Axe-Fx II profiling - just got announced...

  • I haven't posted anything about any of this anywhere.

    Check your facts before you let fly with the accusations. A) You are wrong; B) Back it up with fact.

    This sort of post doesn't shine well on the forum, Kemper or guitarists for that matter.

    I have to agree on this. I just don't understand the need of bashing other companies products or people here. What is this obsession with taking sides?

  • Hmm, my drugs are interesting today!

    I'm not party to most of this weird Axe vs Kemper stuff which seems to have accompanied my purchase of the Kemper but from here it looks like a rat has sneaked onboard and is causing some alarm among the ladies.


  • Hi Scott, first of all nice to see you here :) . I agree that things are getting a bit too personal. I want to believe that the comment above was not a direct attack to your person but just an ironic comment on the marketing/forum rethoric at FAS. This "120% realer" has became famous in the net and still makes smile a lot of people, nothing wrong with that. Also this is (at the moment) mainly a European forum and we culturarly (is this right?) tend to be less political correct then US people (have been working 13 years for US corparates and burned my fingers several times).

    Peace and welcome

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Hi Scott, first of all nice to see you here :) . I agree that things are getting a bit too personal. I want to believe that the comment above was not a direct attack to your person but just an ironic comment on the marketing/forum rethoric at FAS. This "120% realer" has became famous in the net and still makes smile a lot of people, nothing wrong with that. Also this is (at the moment) mainly a European forum and we culturarly (is this right?) tend to be less political correct then US people (have been working 13 years for US corparates and burned my fingers several times).

    Peace and welcome

    +100 :thumbup:

    Use your ears, not your mathematical sense.

  • Kemper was labeled "vaporware" by Axe fanboys right at the start. Need I say more?

    Sure, you said it. By Axe fanboys. Are we having here KPA fanboys already? Because it is either that or people that have something against Fractal.

    A couple of weeks ago when somebody was talking badly about Fractal forum, I said that all product forums end the same way when the product is successful. Some people take sides like it is a religion. People told me I was wrong, that this forum would not become something like Fractal forum were you cannot give a negative opinion against the Axe without being attacked. Well, it is not looking very good.

  • Anyways, I hereby stop making any more comments on this topic, because I think it's just simply ridiculous. I honestly believe that no one should be too offended from a little internet flaming as long as it doesn't get really seriously personal. I know a few boards where they will really rip you apart - and it's definitely not the KPA boards.

    Use your ears, not your mathematical sense.

  • Really?...reads like an opinion to me.

    [Blocked Image:]

    That's healthy skepticism presented as opinion on the subject of profiling. I never once said anything about the Kemper - except that I hoped it was slammin' - other than what I heard based on clips and noted it clearly while also adding my distrust and lack of confidence in videos and clips to tell anyone anything of substance; my discussion in what you just took the time to go find and post here is of the actual profiling technique - note the date stamp of my post - which you have hidden. Very far from calling someone a 'henchman' and then also slamming TGP and Fractal owners Lance.

    I'd expect you of all people - an official distributor for Kemper in South Africa - to be above the fray. But anyone doing a search of your posts here on this board reads a whole slew of very negative posts *not only* about something you've never tried, owned, used or heard; but about anyone expressing a positive opinion about it. If I were you, I'd be ashamed of my behavior representing Kemper in an official manner as you do.

  • It was a breath of fresh air and classy until a few hours ago when something happened that I've never witnessed before in my 15 years on the internet.
    You cannot control Freedom of Speech...what is so hard to understand about that?

    Strawman fallacy, there is no free speech on privately owned discussion boards; and no one has said anything about removing your right to free speech.