Huge Volume Difference with PowerRack vs real Amp

  • hello everyone!

    I looked up everywhere i could for some help on my problem but it seems like nobody has it...

    my situation is: I play on Power Rack, brutal heavy stuff (5150, Recto type profiles...) with Bareknuckle Painkiller, on a 4x12 ENGL.

    my poweramp boost is cranked up to max (cab monitor is Off), and even with full master Volume, i can barely hear, or even "feel" what i play, compared to my other guitarist who plays at 3 - 4 (volume knob) on his EVH3 50W head...Now, I know tube power have more "balls" but i'm speaking about a real hell of a difference!! I literally sound half his volume :/

    At first I thought the KPR's Power rack was not designed to be very powerful, so i wanted to switch on a unpowered version of KPA and buy an external poweramp. But when I look at the specs, i see it has a 600W power!
    I don't know electricity very well, but it seems to be a good amount, considering all the traditionnal ampheads have 100/200W power...

    Plus, i've seen a lot of posts in this forum saying that the KPR Amp is very good, very powerful etc...

    Am I missing something here? [Blocked Image:] or could it be an internal problem??

  • Check the actual Monitor Volume parameter in the Output settings.

    The 1-10 value of the Master Volume knob doesn't tell you much. Its meaning depends on which output volume parameters are linked to that knob and at what mutual ratio. Perhaps another one, like Main Output Volume, is linked at a higher value than Monitor Volume. Turning the Master Volume knob moves them in parallel; with the knob dialed to ten, the highest parameter is maxed out, but the lowest only reaches its proportionally lower value. In the output settings, you can see their actual dB values and adjust them individually.

    If you only use the powered/monitor output, you could consider unlinking all the other volume parameters (using the checkboxes above them in the Output settings). That way, the Master Volume knob controls the Monitor Volume directly, and will also show its dB value instead of that meaningless 1-10 number.

  • Just a few hints:
    - Is your cab connected to the red (powered ) output ? ( back of the powered Kemper
    - is the Volume knob ' linked' ? Output/page 2/7 " Monitor Out Link " = black? If not, your volume knob isn't going to increase volume
    - Power amp on ( black ) ? Output /page 7/7
    - Power amp boost is +12db?
    - Is your (guitar ) cab. 8 ohm? ( I'm not shure , but if its 16 ohm, the power output is half the max ?)
    - Do you use a EQ perehaps with reduced output volume?

    I played two years in a rockband with my Power-rack connected to a Bogner 8ohm oversized 2x12 cab and my poweramp boost whas set to +8db, It whas extremely loud, ( as loud as my Engl 100 watt tube amp )

  • hey!

    -my cab is connected to the powered output
    - "monitor out link" is linked (black), but as Robrecht mentionned, i should try cranking it up as the volumes seems to work in a relative way... just a question... "monitor" output is linked to power output?
    - "power amp" on (black)
    - power amp boost +12 dB yes
    - i think i rehearse on a 8ohm cab, but when i play live i just borrow someone else's cab since it is just supposed to be for a "stage" sound
    -i use an EQ on my preset, but i don't lower the volume with it...