Patch Change Issue

  • I noticed over the past month that my patches aren't always changing as seamlessly as they used to. Sporadically there's lag or it doesn't change at all. I don't know if it's the Kemper or the FCB1010 board. I swapped the midi cable just to be sure. That's not the problem.
    Short of doing a system reboot, any easier ideas? Thanks.

  • Hey!

    Perhaps try changing via the Kemper directly via the front panel. It that seems to change patches & rigs as expected it would perhaps lean towards a floorboard issue?

    Not hugely helpful I know!

    Failing that a back up and reset might be in order.

    Good luck!

  • I noticed over the past month that my patches aren't always changing as seamlessly as they used to. Sporadically there's lag or it doesn't change at all. I don't know if it's the Kemper or the FCB1010 board. I swapped the midi cable just to be sure. That's not the problem.
    Short of doing a system reboot, any easier ideas? Thanks.

    What FW are you running and is the FCB chipped?

  • I used the kemper at a gig last night and had a handful if issues where pressing the pedal changed the profiler to a different patch. I'm not sure what to do. I'm not used to having to worry about incorrect profiles happening.

    Which controller? What firmware? Browse or Performance mode? No one can help you with that minimum of info :)

  • Maybe it's the same issue which happens to me. Since Firmware 4.0 I noticed, that stepping one time on a number of the FCB-Board switches to the right program, but stepping the second time on this number, the program changed to another stored gear. Stepping a third or more times let it stick at the same wrong program. Some numbers on the FCB indeed don't change to another program. I found this issue also here, without a solution.
    My firmware is now the latest (, in the FCB is a UNO4Kemper V 1.4. Allthough I was sure that this issue came with a Kemper-Update (I guess 4.0x) while using the 1.3 chip for a long time, I purchased the new version of the UNO4Kemper, but no change.

    Especcially in live situation it's very puzzling having the wrong sound while accidently pushing the button twice.

  • Maybe it's the same issue which happens to me. Since Firmware 4.0 I noticed, that stepping one time on a number of the FCB-Board switches to the right program, but stepping the second time on this number, the program changed to another stored gear. Stepping a third or more times let it stick at the same wrong program. Some numbers on the FCB indeed don't change to another program. I found this issue also here, without a solution.
    My firmware is now the latest (, in the FCB is a UNO4Kemper V 1.4. Allthough I was sure that this issue came with a Kemper-Update (I guess 4.0x) while using the 1.3 chip for a long time, I purchased the new version of the UNO4Kemper, but no change.

    Especcially in live situation it's very puzzling having the wrong sound while accidently pushing the button twice.

    This is related to morphing, I think. If you switch off morphing via slot switch in the settings menu, I think it'll cure your problem.

  • I tried to switch morphing off at the only place in the system menu I was able to found (I guess page 3), Rig Button Morph. In the manual I din't found a hint to switch off morphing completely. Maybe this has do do rig by rig, which would be very annoing.
    I don't have a remote, so morphing seems to be difficult to configure and to use.
    The remote seems to have some advantages, but for me it's good to have buttons and pedals on one unit. Regarding the connection I chose the other way: only power supply on stage, signal by wireless MIDI. So I'm able to plug in the FCB1010 in the back of the hall and to hear the sound for sondcheck. And I got rid of the quite unprofessional long MIDI cables.

  • Morphing is integrated into the KPA OS the same way a wah, volume or pitch pedal is. If you don't use it, it's off. It's strange that the Rig button morph is on by default when you consider that it changed a particular behaviour of the profiler, but credit to Kemper, they included the possibility to switch it off once users had complained about the change in their workflow.

  • I forgot to mention, that switching off the Rig Button Morph has no effect on the behavior of my FCB1010. Therefore I'm afraid that it must be do rig by rig.
    And again: I didn't change anything exept updating the FW, but the behavior of the FCB1010 changed. It happend very often, that I noticed a strage (not the expected) sound and had to swith to another rig and swith back to get the correct rig by the FCB. In the rehearshal room it's odd, on stage it's a no go. Maybe the FCB sometimes give a double switch, but it was no problem before. And even while using morphing, this is an unwanted behavior.
    I must admit, that I don't really understand your last sentence. There should be a single place to switch morphing on or off. If someone will use it, he can switch it on, if not it could be switched (or stay) off, so that in the last case everyone can work as before. And after swithing on, it could be used. Where is the change in the workflow?

  • I noticed over the past month that my patches aren't always changing as seamlessly as they used to. Sporadically there's lag or it doesn't change at all. I don't know if it's the Kemper or the FCB1010 board. I swapped the midi cable just to be sure. That's not the problem.
    Short of doing a system reboot, any easier ideas? Thanks.

    My guess is that you are sending more than one midi command to the Kemper. This can cause lag.

    Hook up your floorboard to MidiOX to determine what messages are being sent.

  • I must admit, that I don't really understand your last sentence. There should be a single place to switch morphing on or off. If someone will use it, he can switch it on, if not it could be switched (or stay) off, so that in the last case everyone can work as before. And after swithing on, it could be used. Where is the change in the workflow?

    The change in the workflow is that users previously had switched FX on/off in a given performance slot and could press the switch for that slot a second time to reinitiate the saved state, restting any FX state changes. With the introduction of morphing however, it triggered the morphed state and didn't affect any FX state changes. This was remedied by including the Rig Button Morph option in the system menu, so that hitting a slot switch twice would now revert back to the previous behaviour, where the slot would be reloaded instead of morphed. With this option, morphing is only 'switched on' when using a dedicated expression pedal or by the switches on the KPA itself, and then only if the user has set any parameter values to be morphed within that particular Rig.

  • The change in the workflow is that users previously had switched FX on/off in a given performance slot and could press the switch for that slot a second time to reinitiate the saved state, restting any FX state changes. With the introduction of morphing however, it triggered the morphed state and didn't affect any FX state changes. This was remedied by including the Rig Button Morph option in the system menu, so that hitting a slot switch twice would now revert back to the previous behaviour, where the slot would be reloaded instead of morphed. With this option, morphing is only 'switched on' when using a dedicated expression pedal or by the switches on the KPA itself, and then only if the user has set any parameter values to be morphed within that particular Rig.

    Ok, as I said, I didn't do anything with morphing and I'm using the same rigs as before. The only thing that happend to me is, when I press the number button on the FCB twice, I get another rig, which I never used before and which isn't linked to one of the MIDI rig numbers.
    Because this seemed to come up with FW 4.X I thought, it could have anything to do with morphing, but it seems not to be the case.
    I must admit, that this is also another problem than that of "rkaynan" so I stepped in the wrong thread.
    Nevertheless I want to know, if anyone else has this issue (with any kind of MIDI floorboard), and more important, how to change that behavior.
    So maybe I should open a new thread.