"Lock Override" function

  • It would be nice to implement a "Lock Override" option, allowing the user to select - in a a particular Rig - if an effect slot would "override" the generic "locked" effect assigned in that slot.

    This would open a myriad of possibilities, so that we could chose a "generic" effects set (Locked Slots) which could find an exception in a "per rig" basis.

    One could use a "generic" reverb for all rigs except for those others that a certain particularity claims for a "overriden" reverb.

    The "Lock Override" could be assigned using one of the soft buttons above the screen (maybe the fourth one).

    What do you think?

    Edited once, last by Schilling (April 29, 2017 at 6:34 PM).

  • It would be nice to implement a "Lock Override" option, allowing the user to select - in a a particular Rig - if an effect slot would "override" the generic "locked" effect assigned in that slot.

    This would open a myriad of possibilities, so that we could chose a "generic" effects set (Locked Slots) which could find an exception in a "per rig" basis.

    One could use a "generic" reverb for all rigs except for those others that a certain particularity claims for a "overriden" reverb.

    The "Lock Override" could be assigned using one of the soft buttons above the screen (maybe the fourth one).

    What do you think?

    This has been mentioned before, but your way of describing it is the clearest I've heard..."lock override" me like and I would definitely use it.

  • This would be very very helpful.

    In my scenario I have a wah "locked" in the 4th effect slot so it's available in all performances and slots. I did it this way as manually adding and saving it to each of the 5 slots in my 100+ performances will take literally hours of daft and fiddly repetition. Crazily enough however, it looks like this is currently the only real way to do it.

    I was hoping for a better way, and after getting some forum advice (link below) it appeared the only way to do it in a reasonable time frame was to "lock" it as a wah - and doom my single expression pedal to this one function - and one function only. Kind of a crappy and limiting solution imo (would love to use the morph feature for instance - but I'm not buying an lugging around a 2nd expression pedal just so i can use morph on one or two songs!).


    As there is no PC editor etc to allow slot changes to multiple profiles/performances at the same time, a simple FW embedded software "Lock Override" feature as you describe would be an amazing help. You could simply lock the change in quickly to effect all the profiles the profiles, then simply removing the lock from the few where you require the different slot functionality.

    Would be a life saver.

  • I was just thinking today something like this is needed. I want to be able to lock my amp section. However I want the option to override this for 1 particular rig which i have setup as an acoustic DI for my acoustic guitar. If I locked my amp section for my electric, I'd have to come up with a whole separate acoustic rig instead of using my acoustic DI profiles.

    A lock override would be awesome!