Axe-Fx II profiling - just got announced...

  • Sorry for still being off-topic, but I have a question for Scott.

    Dear Scott,

    You know, while a huge part of the EU and sometimes even the USA considers Hungarians some kind of colonial country without anything at all, we're not dumb. Actually, for a country, we have the most Nobel prizes. Also, we have some great wisdom sayings, and one of them just struck me while I was thinking about this whole debate.

    I don't know if there is an English / American version of this saying, but in Hungary, when someone really viciously fights for himself when being picked on or "getting personally attacked" as you say, we ask him "Does the turth hurt this much?". Meaning, of course, that only those fight back so hard and all-out, and have to prove themselves and really stand out for themselves who know that they are unjust and the so called "attack" they are defending against is true.
    Therefore... taking into consideration how viciously you fought back here... and I'm still trying to do so without making it personal... but honestly, what truth that you read here did hurt you so much?

    Use your ears, not your mathematical sense.

  • You're wrong, WRONG!

    Green is the new black and toasters are the new racks!

    FACTS! And I and thirty other KPA owners are going to hound you across seventeen continents and fifty seventy thousand website chat rooms to prove that your experience is WRONG! :P

    Hm, hold on there. Something comes to mind. :thumbup:
    [Blocked Image:]

    cracks me up every time. :D

    Old, fat, proud and pretty damn good at capturing impulses and mixing albums.

  • Good grief, am I on the KPA forum? Thought I was getting browbeaten on TGP or FAS lol.
    FWIW I posted my thoughts on TGP yesterday and within minutes was getting flamed. Made a light hearted response along the lines of 'wooops, sorry I forgot where I was' and again within minutes was getting responses where my user name had been 'altered' to shitguitarplayer.
    Now that, Scott, is an example of why a lot of people feel the way they do about the fas and tgp forums.
    If anyone says anything about that behaviour 'it is down to some ppl who are just enthusiastic about the product' (axefx.)
    When ppl on this forum make light hearted remarks about it it becomes 'character assassination? Really?.
    For the best example of character assassination I have seen recently on these forums, look to the way a certain person who did a video review of the axefx which did not come up to fas expectations was assassinated and has been since.

  • Good grief, am I on the KPA forum? Thought I was getting browbeaten on TGP or FAS lol.
    FWIW I posted my thoughts on TGP yesterday and within minutes was getting flamed. Made a light hearted response along the lines of 'wooops, sorry I forgot where I was' and again within minutes was getting responses where my user name had been 'altered' to shitguitarplayer.
    Now that, Scott, is an example of why a lot of people feel the way they do about the fas and tgp forums.
    If anyone says anything about that behaviour 'it is down to some ppl who are just enthusiastic about the product' (axefx.)
    When ppl on this forum make light hearted remarks about it it becomes 'character assassination? Really?.
    For the best example of character assassination I have seen recently on these forums, look to the way a certain person who did a video review of the axefx which did not come up to fas expectations was assassinated and has been since.

    And how was that post on TGP handled by the moderators there? Tell the whole story please. (* Since you probably won't because it won't buttress your implication, the person mocking you was infracted and the offending posts were removed). Your rant holds more water when you leave that part out. If you want to tell a story, tell the whole story.

    It's is obvious to see how it will go here; it has already gone that direction. I speak to some of the KPA owners privately, they are good folks with good manners and treat others with respect - even if they don't agree. It is a shame that sort of attitude won't be the norm here evidently. Drink the kool-aid, hate on other folks (just call it in jest or in 'light humor') and make it your own clique; even as you damn other forums for doing the same thing. I've never taken part in that sort of behavior, I find it boorish and juvenile. I don't like it in tube amp owners, Axe-FX owners, POD owners, 11R owners, etc..

    A few thoughts - this is now an international board - the product has been released in North America. So all the chest pounding won't endure the Kemper owner group as any different than the perception of the Axe-FX owner group. If anything, it will be worse because many of you that do it should know better.

    For all the rips on other people the fanboy aspect and supposed condescending that some have quoted - I think the Kemper board here has jumped to the front of that line. It won't be long due to your own behavior here mocking and 'having light fun' is held in the same light by the rest of the gear and forum world.

  • Ehhh...I've no idea who you are, Scott, or what any of this is about but I'll assume you're a nice guy who's kind to small children and animals. I have to say, though, I find your presence here pretty strange in that you seem to be here to carry on some vendetta or other from another message board and it all looks a little deranged from where I'm sitting, not to mention tedious and somewhat rude.

    Maybe you guys who are involved in this minor car crash can take it somewhere else?

  • Ehhh...I've no idea who you are, Scott, or what any of this is about but I'll assume you're a nice guy who's kind to small children and animals. I have to say, though, I find your presence here pretty strange in that you seem to be here to carry on some vendetta or other from another message board and it all looks a little deranged from where I'm sitting, not to mention tedious and somewhat rude.

    Maybe you guys who are involved in this minor car crash can take it somewhere else?

    I didn't bring it here, it was decent members of this board sending me PM's with the posts members here were making taking pot shots at me personally. There was/is no need to do that in any discussion.

    I have no vendetta, agenda, plan or conspiracy to conduct here. It is deranged; why call my character into question on a board where I was not participating, on a board for a company whose product I've never owned or used and never posted a negative review of?

    Trust me; I enjoy the car crash here less than even you do. Please leave me out of the conversations and I promise I am not here having any more conversations with you.

  • If you honestly think that the solution is running away from many absolutely friendly and nice users posting on this board, then ok, fair deal, although I think you're always welcome here if we can just have conversations in the right manner and on the right topics.

    Use your ears, not your mathematical sense.

  • This is so stupid. Just talk about the f***ing gear guys. You post a screenshot of a fake form to fill out about being "butthurt" in a thread on your own forum about AxeFX II Profiling announcement... who is really butthurt about this announcement? Just childish crap imho. You guys say you don't want to be biased like all of those other, terrible forums and in less than what, three weeks since the inception of this forum it's already worse.
    It's hilarious to see the cross posting in forums and see how people's attitudes (written) change when they come home to roost.
    It makes me question and second guess the authenticity of some of the reviews I have read on the KPA.
    Try to rise above it.

  • If you honestly think that the solution is running away from many absolutely friendly and nice users posting on this board, then ok, fair deal, although I think you're always welcome here if we can just have conversations in the right manner and on the right topics.

    Strawman fallacy - I never said "I will run away". I said I won't be here having this conversation about folks going after my integrity as long as there are no folks here having conversations going after my integrity.