Switching Sounds and Wah Pedal

  • Yesterday I started programming my midi board (MFC 101) to the kemper amp.
    On slot 1 I mostly defined a wah pedal with automatic switch off.
    But when I switch sounds via midi pedal I hear the sound of the wah (according die the position) for about a second. Then the autoengage function switches the wah sound off, until I move the pedal. (this is what i expected)
    in my opinion this is not very usefull, I would like to hear the sound without the wah at once, and only when I move the pedal, the wah should switch on.
    Do you have similar experiences or did I do something wrong?


  • Yesterday I started programming my midi board (MFC 101) to the kemper amp.
    On slot 1 I mostly defined a wah pedal with automatic switch off.
    But when I switch sounds via midi pedal I hear the sound of the wah (according die the position) for about a second. Then the autoengage function switches the wah sound off, until I move the pedal. (this is what i expected)
    in my opinion this is not very usefull, I would like to hear the sound without the wah at once, and only when I move the pedal, the wah should switch on.
    Do you have similar experiences or did I do something wrong?


    Hi Jens,

    I've had similar problems with other products and that was the the controller pedal was situated just in between two values and could not quite decide which one to send so it sent one and then the other. If this happens here the KPA will interpret that as activity and engage and then after a while when the value has stabilised it turns off.

    Some controller pedals send all controller values that is present in the preset. If this is the case the pedal value will be send and also interpreted as activity.

    I have no idea if this is the actual problem or not but this is what can happen.


    Mats N

  • The Wah is active in all my rigs (bypass@stop).
    With my BOSS FV500H direct connected to the KPA everything ist ok, Wah is off when switching rigs.
    I'll check it tonight at rehearsal with the cheap FCB-1010. But during my test last week I haven't noticed any bad behaviour.

  • Hi,

    I don't know about the Behringer pedal but many MIDI-pedals send out data for the controllers as the Prpgram Change command is sent. Just like I described in my previous post. A controller pedal connected to the jack of the KPA doesn't send anything so therefore you don't see that problem. So the problem lies with the pedal and not with the KPA.

    Having said that, I realize that this is very annoying and I also hope that there is a way for Kemper to program the KPA so that the problem could go away. Maybe it's as easy as programming the fx to ignore CC commande for the first few milliseconds as this is when the data is sent from the MIDI controller. Then again I have no programming skills so I don't know how easy this is. :S


    Mats N

  • Thank you for your postings, because they helped al lot.
    With my Midi Boward (MFC 101) i can define what schall happen with the pedal when i change the preset.
    When this is switched to "off", the board will not send any pedal data until the pedal is moved.
    I will try this tonite anp post my results.


  • Thank you for your postings, because they helped al lot.
    With my Midi Boward (MFC 101) i can define what schall happen with the pedal when i change the preset.
    When this is switched to "off", the board will not send any pedal data until the pedal is moved.
    I will try this tonite anp post my results.


    Hi Jens,

    Looking forward to reading about it.


    Mats N

  • Mats: Can you use the analog exp. pedals AND the midi ones at the same time? I'm thinking to get a Snake with midi + 1/4 for the tuner + 2 TRS for volume and wah. This would leave me with 2 exp on the midi to play around with a couple of experiments....

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Mats: Can you use the analog exp. pedals AND the midi ones at the same time? I'm thinking to get a Snake with midi + 1/4 for the tuner + 2 TRS for volume and wah. This would leave me with 2 exp on the midi to play around with a couple of experiments....

    I have no idea about this. I think it all depends on how Kemper will develop the MIDI handling of it. Theoretically both MIDI and the exp inputs are just modulation sources so what it would take is for them to code it so that the KPA could accept more that 2 modulation sources.

    I'm really interested in seeing what modulation destinations they will set and how creative I can get with those.


    Mats N