Super Tight Almost Solid State Reponse Metal Tips

  • I have had my Kemper for 3 years now and have thought that just maybe the Kemper wasn't able to do super tight metal profiles, I mean like Randall solid state tight.

    I know the Kemper is designed to emulate tube amps so I didn't consider this a fault per se.

    With an external boost I could get it acceptable but it just felt like there was initial bloom to the note that I couldn't dial out. This is mainly a feel thing but it does translate to the sound and playing precision.

    My biggest problem with profiles I have tried that incorporate a baked in boost is they sound kind of plastic and/or loose a little of the dynamic or become less open.

    I was able to find a way around it by profiling my AX8 set super tight and then adding a Green Scream set to 25-35% mix with dist and level set to taste.

    Here is a cobbled together sample to give an idea:

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    I was curious if other users have felt this or if they had found ways to overcome it?

  • Lately I have been using the Mark V profile from ChopTones and with a set of EMG's its pretty tight. My second guitar has passive pickups (Pegasus/Sentient) and for it I add a compressor in slot A. and use a healthy dose of the squash with an extremely low attack. Those combinations work well. I do run Mesa cabs and power them with a Matrix power amp. So not using any cab on the profiles.

    “When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.”

  • Lately I have been using the Mark V profile from ChopTones and with a set of EMG's its pretty tight. My second guitar has passive pickups (Pegasus/Sentient) and for it I add a compressor in slot A. and use a healthy dose of the squash with an extremely low attack. Those combinations work well. I do run Mesa cabs and power them with a Matrix power amp. So not using any cab on the profiles.

    Are you using a boost with the profile?