Problem with X-Slot

  • Hi, folks. I have a strange problem with my Kemper-Amp. I have a "Pure Booster" assigned to the X-Slot, a nice feature to jump in front of the live-mix when necessary. I programmed it on the second click of the change-program-button of the Behringer FCB 1010 footcontroller. Lately this feature didn't work properly on some sounds anymore. So far, so bad, this must be the footcontroller losing proper contact on some buttons, I thought. I ordered a new one, made a sysex data transfer and....same problem. On the second click the x-slot is shortly flashing, but doesn't stay on. If I assign another sound to sound #2 of the FCB f.ex. the problem still remains. If I use the same button on Bank 2 (sound#12) there is no problem, so it can't be a mechanical problem of the footcontroller. MIDI implimentations are the same on sound #2 and #12 and the funny thing is: It has always worked in the same combination (same sound on the Kemper, same button on the FCB) until lately. Now it's not, even with the brand new FCB footcontroller. Any ideas?

    Edited 2 times, last by ArminSabol (January 20, 2017 at 10:45 PM).

  • Maybe it has to do with latching and momentary mode on the FCB (if it has these modes)?

    I think that is only for "hardware" swtiches (ie. not midi)

    I'd contact support - both at kemper and at behringer.

    Is it with one of the "mods" - chips you can install yourself for more direct compatibility? If that's the case, then contact the chip manufatrer instead of behringer