What exactly gets installed upon Updating the OS?

  • Hello,
    I would like to know if all presets and current updated rigs automatically get installed upon updating the Kemper Profiler OS Release.
    What do I need to manually install to get all of the latest content since 4.0 ?
    Which rig packs are bundled into the install?
    Morphing rigs?
    If I skip an increment of update am I skipping content or is it cumulative into the latest bundle?
    Do I need to copy rigs into a folder on the USB drive and manually add them?
    I am asking because it would take too long for me to scroll through the Kemper to seek and compare the new content.

    why on earth :)
    Why does the manual for RM say that you can update the OS with RM? I don't see that option.


    Powered Rack / Windows 10

  • There really is no need to worry about missing content with rig manager. All factory content and rig packs are available for browsing/testing.

    If you want to update, you need to go into one of the properties tabs and tick a box that says "install beta firmware". That will get you the latest Kemper OS update. If you don't want a beta update, you shouldn't tick the box and it will update your Kemper to the latest stable release if necessary.

  • Please specify exactly where the properties tab is that allows OS updates.
    I found a grayed line of text that says - revert to previous OS in the TOOLS tab of Rig Manager.
    I hope that in the future we have a comprehensive dialog box with options shown as I would never click on this text and risk losing my current settings.
    I do not have the option to install beta firmware unless it is hidden underneath the text that says revert OS of which I will not click on. (no checkbox)

    Powered Rack / Windows 10

    Edited 2 times, last by endoverend (May 12, 2017 at 9:54 PM).

  • To those who are looking at this and have not updated since vs 4.0...
    It looks like all of the "content" is now residing inside of RM 2.0 (win) and you can choose to put it on the Kemper or not.
    Its nice that it does not automatically bloat the Kemper yet you need the PC connected to browse all the stuff.
    The user must copy it from RM to the Kemper after updating all softwares to current version.
    My previous folders were still intact after the update of RM from 1.5 to 2.0 - good.

    Powered Rack / Windows 10

  • He meant "Preferences" - in Rig Manager.

    I see the 2 boxes that say automatically CHECK FOR updates and check for Beta, thanks.
    This is scary vague when it comes to a user possibly NOT wanting to let the computer automatically update your Kemper though.
    A hypertext link to help documentation would be useful in this dialog box.

    Powered Rack / Windows 10

  • Well,

    Regarding how RM pushes the OS updates out:

    Inside of RM a dialog box popped up and asked me if I wanted to update my OS already to vs OS (release) and described the bug fixes, since it is an increment from my current OS I went for it and enjoyed the ability to improve my stability. This is within 24 hours of updating to OS Release from download on site.

    I was accustomed to using a USB drive and manually updating, this is so much nicer than that workflow, ahhhh yea.
    The documentation on how to update the OS is a bit confusing as it describes both methods to the user.
    I had to rethink my workflow (for the better) and envision the Rig Manager software as a more powerful tool, designed to keep the profiler unit up to date, it deserves to be renamed: Kemper Kontrol.

    Powered Rack / Windows 10

    Edited once, last by endoverend (May 12, 2017 at 10:23 PM).

  • A note to new users of Rig Manager 2.0,

    RM will pull down updates to itself when you first install it and require computer restart to complete. It may do an update at first install requiring a double restart that looks like a installation loop bug.
    It looks like the Rig Manager installer is a "base program" and it will get regular updates along the way without requiring a download and reinstall workflow. Although my first install looked like I installed it twice, I appreciated the fact that the software was being carefully monitored to be the latest and most stable version. I am going to assume that I should expect to update my software for the Kemper and the Rig Manager in a fluid manner, like my OS on my computer and get into the thinking pattern of every week I may see an update.

    Powered Rack / Windows 10

  • Side note, when updating RM to 2.0 but not updating the Profiler from 4.0 to 5.1 yet, somehow the strobe tuner stopped displaying correctly on the unit and the remote.
    Profiler was plugged into USB during update of RM.
    This could inadvertently force a user to update the Profiler to remedy the tuner issue. In my opinion, it may be best to get onboard with the latest release software now that we do not have to use a USB stick to install it anymore.

    Powered Rack / Windows 10

  • I want to be able to back up my Profiler unit with RM.
    How can I make a backup?

    In my opinion Rig Manager should prompt to make a backup upon exit of the app for both the Profiler and the RM into separate files, it should also have a dialog that allows users to keep a number of versions before the oldest one gets deleted, I would like 4 VS of my setup for example. This would be on par with Adobe products like Lightroom and Autobackup every * minutes like Pro Tools.

    Powered Rack / Windows 10

  • Ok,I see the 2 boxes that say automatically CHECK FOR updates and check for Beta, thanks.
    This is scary vague when it comes to a user possibly NOT wanting to let the computer automatically update your Kemper though.
    A hypertext link to help documentation would be useful in this dialog box.

    I don't see it as vague at all, mate.

    "Check for Updates" is exactly what it does; it subsequently informs you should anything new, according to the filter/s you specify, be available.

    The fact that the option to "Update Automatically" isn't there reinforces the fact that it's a check only.

  • I want to be able to back up my Profiler unit with RM.
    How can I make a backup?

    In my opinion Rig Manager should prompt to make a backup upon exit of the app for both the Profiler and the RM into separate files, it should also have a dialog that allows users to keep a number of versions before the oldest one gets deleted, I would like 4 VS of my setup for example. This would be on par with Adobe products like Lightroom and Autobackup every * minutes like Pro Tools.

    I know I should just hold my tongue...but I just can't help myself.

    @endoverend, you have made multiple posts here, decrying how the Rig Manger update and backup procedures are confusing (in your opinion).

    With all due respect, I would suggest (and highly recommend) that you might consider actually reading the USER MANUAL that is available in the HELP section of the Rig Manager application. Furthermore, you might consider downloading the KPA "Deeper View and Reference Manual", which is available on the Kemper Support site, to familiarize yourself with you Kemper profiler. I promise you...it won't bite.

  • Lol. Is there really any need to be so suspicious of Kemper Amplifier updates? I don't even use most of the gear they sell other than the Profiler (oh, and the Access Virus) and I don't shit bricks because it is pretty easy to understand what an update entails.

    Keep in mind, the latest update is a stable update. Why freak out so much? I have no idea...

    If you want to downgrade, just keep copies of previous OS updates in a folder on your PC. Please don't worry that Kemper Amps is out to screw you over.

    I pretty much do this stuff blindly without supposing that Mr Christoph Kemper wants to f*ck me over. He has no reason to do so.