(Soundside) - Big Summer Sale 2019 - ended

  • There are so many great ones - check out pack76 - my fav amp for that kind of sound.

    On the top left side of my page is „Show All Profile Packs“ displayed - change it to „Great For Blues“ and listen to the user demos.

    (All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with soundside.de)

    Great Profiles --> soundside.de

  • Armin, the UKGold JS pack has killer profiles!! And the Morning AC Sparkle is really nice too (I think, I'll learn the Chamberlin tune with those - the sound is there now ;) )!

    One question to the Triple Crown: Are the profiles with "M"at the end the "Instant Gratification Settings" from the manual?

    Edited once, last by Ibot39 (July 15, 2018 at 8:53 PM).

  • Armin, the UKGold JS pack has killer profiles!! And the Morning AC Sparkle is really nice too (I think, I'll learn the Chamberlin tune with those - the sound is there now ;) )!

    One question to the Triple Crown: Are the profiles with "M"at the end the "Instant Gratification Settings" from the manual?

    You mentioned two different packs. Here some more information about the 'M' :)

    UKGoldJS pack #81:
    based on Marshall Joe Satriani signature amp
    M = Mid shift activated

    MTC pack #80:
    based on Mesa Triple Crown amp
    M = Default settings from the manual
    (B=Big Three, C=Classic, D=Drop, G=Gained Up - all these settings are form the manual)

    Please check the pdf file included with each pack for more information


    (All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with soundside.de)

    Great Profiles --> soundside.de

  • yeah, to be exact, I did mention 3 different amps in my thread, but my question is to the Triple Crown. I already did read the pdf - but I didn't understand what "M = Default settings" does exactly mean. So my question - after reading the AMP manual too - was, if you could verify that the "M profiles" (rig-names ending with M) are based on the "Instant Gratification Settings" from the amp manual. Or what does default settings mean here? Thanks!

  • Yes, you are right!

    M = Instant gratifikation settings from the manual
    (B=Big Three, C=Classic, D=Drop, G=Gained Up - all these settings are form the manual)

    All other profiles use our own settings.

    (All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with soundside.de)

    Great Profiles --> soundside.de

  • if anyone of you has created a nice song or demo with our profiles - let us know.

    ... the Summer Sale is still running ...

    (All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with soundside.de)

    Great Profiles --> soundside.de

  • All free packs for orders up to yesterday were send - if you not yet have received your free packs please send me an additional email.

    Please make sure your email can receive attachments (.zip files).
    Please use an email address which will not ask us to register - we'll not do this - please understand.

    (All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with soundside.de)

    Great Profiles --> soundside.de

  • We were asked about the other discount.

    The first pack is $19.99
    Each additional pack in one order is 50% off ($9.99)

    This offer is a permanent offer.

    During the Summer Sale you save an additional 50% because you get a free pack for each ordered pack.


    (All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with soundside.de)

    Great Profiles --> soundside.de

  • Also, not to throw this off track, but I was watching this earlier today:

    External Content www.youtube.com
    Content embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.
    Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.

    The whole time, I was thinking about what a great Marshall tone that was. I missed the intro, showing that it was a Kemper profile. I scrolled down to the comments, to find out what amp it was, and saw someone comment about it being a Kemper profile. Sure enough, it was Soundside's Plexi pack.

    Yes, I like all from David - such a great guy and talented musician and producer!

    (he created a lot of our User-Clips for profile packs - check them out)

    (All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with soundside.de)

    Great Profiles --> soundside.de

  • Some customers reported that the free packs were stored into the spam folder.

    Please check this folder as well.

    In case you don‘t receive the free pack in the next 48 hours after you send us the email request - please send an additional email.

    Enjoy the Summer Sale.

    (All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with soundside.de)

    Great Profiles --> soundside.de

  • Just came by to leave some feedback on these packs I scored from soundside.de during their summer deal:

    80 Mesa® Triple Crown TC50 Amplifier
    73 Mesa Boogie® JP2C
    72 Friedman® PT
    71 Mesa Boogie® JP2C
    61 ENGL Invader II
    29 Diezel® VH4 Amplifier

    Some amps like the Invader and the VH4 have been well-profiled inside out (really!)
    Spot on JP2C and TC profiles!
    About the Friedman® PT profiles... well, I never thought that (even) the toaster would manage to capture all the dynamic and responsiviness of such amp! From crispy / edge to breakup clean to crushing heavy distortion on the same profile ... Playing these makes me wanna buy the real amp, seriously ...

    Also worth to mention that I really enjoyed the "regular pack" kind of profiles. It makes me feel like Im in the room trying the amps different settings out as the profile naming allows me to "picture" in my head what I am doing when scrolling through the rigs.

    Great job Armin!
