Cabinet Volume Option?

  • Today I ipgraded from system 3.3 to 5.03. Everything seems fine except one minor thing: Prior to upgrading, most of my rhythm profiles had a .5db increase in the cabinet selection that was a minor update over time done to round out the difference between them and my solo profiles. The cabinet selection no longer has a volume option. I'm just curious whether or not that minor volume increase is represented elsewhere or did I lose that extra volume. It's subtle and would rather not redo all of them.

  • Cabinet Volume option was removed in recent OS (can't recall exact number, probably 4.0.X Release) because it was the same volume as rig volume that still exists in the very down right knob.
    But I can't tell you if with 5.0 OS and lack of this option you're rigs will sound even in volume comparing to 3.X
    Maybe someone can elaborate?

  • FYI, the volume changes I implemented to the cabinet during my system 3.3 days are now showing in the "amplifier" slot since I upgraded to 5.03.
    I'm glad Kemper elected to not discard them.

    Hmmm....hope that same things holds when I upgrade to 5.x because just today I was asking myself "what is the deal with a cabinet volume when there is already a rig volume knob (next to the EQ knobs)?" After some experimenting those two different volumes settings did not, to my ears, yield the same results. Seems I could hear a difference when using the cab volume versus the rig volume knob. Was getting ready to ask the forum a question as to how the cab volume is supposed to differ from the rig volume knob but when I searched the forum I ran across this thread - which indicates the cab volume is now in the amp section......and still leaves me with a question as to how that differs from the rig volume knob. ?(

  • I'm no expert on the Cab section, Sonic, but doesn't it stand to reason that given the position of the Cab block in the signal chain (left to right across the top of the Kemper), it'd affect the level entering the post-effect slots?

    If this is the case, then my guess is that therein lies the difference; the Rig Volume knob sets the overall level (post post-effects).

  • I'm no expert on the Cab section, Sonic, but doesn't it stand to reason that given the position of the Cab block in the signal chain (left to right across the top of the Kemper), it'd affect the level entering the post-effect slots?

    If this is the case, then my guess is that therein lies the difference; the Rig Volume knob sets the overall level (post post-effects).

    The manual has the answer as well as suggested uses for each:

    (NOTE: the volume in the cabinet section is no longer available in the kemper - it was removed since it was exactly the same as the volume in the amplifier module (both the effect and whatever value it was set at).

    And regarding any volume settings in STOMPS and FX slots:


    The “Volume” control allows to change the gain for driving the next distortion stage. The output volume of the stompeffect can be boosted, or attenuated, by +/-24 dB, which is much more than usual. This will reduce the need toswitch to a different Rig. If all you need to do is boost a solo sound; just dial the Stomp or Effect Type that you needfor the solo and boost the “Volume”. By activating this stomp you engage the effect and the boost at the same time.

  • This makes no sense to me. I was under the impression that "Clean Sens" was simply to adjust to pickups with different pickup outputs. Why would you not adjust rig volume? That is a pretty standard procedure in leveling across "rigs" in every preamp/amp I've ever used.

  • I also noticed the cabinet volume adjustment is gone after upgrading.
    It creates a problem for me in the following situation:

    The volume matches in all my patches when going trough my guitar cabinet without cabinet simulation, but the signal going to foh and headphones leaves my clean sounds weak.

    It used to be possible to adjust this with the volume control in the cab block, but not anymore.
    Every vol adjust I can find effects both with and without cabinet simulation.

    Is there anywhere else to adjust this?

  • I only have the profiles of my normal rig. No point in keeping the others.
    The problem is due to the removal of a volume control in the cab block.

    When I balance the patch levels in the signal going to F.O.H. the clean sounds becomes to loud in my guitar speaker cabinet on stage. When I balance the patches in the signal going to my guitar speaker cabinet the clean sound becomes to weak in the signal going to F.O.H.

    This used to be easy to fix by adjusting the level in the “cab” block. Then only the signal with the cab simulation would be affected by the the adjustment.

    All the volume controls I find in the Kemper now will affect the sound no matter if I use the cab sim or not.

    So, am I missing something or has the flexibility of the Kemper been compromised with the latest updates?

  • Sorry!
    Is my English that bad?

    The problem isn’t adjusting volume on the different outputs.
    It’s balancing the levels between presets that is the problem.

    I’m sorry my English just isn’t good enough to explain the problem in another way than I already have.

    The Cab Volume control that used to be a part of the cabinet block solved the problem.