Fixed Point Adjustments

  • A request for fixed-point adjustments throughout the KPA. This is important because for some settings small tweaks can impact tone, most especially if there is more than just one adjustment involved.

    If I understand correctly, when an adjustment is made to a setting in the KPA involving a knob, the numerical value generated is not necessarily reflective of the actual value being stored. For example, gain, volume, EQ, etc all employ increments reflected in tenths (0.1). However, I believe the actual values are more granular. This can become a real problem because a particular value could be reflective of not just one specific setting, but rather a number of them.

    I am proposing the KPA have fix adjustment points so there are no "hidden" increments in between the visual numerical settings. This way, if somebody adjust a setting while tone shaping and then later puts it back to the previous numerical setting, the same tone is guaranteed. This becomes especially important when adjusting related groupings impacting potentially multiple settings. Such as Definition & Clarity. Or the EQ stack.

    Granted, the "undo" button is helpful at times, but there are many situations when that is not sufficient. If somebody wants to get back to an original setting, they should be assured the setting they restore creates a consistent result.


  • A request for fixed-point adjustments throughout the KPA. This is important because for some settings small tweaks can impact tone, most especially if there is more than just one adjustment involved.

    If I understand correctly, when an adjustment is made to a setting in the KPA involving a knob, the numerical value generated is not necessarily reflective of the actual value being stored. For example, gain, volume, EQ, etc all employ increments reflected in tenths (0.1). However, I believe the actual values are more granular. This can become a real problem because a particular value could be reflective of not just one specific setting, but rather a number of them.

    I am proposing the KPA have fix adjustment points so there are no "hidden" increments in between the visual numerical settings. This way, if somebody adjust a setting while tone shaping and then later puts it back to the previous numerical setting, the same tone is guaranteed. This becomes especially important when adjusting related groupings impacting potentially multiple settings. Such as Definition & Clarity. Or the EQ stack.

    Granted, the "undo" button is helpful at times, but there are many situations when that is not sufficient. If somebody wants to get back to an original setting, they should be assured the setting they restore creates a consistent result.


    Save another version of a tweaked profile. I always do that with a naming convention that makes it clear it has been tweaked.

  • Understood, I'm not saying there aren't ways to restore a particular state, and that may work for isolated instances, but in many cases that doesn't work for other situations. You can't keep dozens of profiles or snapshots for every tweak and expect to remember how one differs from the next, or which state to jump back to. No, instead what you do is remember (or log) the settings as you are tweaking and testing, some of which you may keep and others discard. But when you can't even get back to the same numerical setting because of the misleading representation on the display, that simply is not a winning implementation.

    IMO there needs to be an internal routine instituted, such as (using pseudo-code): FinalValue = GetFixedPointValue( IN StartingValue, IN Granularity, IN AlteredValue). For every alteration in value (i.e. when moving a knob) that routine is called and returns the proper fixed point value for the KPA to reflect & store internally. This way when you start with a gain of 7.4, make a change, and later set it back to 7.4 you are guaranteed to have the same gain setting again. And if you have saved multiple rigs or snapshots all based on the same rig, you can go to any of those and update the desired setting(s) and be assured the changes in all those other rigs are consistent as intended.


    Edited 4 times, last by SonicExporer (May 16, 2017 at 1:37 AM).

  • Makes sense, Sonic.

    My understanding is that the software's either rounding, in the example/s you used, to the nearest decimal point, or waiting until a next-increment threshold is exceeded, before displaying it.

    In the first instance, errors of up to fractionally-under 0.05 would occur, and in the second, fractionally-smaller than 0.1, correct?

  • Makes sense, Sonic.

    My understanding is that the software's either rounding, in the example/s you used, to the nearest decimal point, or waiting until a next-increment threshold is exceeded, before displaying it.

    In the first instance, errors of up to fractionally-under 0.05 would occur, and in the second, fractionally-smaller than 0.1, correct?

    It's hard to speculate on the internal granularity but I'm all but certain there are fine adjustments internally that are smaller than the portrayed 0.1 increments in the visual display. In fact, besides using your ears, if you look closely at the gas gauge when you move a knob you'll see the gauge move while the increment does not change. There appears to be maybe 4 or 5 steps in between 0.1 increments. And even then the actual stored granularity might be even smaller, hard to say.

    On a real amp there is an almost infinite granularity, but you can also see where exactly the knob is set at all times. And in the digital world we have the luxury of "exact" precision. However, the KPA's approach uses rotary knobs that have no meaning in terms of location, they just spin so we have to rely on the display's numeric settings. Which is usually in 0.1 increments, and is a nice level of granularity. However apparently the display is not necessarily reflecting the actual value being stored & utilized internally. So we are kind of getting the worse of both analog and digital worlds with the current implementation. We really need to be assured that when we dial in 7.4 on gain for example, that we are indeed getting 7.4 and nothing else.


    Edited 2 times, last by SonicExporer (May 16, 2017 at 8:18 AM).

  • Even a snapshot is a great way to avoid making edits to a special profile.

    It is kind of hard to accidentally screw up a favorite profile.

    As you know, if you edit any setting, you have to hit the "STORE" button to save it. Hitting the "STORE" button in turn brings up three options, from which you must select:
    (a) Replace -- original Rig is copied over, no change to name
    (b) Store As new name -- original Rig remains
    (c) Rename -- original Rig is copied over with new name

    I mean, the extra steps is kind of a fail-safe.