A couple of noob questions

  • Just got my KPA, couldn't be happier, but I have a couple of questions if you don't mind:

    1) When I export a backup using rig manager does it backup absolutely everything, including all the profiles that are actually loaded into the profiler?

    2) I'm playing with active pickups, when picking hard the input light turns slightly orange (I assume this means the signal is too hot) is this a problem? Do I need to do anything about it?

    3) When buying commercial profiles, what would you say sets them apart from the free profiles - are they generally worth it?

    Thanks in advance for helping a noob out.

  • Welcome, ciwolsey!

    1) No, it's an archive of the stand-alone app's resident Rigs only... I think. If I'm right, you can always drag the Kemper's Rig collection from the representative folder in RM to a folder on your Mac or PC, zip that up and store it with the RM backup file.

    2) Occasionally-orange lighting is just fine. There's massive headroom in the unit.

    3) More-professional mic'ing techniques and signal paths (more-expensive preamps and so on) are to be expected as a rule of thumb. Also, I find there're generally less phase-cancellation issues, which for me is a big deal as I'm allergic to comb filtering and harshness / fizziness.

    That said, it's mostly a matter of hit : miss ratio when comparing the Rig Exchange to commercially-made Profiles. Whilst the hit rate is substantially-lower on the Exchange, it's free and there are many good Profiles to be found.

    Good luck mate!