Cameron Aldrich DI Profile - Cab Added

  • Thanks! Let me know what you think. I'm open to trying any suggestions you guys have.

    Thanks. I gave them a quick go (only in headphones unfortunately). The low end is a bit more clean, it's still really high gain at least on my EMG's, i can try another pickup tomorrow. I'll also let you know what i think it sounds like when i hear what i played through my car (where i can tell better than the headphones). Do you have any clips of the actual amp recorded for comparison to the profiles you recorded?

  • MM,

    You import the cab preset .kipr files just like any other file, which you have downloaded and stored onto your USB flash drive.

    Once imported, you pull up any amp profile, and then hit the CAB module to bring up the CAB menu. Once the CAB menu is displayed, turn the BROWSE knob. You should see then see all the available KPA CAB presets populate the screen, including the Till Schleischer Cab presets (provided you have successfully imported them).

    Hope that helps. Give it another try. :)


    This I know and it is precisely this that didn't work, hence I deleted them.

  • This I know and it is precisely this that didn't work, hence I deleted them.


    If you are using the free CabLab "teaser" pack, then that is why you will not be seeing the CAB-only presets appear. The teaser pack consists of 6 Merged Profiles. It is only the full CabLab package in which the download .ZIP file contains a separate folder containing CAB-only .kipr files, which can be imported directly as CAB presets.

    However, with that said, you could still work with the 6 free Merged profiles. Simply load them on your KPA, then call one of them up as a rig. Once it is displayed in the main screen, hold the CAB button so that the menu now shows the Cabinet. Then select "Store" button. You will now see soft button options to store as either "CAB Only" or "Entire Rig". Select "CAB Only", and then you will be prompted to name it. Give it a name, and then hit "Store" button again. Boom. You now have this Cabinet as a cab-only preset, which you can call up at any time and use with any amp. You would have to do this step with each of the six individual teaser rigs.

    With the full pack, you can bypass all that nonsense by installing all 58 rigs as Cab-only presets in one fell swoop.

    And MM, I certainly realize you know your way around your please don't take my advice (offered as friendly help) as talking down to you. For some reason, your terse replies give me the sense that I have somehow offended you...which I hope is not the case. :)


  • Thanks. I gave them a quick go (only in headphones unfortunately). The low end is a bit more clean, it's still really high gain at least on my EMG's, i can try another pickup tomorrow. I'll also let you know what i think it sounds like when i hear what i played through my car (where i can tell better than the headphones). Do you have any clips of the actual amp recorded for comparison to the profiles you recorded?

    I tried these again with my Ernie Ball Silhouette Special and the gain (for this type of sound) was not too hot. My old Ibanez that i put EMG's in is too hot i think I need to lower the pickups or something they are almost touching the strings :) Also that "clipping sound" is not from your profile it seems to be a little bit of popping/clicking sound mostly between my Ernie Ball SS and the Kemper, i'll have to investigate that more (it's in a lot of other profiles too).

    Thanks again!

  • Thanks. I gave them a quick go (only in headphones unfortunately). The low end is a bit more clean, it's still really high gain at least on my EMG's, i can try another pickup tomorrow. I'll also let you know what i think it sounds like when i hear what i played through my car (where i can tell better than the headphones). Do you have any clips of the actual amp recorded for comparison to the profiles you recorded?

    I don't have clips of the actual amp but could probably record something next week.

  • Thanks for the info. I clicked around for a while and didn't find that resolution, I just assumed it would show up in the cab pool like most of the other profiles. Lesson learned.

    As for my terse reply, that was more born out of my miniscule frustration than anything, nothing meant to be directed at you. You're just trying to be helpful. Admittedly, I'm not the most tech-savvy person out there so I'm prone to just throw something out because it's too complex or not intuitive enough (hence the need for an editor in my case).

  • Anyone care to share any feedback? Either on how it compares to the $40 profile or just in general?

    I keep going back to the one with the added cab (Aldrich 5/7 T2 Marsh). I think it does the 80's metal thing great but then again I might be biased and my ears are probably shot. Someone please confirm or deny what I'm hearing because my ears are still ringing from all the profiling I've been doing lately. :D

  • Webb what an effort brother, to me they sound great!! I suggest messaging Jason he may give you the DI test profile to compare :)


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • Webb what an effort brother, to me they sound great!! I suggest messaging Jason he may give you the DI test profile to compare :)


    I like the last with added cab a tad more. I have tried the others with cabs from Tills, Celestions, etc and sometimes the result is great.

    Hi! I've just tried your DI profile with many Two Notes and Ownhammer cabs and it's an awesome profile.

    Thank you very much for sharing it!

    Thanks guys...glad you dig it. Cheers!

  • the DI is great and also having mark's, i can give a little comparison. Marks has a low mid that seems to be baked in, webb's is a little more open on the top end and has more grind where Mark's has more thick. the DI really works well into a cab or i used it with various celestion ir's and it works great. (cant say enough about the celestion ir's) the studio aldrich is good but i prefer the DI with celestions, its a little more punchy and in your face. these profiles are as good as any paid for profiles out there

  • the DI is great and also having mark's, i can give a little comparison. Marks has a low mid that seems to be baked in, webb's is a little more open on the top end and has more grind where Mark's has more thick. the DI really works well into a cab or i used it with various celestion ir's and it works great. (cant say enough about the celestion ir's) the studio aldrich is good but i prefer the DI with celestions, its a little more punchy and in your face. these profiles are as good as any paid for profiles out there

    Thanks for taking the time to comment. Appreciate the review.

  • They're loving it over at Rig Talk.

    One dude just said, comparing it with the $40 one, "I have Mark's version and tried this one out. I think webb's is a little clearer with a more open top end... Mark's has a low mid that seems to be baked in...".

  • Webb, thanks for providing these DI Profiles. I have an amp I was thinking of doing DI profiles but had no idea how they would sound. But if you are getting great results I may give it a try.

    The Kemper Profiling Amp is the best musical invention since the Electric Guitar and the Marshall Amp .

  • Who said that, I've been following both threads?

    From my perspective, anything that's more-open in the top end and less-muddy in the lower mids craps on the alternative. Easier to mix. Easier to hear individual notes in chords. Easier to perceive subtle articulations.

    I think the fact that Webb's Profile apparently exhibits these characteristics when compared to a $40 one, for free, contributed to my rather-blunt interpretation of the contrast. As scary groove said, "And best of all, Webb gave one profile for free. The other one profile is $40"

    Perhaps I should have made it clear that his description (Pbfoot) meant that, for me, it sounds like it's a whole-lot-more-usable. I'm sorry you had to be the poor chap who bore the "brunt" of one of the very-few occasions I've ever "sworn" online, mate. I actually walked away intending to revisit that post the next time I logged on to reassess the phrasing in the cold light of day; you beat me to it, unfortunately. At the time, it was simply the most-efficient way to sum my thoughts on the matter up in a pinch. It's been edited now, as it would have been anyway. I even removed any personal thoughts I have on the matter and stuck to cold, hard facts.

    Sorry again, mate.

  • From my perspective, anything that's more-open in the top end and less-muddy in the lower mids craps on the alternative. Easier to mix. Easier to hear individual notes in chords. Easier to perceive subtle articulations.
    I think the fact that Webb's Profile apparently exhibits these characteristics when compared to a $40 one, for free, contributed to my rather-blunt interpretation of the contrast. As scary groove said, "And best of all, Webb gave one profile for free. The other one profile is $40"

    Perhaps I should have made it clear that his description (Pbfoot) meant that, for me, it sounds like it's a whole-lot-more-usable. I'm sorry you had to be the poor chap who bore the "brunt" of one of the very-few occasions I've ever "sworn" online, mate. I actually walked away intending to revisit that post the next time I logged on to reassess the phrasing in the cold light of day; you beat me to it, unfortunately. At the time, it was simply the most-efficient way to sum my thoughts on the matter up in a pinch. It's been edited now, as it would have been anyway. I even removed any personal thoughts I have on the matter and stuck to cold, hard facts.

    Sorry again, mate.

    Ah Nicky, don't kick yourself mate. You are a gentleman, through and through...and it is quite obvious you have a kind heart and a gentle soul. We all have posted things that, upon later reflection, we might have wished to have tempered with less emotional language, on in a more charitable manner. In any event, you were simply repeating verbatim what someone else had wrote on another forum.

    Take me, for an example...I have found I have become less and less patient with KPA owners/users (mostly new, and probably young) who want instant gratification and instant answers from this community, without doing the LEAST amount of "due diligence" by reading (or even browsing) the KPA user manuals. I simply cannot understand how someone can make such a significant investment, but refuses to even open a manual to learn the most basic information about their very powerful digital amp.

    It's like they want everything spoon fed to them, without putting in the least amount of effort in researching, and most importantly LEARNING, on their own.

    See what I mean...I am fired up just talking about this. :P:D

  • LOL I totally hear you, bro'. I actually "feel" the internal conflict you're experiencing when I read those (well-justified) posts.

    In any event, you were simply repeating verbatim what someone else had wrote on another forum.

    I initially shared my hurried, super-succinct interpretation that someone said one shat on the other. I didn't make it clear that it was my interpretation of what the described contrast would mean to me.

    For that, I willingly flog myself. Thank you for stepping in and attempting to save my skin, John, but it's too late, mate; it's red already. :D