Kemper Tone Experiment - Headphone Space

  • Hi guys!

    I am doing a short series of videos where I demonstrate and experiment with some of the lesser-used parameters on the KPA. Did a couple of videos last week on Pure Cabinet, this week I am going to use the same DIs but play with the headphone space parameter instead. Part one is here, if you guys like it I will post parts 2 and 3 on clean and bass guitars up in the next couple of days.

    The idea is to firstly demonstrate the effect the parameter has on the tone, and also to be used as a reference when dialling in your own.

    Let me know if anyone has any suggestions for future videos!

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  • Did the same thing here with clean guitars. Quite surprised that it is less noticeable on cleans than on heavy rhythms:

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  • Last one for now, this time demonstrating Headphone Space on bass guitars:

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  • I get heavy crunch tones like you depict in your headphone space video. However, it is only when I go thru the PA. Plugging in headphones gives me a shrill "digital" sounding distortion.

    I have adjusted the Space setting with no luck. Still sounds like crap thru headphone output.
    What setting do you use when using your headphones?