Powered or Non Powered. Mono or Stereo advise.

  • I know this is really basic and stupid question, but isn't mono the use of 1 speaker only?

    In this thread: One or two FRFR cabs and which model?

    @Booyah says:
    "I was intending to go stereo when I bought my Mission Gemini cabs, oddly enough it was the tech at Mission Engineering that talked me out of it. I use 2 Gemini 1Ps and a Matrix GT800FX in mono and couldn't be happier."

    Other guys vote for mono as well.

    To take advantage of what kemper has to offer and go stereo if i want, doesn't it make more sense to buy the unpowered version to have no limits.
    Doesn't it involve 2 speakers?

    Please let me know. Your feedback is really valuable, so i make the right decision for me.

  • Yes to get stereo you need 2 speakers and hook them up to the Main outs, no matter what Kemper you have. The monitor out and speaker out are mono only,

    I'm a live player almost exclusively and have found it saves time and grief to not use stereo live. It really only works in limited areas of venues anyways. I use monitor out to my power amp which then goes out to my 2 cabs. I plug an XLR into the main out for FOH, either one is fine I'm all summed to mono. Stages will always have an XLR to the board so I like to keep the Main outs free for the house.

  • I agree with Booyah. I've found that most PA systems are run in mono. And even those that are run in stereo, I'm not convinced it's a great thing because if you're playing in stereo, people who are closer to one set of speakers and further away from others (mainly when close to the stage) won't get the stereo effect anyway. In fact, they'll get a result that can sometimes be worse than mono.

    The only time I consider doing anything in stereo is when recording, because in most scenarios, it will be played back on systems that aren't as spread out as PA systems, and the listener will be able to experience the stereo effect at that point.

  • Yes to get stereo you need 2 speakers and hook them up to the Main outs, no matter what Kemper you have. The monitor out and speaker out are mono only,

    I'm a live player almost exclusively and have found it saves time and grief to not use stereo live. It really only works in limited areas of venues anyways. I use monitor out to my power amp which then goes out to my 2 cabs. I plug an XLR into the main out for FOH, either one is fine I'm all summed to mono. Stages will always have an XLR to the board so I like to keep the Main outs free for the house.

    The staff said the powered kemper allows only mono! Right? Meaning if i buy the powered i will not be able to run stereo speakers. But i will be able to run stereo in the IEM's?

    So even though you use 2 cabs, it's still mono?
    What are main outs. Jack type of connection? Sorry english is not my mother tongue!
    So you bougth the unpowered version? Rack or head, and why?

    I agree with Booyah. I've found that most PA systems are run in mono. And even those that are run in stereo, I'm not convinced it's a great thing because if you're playing in stereo, people who are closer to one set of speakers and further away from others (mainly when close to the stage) won't get the stereo effect anyway. In fact, they'll get a result that can sometimes be worse than mono.

    The only time I consider doing anything in stereo is when recording, because in most scenarios, it will be played back on systems that aren't as spread out as PA systems, and the listener will be able to experience the stereo effect at that point.

    So even in mono i will run 2 speakers for a more spread sound across my playing area.
    OhG, did you buy powered or unpowered; rack or head, and why?

    I am asking cos i want everything to be done right and have no limitations, and have a nice rack for it, wireless and a cheap power conditioner.
    Do you use a power conditioner?

    Edited once, last by johnatanasoff (February 25, 2017 at 2:42 AM).

  • I went with the unpowered rack and. Yamaha DXR15 speaker. If you use the search feature, you'll see a bunch of my posts saying why I went with the DXR15 as well as clips of me using it. Wouldn't change a thing!

    I liked the idea of the unpowered model with a nice FRFR monitor. I feel like it's given me a more accurate representation of the sounds in the Kemper as compared to using the powered version. Not to mention, it was cheaper. I didn't like some of the things I read about the Kemper poweramp. So I decided if I ever wanted to run a guitar cab or passive speakers, I could buy a separate power amp that meets all my needs. But honestly, I don't see me ever going in that direction. I absolutely LOVE my setup and tone.

    I use a Monster Pro2500 power conditioner, but unless you pay BIG money, most power conditioners are just glorified power strips. I feel like the Monster one that I have is the best for the $125-$200 price range.

    I have my wireless unit stored in the back of my 4-space rack, and I run out of that into the front input of my Kemper (I use George L cables, so I can run the cable through an empty screw hole in the rack). I don't use any other external effects anymore. I also run a cord out from my tuner output to other things on my pedalboard that don't affect my guitar tone, like vocal harmony pedals and stuff. So the longest and only cord I have in my actual guitar chain is only about 1 foot long. Meaning, no tone loss due to long guitar cables. So my Kemper, Monster unit and wireless all fit in my 4-space rack. I've reduced my pedalboard from what was literally a 75lb board, down to around 25lbs. And my sounds are better.

  • Thanks!The staff said the powered kemper allows only mono! Right? Meaning if i buy the powered i will not be able to run stereo speakers. But i will be able to run stereo in the IEM's?

    So even though you use 2 cabs, it's still mono?
    What are main outs. Jack type of connection? Sorry english is not my mother tongue!
    So you both the unpowered version? Rack or head, and why?

    The staff are wrong. The powered Kemper is stereo, just like the non-powered version. The powered output socket which you would connect to a guitar cabinet (which doesn't exist on the non-powered version) is mono though, so if you want to go stereo you need to use a separate power amp/active speakers.

  • I set my Main outputs to Master mono, not Master Stereo so it CAN"T run in stereo even if the sound guy sticks two XLRs in there....(despite the fact that I tell them they can use any ONE of them for FOH).....they still use both sometimes.

  • I went with the unpowered rack and. Yamaha DXR15 speaker. If you use the search feature, you'll see a bunch of my posts saying why I went with the DXR15 as well as clips of me using it. Wouldn't change a thing!

    I liked the idea of the unpowered model with a nice FRFR monitor. I feel like it's given me a more accurate representation of the sounds in the Kemper as compared to using the powered version. Not to mention, it was cheaper. I didn't like some of the things I read about the Kemper poweramp. So I decided if I ever wanted to run a guitar cab or passive speakers, I could buy a separate power amp that meets all my needs. But honestly, I don't see me ever going in that direction. I absolutely LOVE my setup and tone.

    I use a Monster Pro2500 power conditioner, but unless you pay BIG money, most power conditioners are just glorified power strips. I feel like the Monster one that I have is the best for the $125-$200 price range.

    I have my wireless unit stored in the back of my 4-space rack, and I run out of that into the front input of my Kemper (I use George L cables, so I can run the cable through an empty screw hole in the rack). I don't use any other external effects anymore. I also run a cord out from my tuner output to other things on my pedalboard that don't affect my guitar tone, like vocal harmony pedals and stuff. So the longest and only cord I have in my actual guitar chain is only about 1 foot long. Meaning, no tone loss due to long guitar cables. So my Kemper, Monster unit and wireless all fit in my 4-space rack. I've reduced my pedalboard from what was literally a 75lb board, down to around 25lbs. And my sounds are better.

    Can the rack version alone sit straight on top of a cabinet? If so i prefer the rack type.
    Yeah u mentioned DXR15 in my other thread. I'm def considering it.

    Where can i find those negative things you read about the kemper poweramp?

    Btw you guys mentioned how people won't hear stereo etc. But stereo would be for me on stage as extra ammunition apart from the IEM's, for a more 3D experience. Doesn't stereo apply here?
    If not unless i find a better speaker for the money; 1 Yamaha DXR15's might be all i'l ever need.
    And in bars for people if i am playing with backing tracks.

    Thanks; you're really helping me get the best bang for the buck, and making my life easier :)

    The staff are wrong. The powered Kemper is stereo, just like the non-powered version. The powered output socket which you would connect to a guitar cabinet (which doesn't exist on the non-powered version) is mono though, so if you want to go stereo you need to use a separate power amp/active speakers.

    Ahhhh, that's what they meant by not powering 2 cabs or 2 FRFR's.
    Well in this case better save money anyway and get the unpowered version, in case you want to run stereo in the future. And for the negative sonic reason OhG mentioned.

  • If it's just for you it should sound great. Going stereo FOH can require a lot of effort to set and maintain I think that's what most were alluding to.

    I went for traditional shaped frfr cabs not wedges and set my rack right on top.

  • I use monitor mono as I am to lazy to carry two boxes ;) .
    The main out to FOH also are set also to mono to define the position in the stereo panorama only at one point.
    In former days we used the stereo option for FOH but the result was not what we expected.

    I do not use stereo effects as I generally are economical with effects. (depends on the styles we play and personal taste.)