Annoying frequency on ALL (???) amps physical/digital SOLVED!!!! (sort of, at least)

  • I made a thread a while ago about this problem and I do not want it to end the same way!

    So following has been adressed:

    My hearing is JUST FINE thank you... (others I've shown hear it too!)
    Pickup height doesn't matter, same frequency
    It happens on ALL amps, both Kemper, Positive Grid, physical tube amps like my EVH 5150 and transistor like Gallien Krueger and my digital Roland Microcube
    It happens on all my guitars, whether it's passive or active, even tho I think the singlecoils reveal the sound more
    Since it happens on physical amps, we can rule out my interface.
    Since my Microcube can be run on battery and still sound like this, it has nothing to do with my house electricity (it also happens in other places with amps)
    And I think we have established that I'm not a troll :rolleyes:

    Also it's a VERY BROAD NOISE!!!!!! I can't just EQ out a certain frequency, basically everything up to 250hz is a static noise.
    YES, on ALL AMPS!!!

    I called it "booming" before, but people said it's just the way certain amps are voiced but those who said that are completely missing the point!!!!

    I also called it "THUNDEROUS" and people still dont understood what I was talking about.

    This was HIGHLY frustrating especially when people started accusing me of having bad hearing... 8|

    Here's a clip from a Kemper profile (even tho ALL profiles have it, more or less, just like all other amps I've tried... how many times do I need to say that before people understand)

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    And here's the same without EQ boost, so you should be able to hear it even without the exegerated boost
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    And here you hear it on Positive Grid Bias Amp as well:

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    Here's without the EQ boost so you can hear it's "natural" sound
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    I can hear the noise on this recording pretty well, and I'm sure if you listen to the above clips, you will hear it too.

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    This was recorded with a ENGL Savage, and on other albums with Engl Savage (like Hammerfall Legacy Of Kings for example) I CANNOT HEAR it. And I cannot hear it on other Running Wild albums either, even if he used Engl Savage for those as well.
    I simply cannot hear it on all recordings.

    So what do they do right???

    And dont come with the "andy sneap multiband compressor" trick because I'm sure this wasn't a thing back in the 80s or 90s :whistling:
    This shouldn't be an issue

  • It would seem it is the environment (room) the equipment is in. isn't that the only constant? Or can you hear this in different environment?


    That's why I asked if it is just when recorded, or while just playing the amp. If just while recorded, then it is something in the recording chain, has to be (assuming the same chain used). If it is while playing just any amp, then that points to something in the environment, yep.

  • That's why I asked if it is just when recorded, or while just playing the amp. If just while recorded, then it is something in the recording chain, has to be (assuming the same chain used). If it is while playing just any amp, then that points to something in the environment, yep.

    If recording via microphone the environment would still come into it, but obviously not if direct.

  • This noise is audiable when played in room only, yes.
    I played a Gallien Krueger amp in my homestudio room
    And a EVH 5150 in rehearsal
    And I can hear it in studio monitors and headphones as well with Kemper/Positive Grid/ etc etc

    So no, room/phones is a non-factor.

    And others in the same room can hear it too when I point it out!

    So please dont start accusing me of having hearing damage (that happened last time)

  • Tricky, Ceddy.

    If it happens with all your guitars and even on battery-powered amps, I'm left wondering if it could be EM interference from a nearby power substation, transformer, appliance such as a fridge or a new lighting installation such as a battery of fluorescent tubes.

  • I'm a bit in doubt as to what your question really is??

    You don't want to use EQ, but that's basically what you need?

    Well, if you read the text and listen to the clip:

    Does all amps have that noisy thundery/boomy low-mid end? It's not that thumping sound when you have too much bass dialed in (which people thought I was referring to in the last thread, but it's NOT the case... thats what you use Andy Sneap multiband compressor trick for)
    It's a static noisy completely unmusical monotone noisy thunder sound, listen to the clip

    Because most amps I've tried (as stated) I can hear it.

    Add please dont bring up "do you have damaged ears"... It's not only I who hears it, even in same room.

    Tricky, Ceddy.

    If it happens with all your guitars and even on battery-powered amps, I'm left wondering if it could be EM interference from a nearby power substation, transformer, appliance such as a fridge or a new lighting installation such as a battery of fluorescent tubes.

    No, I've tried friends amps at their house, with THEIR guitars to

    And I've tried with amps at rehearsal etc etc.

    Has nothing to do with my place

  • I'm a bit in doubt as to what your question really is??

    You don't want to use EQ, but that's basically what you need?

    I tried to make it clear in last thread:

    This noise is NOT able to be dialed out with EQ!

    The noise is too broad in the spectrum. The noise goes up a fair amount into the mid-range

    I basically have to highpass to like 300-400hz to not hear it, but NOBODY highpasses guitars that much, right?

  • I suspect it's simply a part of the input you're feeding into the amps/profiles.

    Why are you using a hipass to get rid of it if it bothers you? Why not just use a regular bell curve? And don't expect to get rid of it entirely, just get it down to a suitably discrete level. Frankly, I don't think there's a problem.

    Try feeding a sine wave into your kemper and see what the result is.

  • No, I've tried friends amps at their house, with THEIR guitars to

    And I've tried with amps at rehearsal etc etc.

    Has nothing to do with my place

    If it happens on friends' amps using their guitars at their locations, the only remaining variable is you or your cable (which you haven't mentioned switching) if you've taken it with you, Ceddy.

    Only two possible explanations remain:

    1) Your cable, if you've been using the same one for all this, is to blame.
    2) You've swallowed something that causes EM interference! LOL

    I was going to say that it could be that the locations you went to weren't far from your place and are also being affected by a possible EM source like a new tower or power-related installation in the area, but then I realised that your friends would've noticed this on their setups too and not just when you plug in over at their houses... with their guitars.

    I cannot think of any other possible explanations, mate.

    Oh, and I can't hear any noise 'cause I've only got a Mac speaker to audition on, and it's very-low in volume. I don't doubt you believe you're hearing something 'though.

  • What do you mean "input"?

    And what "me"? I know some people belive die hard in "tone in the fingers" but if thats what you mean it's ridicolous.

    You can't be seriously considering this is me personally who makes the amps sound this way?

    If you rea my posts you may notice I've tried this in different locations, different setups, different guitars, thats not even mine as well.

    And the owners of that gear hears it too when I show them.

    But maybe you're right, maybe I have a noisy frequency in my fingers...

  • 1) Your cable, if you've been using the same one for all this, is to blame.
    2) You're hearing something you didn't notice previously
    3) You're hearing something caused by a change in your internal hearing path
    4) You've swallowed something that causes EM interference! LOL

    I was going to say that it could be that the locations you went to weren't far from your place and are also being affected by a possible EM source like a new tower or power-related installation in the area., but then I realised that your friends would've noticed this on their setups too and not just when you plug in over at their houses... with their guitars.

    I cannot think of any other possible explanations, mate.

    Oh, and I can't hear any noise 'cause I've only got a Mac speaker to audition on, and it's very-low in volume. I don't doubt you believe you're hearing something 'though.

    1) No I've used different cables!

    2) ...

    3) I TRIED TO TELL YOU GUYS TO NOT ACCUSE ME OF DAMAGED HEARING IN THE FIRST POST!... Please stop that once and for all!!!! X/
    I've said several times that my friends, my girlfriend, my dad and anybody I show it to hears it too... And others on the internet I've linked to can hear it too!

    4) ...

    Well if you cannot listen to it properly through your speakers, why do you make random assumptions of "hearing damage"...

  • I'll ignore your rudeness, as I always have, Ceddy. Sorry mate.

    I tried so hard to think of any possible remaining causes that I somehow missed the logic that if others could hear it too, it couldn't be a change in your "hearing hardware".

    I've removed that possibility from the post. ;)

  • I'll ignore your rudeness, as I always have, Ceddy. Sorry mate.

    I tried so hard to think of any possible remaining causes that I somehow missed the logic that if others could hear it too, it couldn't be a change in your "hearing hardware".

    I've removed that possibility from the post. ;)

    Well, I did ask in the first post, to not bring that up again, because I think it's completely ridicolous.
    I've been to a hearing control not too long ago and I had remarkably good results.
    I had outstanding results in eye control too, so dont bring up damaged eyes either :thumbup:

    Well, others CAN hear it, thats the main reason it's unneccesary to bring it up.

  • ... in his pocket, that therefore affects only PUs of guitars he's playing?

    EDIT: Yeah, I already knew that your hearing was great, Ceddy, but I did say (now deleted) that a possibility was a change "in your hearing hardware". You know - a recent change?

    Of course, I missed the bit about others' hearing it too, and that was my bad. Sorry again, mate; I just want you to know that I never doubted that you've got good hearing, which is kinda impressive given how you smash the crapper out of your drums. :D