Rig Manager just deleted my performance

  • Hey,
    I am really sad that I lost a performance that was dialed in.
    I copied and pasted it to another slot and it poofed.
    # 1 and # 2 are now factory reset for some reason and I cannot even see the (midi) slot # in RM

    Take note - this app needs a save button to commit changes or not, if it looks buggy then people will not save the broken items into their Kemper.
    I Now have to update all of my software to latest 1 hour before practice....not a good vibe
    Hope I can recreate what I had


    we just want to play guitar

    RM 1.5.412185

    Powered Rack / Windows 10

  • It seems to me that when we open a second window with RM, problems begin.

    I just realized that I still lost a performance that I had put a lot of time to create.
    In my last rehearsal, I searched for this performance without finding it and I could not use it.

    Furthermore, the handling with these two windows is not pleasant at all.