Can i do this?

  • hi,

    i have recently bought a marshall dsl1 little amp. Now, i was wondering if i can you use it in conjunction with the has a line out. So can i plug it into the kemper and use only the cabs and the efx? is there a way to do it safely?


  • Is it the dsl 1 h with the effects loop?
    Dont go from the Marshall into the kpa. If the marshall has an effect loop go from the kpa to the return of the fx loop. Than you can use the poweramp of the marshal and the cab.

    Why did you buy a kpa and than you want to go to a crappy amp and cab? Cant understand it realy. Dont want to offend you but for me it is like drving a porsche only with 5 miles an hour.

    Edited once, last by Eltzejupp (January 8, 2017 at 8:11 PM).

  • both solutions are good for different reasons...the dsl1 combo was used, cheap and attractive so i bought it. Anyway i just want to hear how it sounds with kemper fx and cabs

    Edited once, last by Ale (January 8, 2017 at 7:50 PM).