Axe-Fx II profiling - just got announced...

  • I will never understand guys that don't think it is inappropriate to post about competitive products without any experience or relation to the actual companies' products.

    Can't leave this without a word. How on earth do you know if, for example, I have ever played an Axe? Actually, I used an Ultra for quite a few months, and had so bad experiences with it that I was happy to sell it off as fast as I could. The whole concept and execution was absolutely bad to me, and I still don't fall for the Axe II's layout and UNease of use.
    If somewhere, why would you not especially post in a company's forum about their or competitive products? Company forums are usually filled with users more experienced in the given unit than anyone else, and so this way you really get your answers from reliable sources. Also, a controlled and of course not personal debate has never hurt anything or anyone.
    And as of me, I'll never ever accept any forms of censorship. I'm from Hungary, we fought and paid too much for whole Europe's freedom and freedom of speech... 1848, 1956.... 'nuff said.

    Use your ears, not your mathematical sense.

  • Can't leave this without a word. How on earth do you know if, for example, I have ever played an Axe? Actually, I used an Ultra for quite a few months, and had so bad experiences with it that I was happy to sell it off as fast as I could. The whole concept and execution was absolutely bad to me, and I still don't fall for the Axe II's layout and UNease of use.
    If somewhere, why would you not especially post in a company's forum about their or competitive products? Company forums are usually filled with users more experienced in the given unit than anyone else, and so this way you really get your answers from reliable sources. Also, a controlled and of course not personal debate has never hurt anything or anyone.
    And as of me, I'll never ever accept any forms of censorship. I'm from Hungary, we fought and paid too much for whole Europe's freedom and freedom of speech... 1848, 1956.... 'nuff said.

    I don't know you from Adam, I don't know what you've played, owned or anything else.

    You can hope all you want for a 'not personal' debate when someone posts up stuff about competing product with no context on a company owned forum. Look at this thread. Look at any of the Kemper threads on the Fractal forum. They *always* get personal. They never end well. They never can be civil. Ignore it at your own risk.

    I've owned and run forums for over 15 years. I am the co-owner of TGP, which is one of the oldest and largest independently owned/run discussion forums on the planet. I'm not talking out of my arse.

    Point of fact: this isn't about 'freedom of speech' and it never was. It's about being civil, appropriate and realistic. That assumes self-restraint. Things folks on Internet forums don't have much of. Flying the 'freedom of speech' flag is a red herring and a strawman fallacy - it's over blown, it's not in context and no one is taking away your freedom of speech on a privately owned board. There is no such thing as freedom of speech on a privately owned and run board; if you truly believe that then try to open up and run your own forum and fire away. It'll be a ghost town inside of a few months. It's ignoring reality and civility. Do so at your own peril.

    It is also interesting to note how this thread turned and the direction you are taking it. This has nothing to do with the actual topic of the thread; which is also indicative of how these things go.

  • I only post here as a (hopefully) creative musician - I am constantly looking for ways to improve my tone and expression. I own some of the best tube amps, preamps, and digital modelers known to man, and I have always believed that someday digital units would surpass even the best we have achieved with analog - it's all just a matter of time and programming creativity.... May the best platform Win!!!

    All modelers known to man 8o

  • I only post here as a (hopefully) creative musician - I am constantly looking for ways to improve my tone and expression. I own some of the best tube amps, preamps, and digital modelers known to man, and I have always believed that someday digital units would surpass even the best we have achieved with analog - it's all just a matter of time and programming creativity.... May the best platform Win!!!

    I agree 100%.

    I have owned many different amps,cab, FX etc, over the years. I recently bought an Axe FX II, and actually learned about Kemper on the Fractal forum. So now I'm here to learn more, thinking I might buy one.

    BTW, I asked more than a few times in recents months if the Axe could do a "profile" (IR), after all it can shoot an IR of a cab so why not an amp. It's not farfetched and from what I understand it's similar to what convolution reverbs have been doing for 10+ years now. I first used a Sony DRE-S777 back in NY in 2002 (I think?). So IR with parameter interpolation isn't new.

    But I didn't come here to support or oppose one or the other, so relax, stop the silly stuff please, especially the personal jabs. No need.

    Clearly both the Axe and Kemper can rock the house. As musicians, we ALL benefit. It's a great time to be a musician!

    On to learning about the KPA!

  • It is also interesting to note how this thread turned and the direction you are taking it. This has nothing to do with the actual topic of the thread; which is also indicative of how these things go.

    Sorry to say that, Scott, but none of your posts in this thread was on topic. Actually was your first post the one that derailed the all thing. I must admit that I find a bit irritating your attitude here. As co-owner of another board, moderator in the private owned forum of a competing product and beta tester for the same competing company, taking personal shots to people (regardless to the reason and as you did in this thread and beyond....) on THIS privately owned board is , in my opinion, inappropriate, and damage your image, as a moderator you should be "super partes" (including your own one)
    That you like it or not, your mediatic exposition (tens of thousands of posts in several boards) has made a personality out of you, and that you like it or not, when you talk, for the audience you are TGP and, to some extent, you are FAS. You can scream as much as you want that you're not anyhow affiliated with FAS: even if true, people will just ignore it. Your mediatic presence and your global commitment to Axe users have made (probably against your will) you the Speaker for FAS, real or not, that's how people see you. It's a fact and a role that you cannot ignore, as you cannot refrain people from expressing differing opinion, often in an inappropriate way, without looking like a censor and without people questioning your reasons, it would be like the actual POTUS going from bar to bar starting a fight with all repubblicans because they say he's an a$$.....
    This is just my opinion and I've tried to be respectfull.


    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Gitaarnet70

    No need to introduce myself here, I think. But I had to log in seeing this debate here.

    This is one of the best post I have seen for a long time. Will not add any weight to your arguments (although I can). This to avoid possible escalation and more preaching.

    My support is for the Kemper family altough I still like my Ultra very much. But the upgrade to another mindblowing solution is becomming eminent.

    Cheers to ya all.

  • Hi DADA,

    well, people that doesn't know you yet will get to know you very soon, I assume... :D
    Just joking, welcome! I appreciate you holding back in this frame.

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • I have to agree with guitarnet70 on "Actually was your first post the one that derailed the all thing."

    Reading through the posts, it was all normal light fun until 1 user joined and it kicked off and went all serious. 15 years of running forums has taught you to conduct yourself in this manner on other forums?
    Other forums is visit are talking about this thread, and from what I can see it's only Scott who seems to be getting laughed at.
    Dude, chill out and get off your high horse lol

    Anyway, this thread does have a purpose and should not be deleted. It made me feel secure in purchasing the Kemper yesterday knowing there are some cool guys here who will help me when I am stuck and they don't take life so seriously.

  • The Axe sounds are bogus?

    I've never seen that written anywhere except now, here.

    I'd likely be considered an 'anti AxeFX' guy, though, but it sure didn't start out that way. I was keen to know more and perhaps try/buy it.

    I watched tons of clips and didn't like any of 'em! Woe betide anyone mentioning that online, though, lol.

    "You can't tell anything from a clip online!" was shouted at me by quite a few. Is that so? Maybe you can't but I've been playing, writing, recording, and sometimes producing for well over thirty years and I've made plenty of decisions based on far worse clips than an mp3 online.

    Then I get assaulted with drivel like "You're obviously an old tube head, there's no changing you!"

    Sure. A cupboard filled with digital toys and a studio based around computers since the early 80's clearly identifies me as too old school for the Axe! :D

    The fan! The dreaded fan! I happened to mention that a noisy fan wasn't going to work for me and was met with laughter "You'll get used to it!"

    No, I won't get used to it at all, I have a very quiet music room and it's taken a fair bit of effort and time to get it that way.

    I read some horrendously condescending things at the Fractal board, and some of those from the boss.

    I found as an outsider peering in a quasi religious zealotry too. That never goes down well with me. I also found a strange siege mentality like it was a David vs Goliath moment for the precious, hallowed Axe users. That's all obviously over dramatising things but it was noticeable.

    And all the time I kept hearing excuses ..the fan's not so bad…don't trust the clips you hear…not everyone is arrogant….…you have to get it under your fingers to know….it's a game changer, just buy it….

    They're all excuses and the psychological effect of them is and was to undermine what I already know to be true for me…that the fan IS an issue…that clips DO tell me what I want to know…that I DON'T need to get anything under my fingers to know if it's going to work…etc.

    I had my name of the euro list when II was announced but between then and the SEVEN MONTHS it took for my name to show up on the radar I'd lost interest.

    So…I've no idea if it sounds bogus or not since I gave up before finding out! If I found anything bogus it was how I ended up feeling as a potential customer.

    Plus...the name "AxeFX" reminds me of big hair and spandex and the unit itself looks a Roland synth module from the 80's :D

    OTOH I watched one clip of the KPA and bought it.

  • It made me feel secure in purchasing the Kemper yesterday knowing there are some cool guys here who will help me when I am stuck and they don't take life so seriously.

    8) Welcome on board and just shout if you need something!

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Plus...the name "AxeFX" reminds me of big hair and spandex and the unit itself looks a Roland synth module from the 80's :D

    OTOH I watched one clip of the KPA and bought it.

    Yes it does, hahaha, and it's being programmed pretty much the same way. I should know since I've been programming synths since the mid 80's. ;) Hah, some of you guys didn't know that. 8o

    The KPA looks like something from a 50's horror movie. Art deco, bioshock and space monsters! Hell yeah! I'll wait for the 19" though. haha.

    Oh yeah, I agree with everything else you said, ajs.

    Old, fat, proud and pretty damn good at capturing impulses and mixing albums.

  • The KPA looks like something from a 50's horror movie. Art deco, bioshock and space monsters! Hell yeah! I'll wait for the 19" though. haha.

    You're wrong, WRONG!

    Green is the new black and toasters are the new racks!

    FACTS! And I and thirty other KPA owners are going to hound you across seventeen continents and fifty seventy thousand website chat rooms to prove that your experience is WRONG! :P

  • I can see that there at least a few people who immediately recognize truth and manners. Welcome on board, send2, and have fun :!: :thumbup:

    Use your ears, not your mathematical sense.