Top Jimi BEye Pack (Friedman BE-100 Brown Eye)

  • Let's summarize: Top Jimi has managed to create studio profiles of a BE-100 that seem to be liked by some -although the head seems to be defective or does not behave like expected! But because Top Jimi has to almost perform magic with mics for studio profiles (remember: otherwise we would hated the amp) the merged / direct profiles suck. And the studio profiles may be great by itself, but seem not completely represent the Friedman BE-100 as it SHOULD sound!?

    Best thing that could happen: Top Jimi gets a repaired or another BE-100 in his hands and supplies us with original, correct and great sounding profiles, both merged and studio. The interest would be there, I think...

    Yes this or my money back please!

  • TBH i think you guys need just DI profile with setting from video (for use with real cab) on same cab like in video Friedman 4x12 must sounds spot on! what real amp right? (in the room) :D Then Cab profile Friedman 4x12 single sm57 on axis ( you can paste cab part into DI profile save as a new "outstanding" profile) and done... easy? You can sounds 100% the same what a guy on video. :thumbup: I have few BE100 DI profiles in my pack but mostly higain so i cant help.

    Stay Metal!

    That's a good point.

    There's actually a batch of profiles based off of that video in Tim Owens "Have Amps, Will Profile" thread here: Have amps, will profile the BE100: Lets make some profiles....

    It's not the exact same settings, but may be a good starting point.

  • the tone coming from hands, maybe that's why... Play like this guy, record same riff with same expression - and the last thing you need is this Friedman profile. Ohhh wait nope: i think new amp, new guitar, noope Kemper, then Friedman profile, nope not this one i need this one from video, yes I have it, ok moment nahhh i need another, ohhh no i have problems with kemper, now I need Axe, guy on this video with Axe sounds amazing, ok but now i need new Guitar also, ok axe is killer but need better IR, ohhh yes now is killer, but hmmm.... real amps sounds better, i Need Real Friedman, ohhh wait.....

    Stay Metal!

    At least add schreckmusic to my biography. :thumbup:

  • Do you find the profiles are not representing the soundclip Jimi posted? Cause if they do then I don't see a reason for money back :)

    I have bought all packs from Top Jimi except the BE-100 because the soundclips do not sound, what I expected (not saying bad). And that suprised me, because most of his other profiles and clips sound very accurate and characteristic! I love them!!

    And if he noticed, that even extreme settings didn't sound that good - why force it. Sinmix has been honest recently and told us that an amp turned out to be sh*t.
    An faulty amp with more or less useless merged profiles and studio ones that turned out o.k. (with much effort): Upload to RE for free and try again with repaired amp.

  • I have bought all packs from Top Jimi except the BE-100 because the soundclips do not sound, what I expected (not saying bad). And that suprised me, because most of his other profiles and clips sound very accurate and characteristic! I love them!!

    Thats the key. I cannot tell if the BE-100 is *authentic* cause I never played one in real. But: I liked the sound. So I tried it and it (the studio profiles) does what advertised. You went the other way. Its up to us. For VOXes and Marshalls and Oranges is also want them to be authentic. Otherwise I just follow my ears and if I like the sound.

    Ne travaillez jamais.

  • You can see the settings at 1.14:

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    Seems like the bass knob is only a bit above middle position, mids a bit higher. Gain high and master relatively low. And of course, the BE channel, not the HBE.

    here you got the settings....

    but this ain't a matter of profiling an amp. what we are referring to is profiling THIS sound. just profiling an amp does and doesn't do the, we are not crying...but if you want to make us laugh, get us the mentioned tone

    "...why being satisfied with an amp, as great as it can be, while you can have them all?" michael mellner

    "Rock in Ecclesia" - new album on iTunes or Google music

  • Well I still have (And YOU can get too) a GREAT hard rock and metal sound from Sin's BE pack
    I am using my Les Paul Traditional on bridge
    i am using my Loomis 7(black outs) on Bridge

    This is one of the Packs which Sin put in a few left field or supersizes, got a great clean FX profile for ballad rock, yeah not just metal man
    that pack is great for hard rock too and has some great clean presets.


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • Well I still have (And YOU can get too) a GREAT hard rock and metal sound from Sin's BE pack
    I am using my Les Paul Traditional on bridge
    i am using my Loomis 7(black outs) on Bridge

    This is one of the Packs which Sin put in a few left field or supersizes, got a great clean FX profile for ballad rock, yeah not just metal man
    that pack is great for hard rock too and has some great clean presets.


    Thx Man but.... its not topic about my BE Pack, i really want to help with this one "magic profile" but i know that something like this not exist :D

    Stay Metal!