KPA vs AxeFx II

  • Meeeee... I could bring a Diezel Einstein and a vintage JTM45 :) Where you guys exactly from? I'm from Frankfurt/Main.

    We both live near Freiburg, the idea was to rent a studio with a decent guitar amp (and mic) collection, set them to our liking and profile them.

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Sounds like a plan. We could use 3 KPAs at the same time for different mic positions to save time ;)

    Exactly!! 8)

    Edit: for 3 different amps, a triple profiling on the same amp would probably blow the speakers... 8|

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Hey guys,

    quite a good idea.
    A close friend of mine owns a studio, and we have a huge type of mics which are usefull for a good guitarsound.
    We alreday discussed about a profiling session as I want to profile a Realtone Amp, a Blackstar Series One and some other amps owned by friends of mine.
    I live in the cologne area. Maybe there are some other KPA Users who wants to join and organise such a profiling session :)


  • The title of this thread is KPA vs AxeFx II: Did it turn into a fanboi fantasy? I think so 8) As an owner of both, I must tell you there is no 'quantum leap' ahead with the Kemper - only a simpler OS for a totally different system. I understand that KPA is ideal for many users, but I suspect less ideal for the dedicated 'tone-hound tweakers'. I would personally put my AFX II presets up against anything I have heard on this board, but I am still a novice with the KPA at this point....

    All modelers known to man 8o

  • To delve deeper....

    The KPA is a dedicated Amp Profiler with basic effects - Is it perfect at it's job? No. Will it get better? We assume so.

    The AFX II is a Stereo Amp Modeler/Profiler with in-depth effects & routing - Is it perfect at it's job? No. Will it get better? We assume so.

    All modelers known to man 8o

    Edited once, last by Radley (February 28, 2012 at 6:45 AM).

  • The title of this thread is KPA vs AxeFx II: Did it turn into a fanboi fantasy? I think so 8) As an owner of both, I must tell you there is no 'quantum leap' ahead with the Kemper - only a simpler OS for a totally different system. I understand that KPA is ideal for many users, but I suspect less ideal for the dedicated 'tone-hound tweakers'. I would personally put my AFX II presets up against anything I have heard on this board, but I am still a novice with the KPA at this point....

    In other words you're a "fanboi" of both the KPA & Axe-FX? :)

  • In other words you're a "fanboi" of both the KPA & Axe-FX? :)[/quote]

    That may be very accurate at this point, but the edge would have to go to the AFX II since I already have a large assortment of very usable tones - the verdict is still out on the KPA, but I will give the Kemper every chance to bring the AFX II to it's knees under identical testing regimens. I have no dog in this or any race that involves pure guitar tone.

    All modelers known to man 8o

  • To delve deeper....

    The KPA is a dedicated Amp Profiler - Is it perfect at it's job? No. Will it get better? We assume so.

    The AFX II is a Stereo Amp Modeler/Profiler with in-depth effects & routing - Is it perfect at it's job? No. Will it get better? We assume so.

    Christophe Kemper could have not made the KPA a Profiler, he could have called it the KAM, Kemper Amp Modeller, then he could have Profiled amps himself and sold them to us in "Amp packs" as 'modelled' amps...we would never have known, and the unit would have sounded the same.

    Obviously he has a "futuristic" mind, so instead of sitting at his workbench 'modelling' amps for us, we can sit at our workbenches whilst a few thousand guitarists around the world Profile amps for us....a different way of getting to the end result.

  • PS: I can already tell that a certain 'tone enhancing device' yours truly designed would help the Kemper immensely (especially the overdrive tones), but I will not go into it - let's just say the Kemper distortion has a tendency towards 'fizziness' and a 'scattered' high end.

    All modelers known to man 8o

  • PS: I can already tell that a certain 'tone enhancing device' yours truly designed would help the Kemper immensely (especially the overdrive tones), but I will not go into it - let's just say the Kemper distortion has a tendency towards 'fizziness' and a 'scattered' high end.

    I think you're in need of the "stirring the pot" smiley.

    This thread was dying peacefully until you resurrected it.

  • PS: I can already tell that a certain 'tone enhancing device' yours truly designed would help the Kemper immensely (especially the overdrive tones), but I will not go into it - let's just say the Kemper distortion has a tendency towards 'fizziness' and a 'scattered' high end.

    come on ;)

  • No problem - I said what I believe to be true and you are mocking it..... The Harmonic Converger has worked for many pro players around the world who felt their digital devices were not sounding like real guitar amps (less fizzy highs, more tubey snarl) this is the truth, and is backed by countless user reviews.... now let's let it die in peace and I will say no more. (unless you do)

    All modelers known to man 8o

    Edited once, last by Radley (February 28, 2012 at 7:24 AM).

  • No problem - I said what I believe to be true and you are mocking it..... The Harmonic Converger has worked for many pro players around the world who felt their digital devices were not sounding like real guitar amps (less fizzy highs, more tubey snarl) this is the truth, and is backed by countless user reviews.... now let's let it die in peace and I will say no more. (unless you do)

    Apologies, apologies...I misunderstood...sorry, Radley.

    I didn't put two and two together, I forgot you are the inventor of the Harmonic Converger, and yes the reviews have always been stellar.

    Bring it on, tell us more, I'm interested.

  • Not this again!
    Ok Rad, if you gotta bring it on with the HC, please do it in another thread.

    P.s. BTW, I was waiting when the HC would come up. I knew it would happen sooner or later ;)

    You weren't waiting for shit, because I have not mentioned the HC on any modeling board for over 4 years. The fact is that the the HC does what it claims and has many user reviews to prove it. If that is offensive to you then maybe you should find a more perfect board, because this one is still looking for the best ways to make to make the best sounds for modern guitarists...

    All modelers known to man 8o