Axe-Fx II profiling - just got announced...

  • lol (for this thread and all the ones on TGP and FAF)
    By the way the black version will be available in 3/4 weeks.

    I've thought it has always been black....wait a moment, this is the Kemper Forum...sorry man I've got confused... :D

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • That's healthy skepticism presented as opinion on the subject of profiling. I never once said anything about the Kemper - except that I hoped it was slammin' - other than what I heard based on clips and noted it clearly while also adding my distrust and lack of confidence in videos and clips to tell anyone anything of substance; my discussion in what you just took the time to go find and post here is of the actual profiling technique - note the date stamp of my post - which you have hidden. Very far from calling someone a 'henchman' and then also slamming TGP and Fractal owners Lance.

    I'd expect you of all people - an official distributor for Kemper in South Africa - to be above the fray. But anyone doing a search of your posts here on this board reads a whole slew of very negative posts *not only* about something you've never tried, owned, used or heard; but about anyone expressing a positive opinion about it. If I were you, I'd be ashamed of my behavior representing Kemper in an official manner as you do.

    It looks like a plain a simple opinion to me. Nothing wrong with it. Maybe I did not read well between lines but I have to say that it looks like you were intentionally trying to raise doubts about the product and its profiling process. You mention quotes about latency issues, and even about the videos from Kemper, like there is something suspicious about it. If to that you add that you are directly related to Fractal you should understand that your credibility will be affected in this case at least for some people. That does not justify any personal bashing though as anyone is entitled to their own opinion.

    Btw, what you just did with Guitartone is the same type of "character assassination" you were complaining about before.

    Edited once, last by MadH (February 9, 2012 at 5:05 PM).

  • That's healthy skepticism presented as opinion on the subject of profiling. I never once said anything about the Kemper - except that I hoped it was slammin' - other than what I heard based on clips and noted it clearly while also adding my distrust and lack of confidence in videos and clips to tell anyone anything of substance; my discussion in what you just took the time to go find and post here is of the actual profiling technique - note the date stamp of my post - which you have hidden. Very far from calling someone a 'henchman' and then also slamming TGP and Fractal owners Lance.

    I'd expect you of all people - an official distributor for Kemper in South Africa - to be above the fray. But anyone doing a search of your posts here on this board reads a whole slew of very negative posts *not only* about something you've never tried, owned, used or heard; but about anyone expressing a positive opinion about it. If I were you, I'd be ashamed of my behavior representing Kemper in an official manner as you do.

    You win, Scott, you happy now, you successfully control what I'm allowed to say on any forum on the internet.
    You've had your freedom of speech control freak dose for the day, I'm sure you're feeling a lot better now?

    You should apply to be a Moderator here as well as on TGP and the Fractal Forum, then you can have 100% control.

  • It looks like a plain a simple opinion to me. Nothing wrong with it. Maybe I did not read well between lines but I have to say that it looks like you were intentionally trying to raise doubts about the product and its profiling process. You mention quotes about latency issues, and even about the videos from Kemper, like there is something suspicious about it. If to that you add that you are directly related to Fractal you should understand that your credibility will be affected in this case at least for some people. That does not justify any personal bashing though as anyone is entitled to their own opinion.

    Btw, what you just did with Guitartone is the same type of "character assassination" you were complaining about before.

    How about this all the way through?
    Coming from someone who specifically comes here to the Kemper forum to assassinate my character, and says he's never said anything negative about Kemper....this is hilarious stuff to read.

  • It looks like a plain a simple opinion to me. Nothing wrong with it. Maybe I did not read well between lines but I have to say that it looks like you were intentionally trying to raise doubts about the product and its profiling process. You mention quotes about latency issues, and even about the videos from Kemper, like there is something suspicious about it. If to that you add that you are directly related to Fractal you should understand that your credibility will be affected in this case at least for some people. That does not justify any personal bashing though as anyone is entitled to their own opinion.

    Btw, what you just did with Guitartone is the same type of "character assassination" you were complaining about before.

    I asked Lance to handle his behavior in the manner befitting someone whom is a the official distributor for Kemper in South Africa. That's hardly 'character assassination'.

  • I'm not the person who called you a "Henchman"...that was someone else...I never assassinated your character.

    I'm off to dinner with my sister, let's see what she has to say about this, a Supreme Court Judge can offer me some free advice. :D

  • "But anyone doing a search of your posts here on this board reads a whole slew of very negative posts *not only* about something you've never tried, owned, used or heard; but about anyone expressing a positive opinion about it. If I were you, I'd be ashamed of my behavior representing Kemper in an official manner as you do."

    It looks that way to me but it is just my opinion. Anyway why don't we stop this non sense guys. Both of you are biased for you own reasons and now everybody knows about it. Why don't we keep discussing about the subject nicely without making any reference to anybody!

  • "But anyone doing a search of your posts here on this board reads a whole slew of very negative posts *not only* about something you've never tried, owned, used or heard; but about anyone expressing a positive opinion about it. If I were you, I'd be ashamed of my behavior representing Kemper in an official manner as you do."

    It looks that way to me but it is just my opinion. Anyway why don't we stop this non sense guys. Both of you are biased for you own reasons and now everybody knows about it. Why don't we keep discussing about the subject nicely without making any reference to anybody!

    I would enjoy nothing more and that's been my only request.

  • Ok guys, sorry - been at work and all hell breaks loose I see.
    Let me read through this and I'll answer to ya Scott.

    Btw, no need to blame Lance for anything - I was the one who called you "henchman".
    I still think it is funny - but maybe my sense of humor is off.
    See you in a bit.

    Oh, and welcome Scott!
    I'm Chris, by the way 8)

    Edited once, last by schneidas (February 9, 2012 at 6:40 PM).

  • Way to keep things classy Kemper guys... everything you said this forum was going to be is already no more, what a joke.
    They should have kept this section for private posting too, huge mistake on Kemper's part.
    Mine arrives on Saturday.

  • I haven't posted anything about any of this anywhere.

    Check your facts before you let fly with the accusations. Makes you look petty.
    A) You are wrong; B) Back it up with fact.

    This sort of post doesn't shine well on the forum, Kemper or guitarists for that matter.

    Ok, I thought about how to answer you but I don't really want to cause a fuzz. Plus, I have too much respect for the guys at Kemper, so I'll just say this:

    There are no "facts" that I have to get straight here. And I didn't say that you posted anything like this.
    If you read my post again, I said "next up on the hype machine..." - with which I meant that this is what I personally expected to happen soon.
    Each guy has his own opinion about the Axe, Cliff, Fractal and you, Scott. My personal opinion about you from some of your posts is - well, how shall I put this - that you're leaning ever so slightly towards Fractal Audio - but that's fine - everybody can read and have his own opinion about you and me, Fractal Audio, Cliff etc.
    Personally, I have read too many posts by Cliff and some of his hardcore followers in the past that I did not like. The banning of users and threads over the TGP forum and Fractal forum is another thing I don't care for.
    Anyway, obviously you took my "henchman" remark very personally. As I posted 2 posts below the one you quoted from me - it wasn't too serious and the term "henchman" is not really that bad in my eyes. Maybe my sense of humor is different.
    I'll quote myself for you:
    "Yeah bro... I'm just having fun. I don't like a few things about Fractal, Cliff or the european distributor (long story) so I like to pinch a bit in my posts... I think it's funny so don't take me too seriously..."

    If I did offend you, then sorry bro. I hereby apologize for this.

    Anyway, I'll leave it at that. If you want we can kiss and make-up (I'd rather not though :D )

    Edited once, last by schneidas (February 9, 2012 at 6:39 PM).

  • I see the 'competition' between Kemper and Fractal as a very *positive* thing, not a reason for concern or angst. As someone else said, 'These are great days to be a guitar player!' I unfortunately missed seeing the KPA at the LA NAMM, but am very curious to try it - easier said than done. I believe there is a tendency for people who have spent a sizable chunk of money to become a bit 'religious' about their 'baby' (it's not just Kemper and Fractal users).... seems to be human nature, but it's always best to try and control it, no?

    All modelers known to man 8o

  • The 'facts' are that I never posted one thing hyping Fractal's profiling. I am not a Fractal employee, and though I do post my opinion, I always present it accordingly.

    Your implication by using the term 'henchman' is offensive, my opinion is not bought or sold. Whether or not you like me/hate me or don't care about me - calling my integrity into question will get you a response.

    I don't care what any 'hardcore follower' posts; I am responsible for my posts only. Don't just group me in that way.

    I didn't ban anyone from the Fractal Forum, except spam-bots. Ever.

    On TGP, we expect members to follow the Rules of Conduct they agreed to when they signed up. Nothing more or less. If you break those rules and it is caught, you will be held accountable. Members are not 'banned' or 'suspended'; they accumulate infraction points for breaking rules. The suspensions are software triggered for getting 6 points or more within a 18 month period; after that period those points fall off. The more points you incur (most offenses are 2 points) then the longer the suspension. Nobody banned from TGP ever has less than 12+ points; a number very few (less than 0.0125% of all the members of TGP over a period of 10 years) have ever accumulated. To be a member of that group is extraordinary; there are only a handful of them in existence. Personally speaking, I do not moderate in the Modeling/Digital section of TGP because of the appearance of personal bias because I participate in that section so frequently. Objective moderators handle reported posts in that section, not me.

    Again, your facts and assumptions about me are incorrect. Your apology isn't necessary and shouldn't be. You don't have to like me at all, but I will never lie to you nor obfuscate the truth. Please don't turn your forum here into a vendetta filled personal slam-fest is all I am asking; I have never wished Kemper anything but success and if I had the money I'd buy one just to chill out the 'fan boy' crap. I have never upheld, supported or tried to be part of the entire 'us vs. them' thing; I feel it is ridiculous and without any credence. I have nothing but respect for Kemper and the vast majority of members on this board, and know many of them via forums both publicly and privately.

  • Bro again, I did *not* say you did hype Fractal's profiling - I said that I expected you'd come out *next* (as in, in a few weeks or so) and say it is 100% (or 120%) like a tube amp.

    No need to explain yourself Scott. I'm sure people have read your countless posts over the various forums and have an opinion for themselves of who you are or are not, as well as your actions or if you are biased or not. ;)

    Edited 2 times, last by schneidas (February 9, 2012 at 10:31 PM).

  • Internet forums can be very strange, I always try to post honest opinions, and sure like everyone else get excited about new products, or announcements, like in this case the Axe II's future "profiling" and just because i mention that i lost interest on the Kemper, I get nasty emails over that, one guy even called me Anti German!!! Crazy people!!! :) I don't even bother to respond to crap like that..I try to get along with everyone, I live in the USA but wasn't born in USA, my grand parents were a mix of 4 different countries, including Germany, USA, Italy, and Portugal, and having people calling me racist is vey offensive to me, just wish people could post opinions without it turning into some crazy fight, oh well it's the Al Gore internets.. what can you do :)