V30 or Creamback etc in an open-backed cab and plug that into the KPA speaker out to fill it out as needed.