Profiling Weirdness

  • I've been trying to really nail profiling recently and I compare my results by recording double tracked parts of the the amp with all the mics (or just one) I'm using and then track the KPA profile of it.

    The drums are just a reference and have not been mixed in any way and the first tone is the amp tone and it flicks through both sounds. This is what it sounds like…iew?usp=sharing

    Profiling Signal Chain:
    KPA direct send > TS9 > 5153 > Zilla 2x12 V30

    SM57, E906 and MD421 > Clarett 8 Pre > Cubase > Each mic has it's own input and track > summed to a mono group > output 6 > Return Jack KPA

    I've checked the phase of each mic and they're as good as it gets, I also have tried one mic directly into the KPA and it's not the same sound as the amp. Any ideas?

    Have also tried lowering the volume going into the KPA considerably.


  • How long do you spend time refining the profile? I usually spend some good 5-10 minutes refining, checking A/B versus the real amp, refining again if it's not the same, repeat ad nauseam until it sounds close enough.

    Personally I think the Kemper sounds hugely better than the amp tone. :D There's some hollow sounding phase weirdness going on with the amp track.