yamaha DXR12 EQ

  • Hi everybody, just want to know from people using Yamaha DXR10 or DXR12, do they sound good out of the box or do you need to eq the output section in the Kemper ? I own two old DAS DS-15 and tought they could be usable but not that great even with Kemper EQ tweaks. Also tried in the effect loop return of my guitar amp, wich is a Laney LC30, but not satisfied. I like the sound I get from my Yorkville YSM1p studio monitors but it's just a studio not-too-loud option. Thinking about buying Yamaha DXR10 or 12. Do you eq them to have a good sound ? If so, wich settings ?


  • I only eq the bass area depending on stage/room size and cab position. On smaller stages the DXR12 can produce too much low end, I adjust the low end until it sounds nice without too much boom but with enough balls :)

  • Thanks guys for those helpfull informations. I continue to tweak my set up, try different places in the room for the DAS and tweak kpa eq. Sounds a lot better for now but still thinking about buying dxr-10.