"Linked" function for Eq, stomps or others

  • Imagine that you need a parametric eq after the stack section with specific frequencies boosted or toned down and to mix your sound with other instruments.

    This parametric eq is set to mix your guitar with the bass and the voice for exemple.
    You're searching a setting with your band and a day you have to change the setting because you play in an other rehearsal room and the equiment is not the same ...

    When you change this "linked PEQ" in a rig in your Kemper, every rigs where you have used this "linked PEQ" is changing too.

    It would suffice to have a function linked in the stomps to link the setting.
    And when you search for this stomp, it appears in the stomps list with its name and the "linked" mention.

    for exemple :

    "super boosted Eq - linked"
    " attenuate Eq - linked"

    This function allow to not affect all the rigs with a setting, but some of them only.

    For exemple, i would like to dicrease the frequencies around 2 kHz to let work the voice of the singer, but when i'm using a rig to play a solo, it may be that i want to boost this frequency cause my guitar take the place of the voice during the guitar solo...

    Then this function for exemple allow to affect all the rigs except rigs for the solos or for intros.

    This function is close to "an PEQ on the output", but it's more flexible.
    "PEQ on the output" intervene after the reverb section, it's true too. Then the function i talk about is not able to be placed after the reverb section.
    On the other hand, this function may concern the other stomp effects.

  • This is all related to Preset Management. We've been asking for improvement here for a long time, especially the feature as you described it. (linking, inheritance, etc. all mean the same thing: one central preset, when tweaked, changes show where ever that preset is used.) I believe I have seen at least 4-8 Feature Requests for this specific functionality since I first bought my Kemper.

    Lets hope they address it soon.