Sinmix Friedman BE 10 artifact noise? (Update: many other profiles with same artefacts)

  • Maybe the "affected" guys can post some clips, when the sound is worst - so others have a comparison to find out, if they are infected too. Is it worse while using the new delays (someone has reported crackling issues)?

    Have you tried lowering the Master Volume below 50 % - and compensate volume carefully with your mixer / soundcard??

    Really hope you can get it fixed soon!

    The new delays also seem to introduce artifacts at extreme settings, but these aren't the same. Not an issue with master vol either. But yea it'd be good to have more clips.

  • So here is the easy solution to the "problem".

    Tube amps do the same warbling and beating.

    For a proof, I took my Marshall, high gain channel all the way up, and profiled it.
    Then I played back your DI guitar audio clip, that you have sent to support, into both Marshall and Profiler.
    Same sound, same "problem". That's how a tube amp sounds.

    Some more information:

    - This behaviour has been reported twice before, 3 or 4 years ago. It is not a phenomenon of the later firmwares.
    - If such a dominant effect would be a flaw of the Profiler, it would have been revealed easily during profiling the thousands of amps that are available today.
    But there has never been such report of users finding this "flaw" during profiling.
    - Every high gain tube amp does it, every Profiler does it, on every firmware.
    - The warbling and beating is caused by overtones traveling over the base harmonic and intermodulating in the heavy distortion. The traveling is caused by hitting the string strongly.

  • This is very interesting and thanks for the response. I truly didn't notice artifacts of this nature coming from my tube amps. I will perform A/B tests (amp + profile of same tone) and record the result.

  • In my case, the artifacts seem to have have disappeared and I think the problem was in the SPDIF setup. I made a few changes and voilá... gone, I think. I still have some peculiar warbles in only a few distortion rigs and they may well be "natural" as has been stated here by the boss!

    Never too old for rock'n'roll

  • Hi there. Just would like to know if there's something new here. Or is that dying sound at the end of your tones considered "normal" for now? Just to know...

    Thx & cheers

    Gear: Strats & KPA. Plug Ins: Cubase, NI, iZotope, Slate, XLN, Spectrasonics.
    Music: Song from my former band:[/media][/media][/media] Something new on the way...

  • I am also having this issue. And in fact have had this issue since I purchased the kpa. At first I chalked it up to free profiles not being that great. So I purchased 2 different packs. One being alex Wade's pack from tonecrate. Artifacts still present in high gain profiles. Unplayable. Have adjusted pickup height. Strings are sitting securely in nut..