Does KPA Return Support Unbalanced TS Connection?

  • Hi,

    I want to do some DI profiling of some of my vintage bean POD settings so that I have everything stored in one location (the KPA) The POD supports both balanced and unbalanced out. However the KPA manual only mentions the 1/4" return as being TRS balanced. Can I use a TS unbalanced cable to connect between the POD and KPA return for DI profiling or will this potentially damage something?



  • Thanks guys.

    I need at least the POD profiled for various reasons, just one of which is if I need to go back and alter some songs I want to be able to do so without having to drag the POD out of storage and hook it back up.

    And let me say, believe it or not, I can get an old bean POD to sound quite impressive with the right settings and using pedals in the front end.. So while it's not a KPA, it is still has some good usable tones in there.


    Edited once, last by SonicExporer (February 19, 2017 at 3:59 AM).

  • Totally, mate.

    I loved my POD v1 and 2 for their warmth. Things went downhill from there for me - the fancier and newer the model, the more I had to fight to get a tone. The Helix appears to have fixed all that now, but it's too late for me.

    You may be surprised at what you can do with your POD Profiles once you've made 'em. However good you reckon a particular sound on the bean might be, it'll come alive in the Kemper and respond more-authentically IMHO. Plus, you've got all those awesome amp settings to play with, such as Definition (my perennial favourite - my "mojo" parameter).

  • OK,spent a few hours messing around with this. I was able to get the POD patches profiled. Too early to tell without actually tracking, but I think they came out pretty good.

    Still trying to get the hang of the refining step though. Starting to get the hang of what kinds of chords (and where) to get the KPA to alter certain frequencies.

  • I think it's more about the dynamics, Sonic.

    Maybe someone else can chime in, but I'm fairly certain the frequency response won't be altered.

    Not sure that's altogether correct. At least not with the profiles I just did. I could alter the low and high end depending on what i played during the refining process. It was unmistakable, in fact I saved a few different profiles so I could A/B them and make sure I wasn't hearing things (that in addition to the comparison that can be made when profiling). That said, it may differ from source to source depending on what you are profiling, I haven't done enough yet to speak very authoritatively.. But for sure I was able to alter things in the refining process. I should however clarify something....the original profile passes were a bit lacking in low end and top end. Subtle but lacking. So I learned what to do on the neck to make the low end and high end come back into the profile. It wasn't like I was adding or taking away something that wasn't already in the original source. Hope that makes better sense...
