Good to see Y'all

  • I don't usually spend time on forums... but actually this forum has some very good management and policies that I think will make this a 'better' forum than most... (we shall see) anyway some will have heard of me before and some will not.

    My name is Tony Mckenzie from

    I recently wrote a review of the Kemper Profiling amp and was pleasantly surprised with the Kemper... it actually does what it says on the tin!

    Anyway, enough of the Kemper for now... here's a little more about me.

    I'm getting older all the time like everyone else - just like you, but I still like playing guitars, amps and all that other god stuff.
    When I developed my website some time ago I decided to try and write reviews that might help new users or musicians that might want to see what a 'first time' user of the kit might want from it. So I started writing them (no one else did). I was fed up with reviews by many manufacturers dealers and the like reviews that often only showed half the story. While I do get rubbish from some for writing my reviews, the vast majority of people who contact me thank me for my work which actually costs me lots of money, with ZERO return.
    I never made a bean from reviews or my website contrary to some who actually know less about me than what I have written here.
    But in any case, if just one guy benefits from what I do then its really worth the effort? right?

    So, here I am, a registered owner of the Kemper Profiling amplifier, which is a modern marvel if ever there was one. I'll still be keeping my tube amps :) but if you have played those as long as I have you might too.
    But the Kemper remains a masterpiece in a sea of often overpriced inferior products. Only the OS is lacking right now, but thats on its way embelished I'm sure.

    I'll be keeping mine.... alongside those hot tubes :)

    So as long as I get some 'respect' from users on this forum I'll stay, and if not then I guess the forum would fall in to the also ran of the worst of the internet. Let's hope its all positive as it should be, and let this forum be what it needs to be.... a platform for real help to Kemper amp users...

    Was any of that about me as an intro which this post is about? You bet it was....

    Careful I'm watching you...

  • Welcome!

    Same here I'll keep all my tube amps and have sold all my other modeling stuff :D

    btw. I like your reviews a lot!

    (All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with

    Great Profiles -->

  • Hi Tony, welcome. If you're going to profile all what you do review, then you're going to be quite popular here :D you still have the /13 and the Ceriatone? :P :P

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Hi Tony,

    I first heard of you a few years ago now when I first purchased an Engl amp, you had a great review that I had read and it made me want to go out and buy the amp, it was a great amp which served me well :) Anyway it's great to have you here on the forum and maybe you will even consider sharing some profiles of some of the gear you own or even the ones from the video review that you made of the Kemper. Either way great to hear from you!


  • Hi Tony, I bought my Kemper because of your review. I know you have no affiliations and that you do not pull any punches in your reviews, that's why I trusted your judgement on the Kemper. I have not been disappointed! Welcome to the forum....... :)

  • Hi
    I´m Mikael Tänndal in Sweden and I am a Kemper owner since just one and a half week!
    I ordered an AXE-FX II in end of June.
    LOOOONNNGGG time of delivery and during waiting and after reading user reviews and comments I was never sure that this was the thing for me and I felt a bit of nervous pain in my stomach. To complex, to expensive.
    By coincidence I saw an ad that a guy was selling his new Axe FX and I contacted him. He told me he was more happy with his Kemper.... His WHAT I thought?? Never heard of that animal.... I started reading about it and also found your web site.
    I decided to order one and try it until I got the AXE (full retur policy). I got it delivered from Thomann and just two days later I was contacted from G66 that my AXE was ready for dispatch.
    I tried the Kemper for a few days and then cancelled my order and I have never regret that decision even though I had waited for 7 months.

    I think the Kemper is amazing!
    Some think it looks ugly, as a medical tool, or a handbag but I think that kind of RETRO look combined with high tech is just fantastic.
    When going to our summer cottage I can just grab the handle, my earphones and my guitar and I can survive a longer holiday.

    Welcome to the Kemper Forum Tony!

  • Welcome aboard Tony. By the way, I've always enjoyed your reviews of equipment because you tell it as it is. Lots of equipment "fans" can't stand that approach but I love it. You don't need brand loyalty etc, it either does what it claims or it doesn't !