AxeFx "Profiling" vs. KPA

  • I'm looking forward to playing with both units and see how they inspire my playing.

    Picked up a second (yes a second, I sent the first one back) axefx2 on evil bay. My curiosity got the better of me re their upcoming profiling and I got it at a good price. Not interested in modelling, to me its old hat and nowhere near the 'real thing', but profiling is another ballgame. Will be interesting to see how the 2 units progress, although I have to say the KPA is seriously very good indeed and the axefx2 has a lot of its own self-imposed hype to live up to.

  • Picked up a second (yes a second, I sent the first one back) axefx2 on evil bay. My curiosity got the better of me re their upcoming profiling and I got it at a good price. Not interested in modelling, to me its old hat and nowhere near the 'real thing', but profiling is another ballgame. Will be interesting to see how the 2 units progress, although I have to say the KPA is seriously very good indeed and the axefx2 has a lot of its own self-imposed hype to live up to.

    Looking forward to your comments when the tone-matching comes prepared to get a lot of requests to tone-match specific isolated guitar tracks (EVH is going to be on top of the wishlist for a lot of people)....and then profile them! :D 8o :D
    That sounds like fun!! :thumbup:

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Picked up a second (yes a second, I sent the first one back) axefx2 on evil bay. My curiosity got the better of me re their upcoming profiling and I got it at a good price. Not interested in modelling, to me its old hat and nowhere near the 'real thing', but profiling is another ballgame. Will be interesting to see how the 2 units progress, although I have to say the KPA is seriously very good indeed and the axefx2 has a lot of its own self-imposed hype to live up to.

    Looking forward to your impressions. Your opinion means a lot here - as you're a really hot chick... err I mean, cool bro!!! :D
    Seriously, hope you do a review of the Axe2 profiling and tone matching

  • Looking forward to your impressions. Your opinion means a lot here

    Well, we already have his impressions regarding the "tone/audio quality" of the two units.
    I'm not sure what a second review could reveal about the 'tone' that the first review couldn't reveal.
    That's not a bad thing, we know the Axe sounds great, it's just that the Axe-FX11 will still sound like an Axe-FX11 after tone matching is introduced.

  • Now that sheguitarist has both units, a good test of the axe fx's potential profiling ability would be to see how its IR capture facility works in generating impulse responses of the KPA's cab selection.

    Vintage amp obsessive

  • I'm waiting to watch people Tone Match an isolated guitar clip then Profile the Tone Match'd preset, then post all 3 clips and have people discuss which is more real. ;)

    What works for me is the feel and how it inspires when I'm playing. I'm not interested in seeing home much profiling and tone matching precisely sound like the target, but if it inspires me to play like I'm playing the the original amp or recording. I'm really about feel and those times where you don't care about time - you just keep playing.

    My KPA is out for delivery (after a week delay by FedEx), I'm away for work so I won't get to play with it until the weekend. ;(

  • I'm away for work so I won't get to play with it until the weekend. ;(

    I feel for least you don't know what you're missing, otherwise the wait would be unbearable.... :D 8o :D

    (..don't know what's wrong with me today, sorry man.. ;) ..)

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Picked up a second (yes a second, I sent the first one back) axefx2 on evil bay. My curiosity got the better of me re their upcoming profiling and I got it at a good price. Not interested in modelling, to me its old hat and nowhere near the 'real thing', but profiling is another ballgame. Will be interesting to see how the 2 units progress, although I have to say the KPA is seriously very good indeed and the axefx2 has a lot of its own self-imposed hype to live up to.

    +1. Would definitely be interesting to hear from you how the Axe performs regarding the Amp-Matching feature. I'm still on the waiting list for the Axe and I was 95% sure to cancel my order (and get a new guitar maybe??) . However in case the AXE will be as good as the KPA then will probably keep (indefinitely) waiting. Thanks for doing that!

  • Imagine there are 2 salesman with both their own technology.

    The first shouts he has the best product and shouts it is so good that you will have epic guitar sounds and you can tweak everything and shouts that all other products are vapourware and you have to buy his product.

    The second salesman asks you if you would like a cup of coffee and asks you what exactly you are looking for and patiently listens.

    From which salesman would you buy?

    Just a thought......

  • I'm holding on to both the AXE II and KPA, the KPA has a lot of good things, I like how easy it is to profile, and the results are excellent when the amp is miced properly, i like having all the knobs to quickly edit, i like being able to save and load patches with USB etc, BUT the AXE II wins for me in pretty much all effects, i think it will be very hard for KPA to compete on the effects side of things, i like that is also a rack format, and the support from Fractal is incredible, I like how Cliff spends time on the forums and is very responsive to people's feedback, this isn't happening here yet from KPA, but it could change, also I think if Fractal does add their own type of profiling, and if it works as good as the KPA, with the power inside the AXE II, it will be a very very hard device to beat, like i said i own both, and i'm no fanboy on either side, just have my opinions and obviously will choose to use whatever sounds and works better for me, since this is how i make my living.

    Edited once, last by DigitalTube (February 21, 2012 at 8:26 PM).

  • Is he paying for the coffee ?? :D

  • I'm holding on to both the AXE II and KPA, the KPA has a lot of good things, I like how easy it is to profile, and the results are excellent when the amp is miced properly, i like having all the knows to quickly edit, i like being able to save and load patches with USB etc, BUT the AXE II wins for me in pretty much all effects, i think it will be very hard for KPA to compete on the effects side of things, i like that is also a rack format, and the support from Fractal is incredible, I like how Cliff spends time on the forums and is very responsive to people's feedback, this isn't happening here yet from KPA, but it could change, also I think if Fractal does add their own type of profiling, and if it works as good as the KPA, with the power inside the AXE II, it will be a very very hard device to beat, like i said i own both, and i'm no fanboy on either side, just have my opinions and obviously will choose to use whatever sounds and works better for me, since this is how i make my living.

    Hey yours is a great response! Thanks!If you don't mind might PM you in the future to ask more (don't want to cause the 3rd World War as some visitor is always there waiting to drop his bombs...).

  • I think if Fractal does add their own type of profiling, and if it works as good as the KPA, with the power inside the AXE II, it will be a very very hard device to beat.

    Thing is, it's not the Profiling that makes the KPA sound so good, it's everything else within the KPA that makes the Profiling sound so good.

    All that matters is the sound that comes out the speakers, not the processing power.

  • I'd ignore the marketing hype and sales speak and I'd test the product myself and see which works for me.

  • I'm holding on to both the AXE II and KPA, the KPA has a lot of good things, I like how easy it is to profile, and the results are excellent when the amp is miced properly, i like having all the knobs to quickly edit, i like being able to save and load patches with USB etc, BUT the AXE II wins for me in pretty much all effects, i think it will be very hard for KPA to compete on the effects side of things, i like that is also a rack format, and the support from Fractal is incredible, I like how Cliff spends time on the forums and is very responsive to people's feedback, this isn't happening here yet from KPA, but it could change, also I think if Fractal does add their own type of profiling, and if it works as good as the KPA, with the power inside the AXE II, it will be a very very hard device to beat, like i said i own both, and i'm no fanboy on either side, just have my opinions and obviously will choose to use whatever sounds and works better for me, since this is how i make my living.

    Great post.

    I'd ignore the marketing hype and sales speak and I'd test the product myself and see which works for me.


  • Thing is, it's not the Profiling that makes the KPA sound so good, it's everything else within the KPA that makes the Profiling sound so good.

    All that matters is the sound that comes out the speakers, not the processing power.

    I agree with you that all that matters is what comes out of the speakers, but no matter how great any programmer is, if the engine doesn't have the power, there will be limitations in what you can do, like playing back 2 amps at the same time, while using high quality effects etc, all at the same time, you need processing power, I admit most of my patches are very simple, but occasionally i might need a few patches that really push it to the limit, and it's good to know it's there, for some players who like to use lot's of effects it can make a difference.