What volume do you profile at ?

  • When you guys make profiles, what volume are you profiling the amp at ? The reason I ask is that I tried profiling my Peavey C30 at home room level (and adjusted the mic input on the kemper) the result was not very good at all, certainly didn't sound like the same sound that the C30 does when recorded direct from the mic. So, I'm assuming you really need to slam the volume of the amp to get good results ? Advice from those who have actually put profiles up for download on this forum would be appreciated

  • To get the Mojo out you should profile at gigging volume...difficult in an apartment. That's also one of the reason many people are using DI and Hotplate..

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • To get the Mojo out you should profile at gigging volume...difficult in an apartment. That's also one of the reason many people are using DI and Hotplate..

    Yes, that's exactly the reason that I'm using THD hotplate and then use someone else's kemper cab.

    It would be good to hear from some of the pro's in studios to get their input on this.

    Edited once, last by JonnyG (January 22, 2012 at 5:34 PM).

  • Can be a solution to this using the mic with a mixer (or audio interface) and send the signal to the kemper with higher level instead of using the built in mic pre?

    I did try that. If I simply record the amp with a microphone at low volume it sounds great but feeding the kemper with the same signal feed that would otherwise have gone to my recorder doesn't give the same result. Very odd. I will have to give it another go when I have more time.

  • Yes, it sounds like crap when profiled at low volume - I profile VERY loud.

    And when you compare the results don't use PC or small studio monitors - it will never sound the same.
    I used to use PA speakers some time ago - but that did not work either (IMHO).

    Studiomonitors with large speakers (at least 8") sound best for direct guitar use.

    It takes a lot of time to find the right mic position and combination - but in an apartment? Forget it ;)

    I tried to use the Torpedo VB101 to profile silent - but I could not capture the mojo of the loud amp AND speaker interacting.

    (All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with soundside.de)

    Great Profiles --> soundside.de

  • Yes, it sounds like crap when profiled at low volume - I profile VERY loud.

    And when you compare the results don't use PC or small studio monitors - it will never sound the same.
    I used to use PA speakers some time ago - but that did not work either (IMHO).

    Studiomonitors with large speakers (at least 8") sound best for direct guitar use.

    It takes a lot of time to find the right mic position and combination - but in an apartment? Forget it ;)

    I tried to use the Torpedo VB101 to profile silent - but I could not capture the mojo of the loud amp AND speaker interacting.

    As I thought really, needs to be loud. I can turn the amp all the way up mid-day at home no problem. I'm in a house, not apartment, and I run my business from home. During the day all the neighbours are at work (so am I but I do mine at home), so I can get away with it that way....as long as the house doesn't fall down because of the vibration :D

    I have large studio monitors too in my recording room.