Think I'm off to the Dark Side...............

  • An update on an old thread............ My Kemper went bad a few times again, each time I was able to restore it, and get it sounding good again. Until the last time, whereby it went bad, and stayed bad. I had been in contact with Kemper for a week or two prior, and was able, finally, to send them a sound-clip of the problem. They suggested a Return to Base, so it's on it's way now. Andertons were excellent, and arranged for the collection of it yesterday. Just have to be patient now, and hope it's fixed upon it's return. With it having been an intermittent problem, there is always the worry that it will behave itself on the day. Here's hoping that it stays bad ;)

    I sincerely hope you'll be sorted this time.

  • If a KPA-unit is broken or not working properly, you should contact the support and send it back immediately. It's all electronic gear, so damages can happen everywhere. I'm playing my 2 Kempers (one is spare) since the Kemper came on the market and I just had one problem with the first one (dying LEDs). Kemper's support changed it immediately.

    Until now I played the Kemper on 5 big venues-tour, just from spring 2016 to spring 2017 I played more than a 100 shows in more than 20 countries (all over Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, Russia, Israel and more) and spent about 45.000 km in the tourbus (plane and ship). I'm also using the Kemper constantly for recording-sessions and producing music and -besides the dying LEDS- there was not one single problem in all these years, no crashes, sound-changes ect., the KPA is one of the most reliable guitar-gear I've owned and played in the last 30 years.

    first name: Guenter / family name: Haas /

  • Awesome endorsement, Guenter! 8o

    It's no endorsement at all, I bought my 2 Kempers for the regular price at the Thomann-store here in Germany. I just wanted to make clear that the Kemper ist an outstanding and very reliable product. If one unit maybe is broken or not properly working, doesn't mean that the whole product isn't good.

    There's no reason to "wave goodbye" like the author here posted. Just contact the support and get a new one.

    Generally all electronic gear is not made for eternal life. But compared to other electronic devices, the Kemper is a very solid and reliable product, that's my personal experience since I've bought the KPA. By the way, I never needed my spare-Kemper, on the tours before I used Line 6-products and i would have been lost without spares many times.

    If you think that my personal experience is endorsement, it's simply a compliment for CK and his company. ;)

    first name: Guenter / family name: Haas /

  • It's no endorsement at all...
    If you think that my personal experience is endorsement...

    FWIW, endorsement, in the sense @Monkey_Man used it, actually means 'approval' and doesn't implicate at all that there's any affiliation between you and the company.
    You have confused this with 'endorsement deal'.

  • Thank you, Ingolf.

    Yes Guenter, you can think of the word "endorsement" in this sense as a sort of "testimonial". The facts that you're a man of experience and that you really put the unit through its paces serve to "enhance" the endorsement.

    In other words, it's a "glowing testimonial" or a "ringing endorsement", as they say. Thank you again for sharing that. Great account of the Kemper's reliability, mate!

  • Thanks for the information, I didn't know that endorsement also can mean testimonial, normally here in Germany it's used if you endorse products and you get them cheaper or -very rarely- for free. ;)

    I just don't understand the reason for this thread, like I said all electronic devices can be damaged (f.e. via rude transport) and the Kemper-support will change a damaged unit immediately, especially if it's still on warranty.

    A lot of my equipment has been "killed" on long tours in different countries, although guitars and amps are always transported safely in flight cases. But f.e. Russian "streets" can destroy nearly everything..... Tube-amps hate touring (tubes...) and guitars can fall apart after a while, but until now the KPA never had any problems and is working totally reliable for years. :)

    first name: Guenter / family name: Haas /