KPA Headphone/Alternative Output staight into guitar cab ? (It works but...?)

  • a friend of mine told me that i could connect a headphone output to a guitar cab without a power amp (in my case a orange 4x12).

    i tried it out - it actually works, and is pretty loud also. i can even connect the alternative output to the KPA and it works.

    my question is, can i damage the KPA that way?

    Edited once, last by toneclone (January 30, 2012 at 5:20 PM).

  • 8o 8o 8o :?: :?: :?: ?( ?( ?(

    ...really, I are driving a 4x12 with the HEADPHONE output????!!!!!???? And is loud? holy sh....can some Team members tell us how many W does the headphone output have?

    The Headphone output should be at 50-120 ohm, therefore connecting a 8 or 16ohm loudspeaker could theorethically damage the "power amp" if the difference in wattage would not be so wonders me that there is enough current to get the speaker moving at all....
    Never seen something like that...
    Armin, this is your field, what is your take?

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • I'm surprised by this.
    Usually headphone outs are capacitively coupled and so you require a suitable impedance to ensure full low end response.
    Do it not sound thin? ?(
    When you say loud, loud enough for a drummer?