I opened a ticket, anyone experience this? Issue has been fixed

  • no it doesent, just at +5 you can really hear so youll now know what to listen for, when I dial back to 0, with amp gain about 3 oclock, the noise is there just not as loud. I thought this took care of it but then when I add a clean boot for solo boost it then boosts that noise.

  • im really hoping moving the noise gate from 1st position to say slot x does the trick. This would make sense cause the input gate is already there so I am assuming the say x slot would be like adding a noise gate in the loop and may solve this problem and I really hope it does

  • no it doesent, just at +5 you can really hear so youll now know what to listen for, when I dial back to 0, with amp gain about 3 oclock, the noise is there just not as loud. I thought this took care of it but then when I add a clean boot for solo boost it then boosts that noise.

    Ok, thanks. This is what I suspected. Please go back and read my entry again - I added quite a bit to the theory which I think you may have missed because I was in the midst of editing it as you were posting back.


  • interesting, so to gain stage my poweramp, the poweramp doesent clip until the monitor output is max and rig volume is +4, then its right under clip which is the gain stage. Do you think this level then could the culprit? Would it be best to reverse this thinking and max volume my poweramp and use the kemper monitor out as the overall voluime control? I dont get any clips on the kemper in or out they stay a full green even strummed hard so I figured I was okay. The gain stage is how I always used my previous devices but I understand this is a different product.

  • Oh, in defense of the KPA one more important thing to be aware of ....

    Most other devices that model try to mimic the amp, right down to the controls & parameters. However, the KPA doesn't take a modeling approach, so you can't view the controls as having the same analogous operation between devices. In fact, the KPA in many instances allows a much broader spectrum of tweaking beyond what you'd get from an amp or other modeling device. For example, the gain on a stomp might allow you to raise the gain way beyond that of the real pedal. Same with Amp gain setting. Same with some of the Amp controls (tube settings, bias, etc).

    So be careful when comparing numerical settings against other modeling devices, you probably aren't comparing apples and apples.

    As to your question about the levels between KPA and power amp, yes I'd go more toward the reverse where your KPA master volume acts as the volume control for the rig. That said, don't go simply opening up your amp volume all the way, just find a happy balance.


    Edited once, last by SonicExporer (April 24, 2017 at 9:27 PM).

  • yeah I am tweaking by ear not by eye, but of course you mental try to compare in the real world, now I will admit that I was "thinking" +5 on the ts would be the equivelant as wide open in real life, but it seems to me 0 is 10 if that makes sense. Now the amp gain I can say by ear the kemper is getting the high gain im used to to say a cobra, I have owned 3 cobras, but that noise to me did sound like maybe the ad converter was hitting the ceiling. I will readjust tonight and try to reverse this process and see what happenes. I do know I did reverse this volume between amp and kemeper and still had the noise but I have some other ideas now to try. Gawd I hope I can get this to work I really dont want to take it back

  • I think you'll be fine, just take a deep breath and go at it slowly, one step at a time so you get a good feel for what each change is actually having. Trying to tweak too much at once can make for a mess to unwind if a problem surfaces.

    Welcome BTW.

  • I was thinking the converter as per first post and sonic was all over this..
    all as we needed was a noise gate!!
    I promise not to mention BEER. :D

    Every day i am getting better. 8o
    CONGRATS MAN! Now where are those high gain sound clouds so we can rock out? :thumbup:


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • I'll be recording the rest of my solos with the kemper on the new Postal album. I'm also going to friends house to profile his amp collection and share, he has a FJA FB100 among more

    Glad to hear you got everything ironed out !

    FJA huh? I know Jerry, one of many industry associates. Good guy that creates good tone.

  • Here it is

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